Sunday, 24 September 2017

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Ubud ist ein Sternartikel. Es ist ein hochwertiger Artikel mit Karten, Fotos und großartigen Informationen. Ubud. Einer Stadt im Zentrum von Bali. Ist weit entfernt von der Strand-Party-Szene in Kuta. Und gilt als das kulturelle Zentrum von Bali. Es ist berühmt als Kunst - und Handwerksdrehkreuz, und ein Großteil der Stadt und der umliegenden Dörfer besteht aus Künstlerwerkstätten und Galerien. Es gibt einige bemerkenswerte architektonische und andere Sehenswürdigkeiten zu finden, und ein allgemeines Gefühl von Wohlbefinden genossen werden, alle durch den Geist, die Umgebung und das Klima des Ortes. Verstehen Bearbeiten Puri Saren Agung (Wasser-Palast) im zentralen Ubud Ubud wird ausgesprochen oobood als auf die gleiche Weise wie die oo klingt im Guten. Auch wenn Sie falsch den Namen, die Einheimischen arent wahrscheinlich etwas mehr als Kitzeln zu tun. Wie sie sagen, seng ken-ken - Balinesen für keine Sorgen. Während Ubud scheint Außenstehende wie eine kleine Stadt, es ist in der Tat vierzehn Dörfer, jeder von seinem eigenen banjar (Dorfkomitee) laufen. Ubud ist schnell gewachsen, und einige zentrale Teile knarren unter der Belastung der Bewältigung der Zahl der Besucher. Das heißt, die meisten Entwicklungen sind sympathisch für den Zeitgeist, wenn nicht speziell im lokalen Stil gestaltet. Das Wachstum geht weiter, aber es gibt immer noch terrassenförmig angelegte Reisfelder entlang der Flüsse, und abseits des Stadtzentrums verläuft das regelmäßige, ruhige Dorfleben relativ ungestört. Central Ubud ist stark kommerziell und teems mit Touristen. Geschichte Bearbeiten In vielerlei Hinsicht ist die Geschichte der Ubud-Region (nicht so sehr die moderne Stadt) die Geschichte von Bali selbst. Ubud hat eine bekannte Geschichte im 8. Jahrhundert, als der javanische Hindu-Priester Rsi Marhandya aus Java nach Bali kam und meditierte am Zusammenfluss der beiden Wos-Flüsse in Campuan, westlich des modernen Stadtzentrums. Ein Schrein wurde gegründet und später von Nirartha, dem javanischen Priester, der als der Begründer der Balis religiösen Praktiken und Rituale, wie wir sie heute kennen, erweitert. Zu dieser Zeit war das Gebiet ein Zentrum der natürlichen Medizin und Heilung, und das ist, wie der Name Ubud entstand: Ubad ist antiken Balinesen für die Medizin. Weitere Tempel und Klöster wurden in den nächsten 400 Jahrhunderten oder so gegründet. Die Tempelanlage in Gunung Kawi und die Höhlentempel in Goa Gajah (genau östlich und nordöstlich von Ubud) sind architektonische Überreste aus dieser Zeit. Viele der heute in Ubud geübten Tänze, Dramas und Rituale entstanden zu dieser Zeit. König Airlangga regierte alle Java und Bali in dieser Ära, und sein Regierungssitz befand sich im heutigen Dorf Batuan, gerade südöstlich von Ubud. Das javanische Majapahit-Königreich eroberte Bali im Jahre 1343, und der entscheidende Schlusssieg war gegen die Pejeng-Dynastie in Bedulu, gerade östlich von Ubud zentriert. Eine große Blüte der balinesischen Kultur folgte, und die Abstammung von Ubuds aktuellen Tag aristokratischen Familien zurück zu dieser Zeit zurückverfolgt werden kann. Im sechzehnten Jahrhundert gab es eine totale Transplantation des Majapahit-Königreichs nach Bali, als die Islamisierung von Java sie nach Osten zwang. Power-Flip-floppte zwischen verschiedenen Dynastien und Feudalherren, aber die Ubud Bereich blieb ein sehr wichtiges Zahnrad in den verschiedenen Behörden, die die Insel regiert. Goa Gajah stammt aus dem 9. Jahrhundert Affen im Affenwald Im Jahr 1900 wurde Ubud ein niederländisches Protektorat auf eigenen Wunsch, und die Kolonialmänner störten wenig, so dass die traditionellen Künste und Kultur des Gebietes relativ unverändert bleiben. Die moderne Ära von Ubud begann vielleicht in den dreißiger Jahren, als ausländische Künstler von der königlichen Familie ermutigt wurden, Präsenz in der Stadt aufzunehmen. Von ihrer Ubud-Basis aus machten Walter Spies und Rudolph Bonnet einen Beitrag zur Förderung des Verständnisses der balinesischen Kunst und Kultur weltweit. Von den 1960er Jahren an begannen Reisende in ernsthafte, meist unerschrockene Typen zu kommen, da die Infrastruktur noch sehr begrenzt war. Seitdem hat Ubud rapildy in ein hochkarätiges, erstklassiges internationales Bestimmungsort entwickelt, während es noch seine Unversehrtheit als das Zentrum der balinesischen Kunst und Kultur beibehält. Orientierung Bearbeiten Orientieren Sie sich in Ubud ist ziemlich einfach. Die Stadt erstreckt sich über mehrere Kilometer in alle Richtungen, wobei alle kleinen Dörfer im Umkreis von fünf Kilometern des zentralen Marktes locker als Ubud bezeichnet werden. Wenn Sie einen vernünftigen zentralen Platz zu bleiben, ist es einfach genug, um zu Fuß zu bekommen. Central Ubud hat drei Hauptstraßen: Jl Raya Ubud, Jl Monkey Forest und Jl Hanoman. An der Kreuzung von Jl Raya und Jl Monkey Forest befinden sich der Ubud-Markt, der Ubud-Palast und die Haupt-Bemo-Haltestelle 8212 nicht überraschend, es gibt auch hier einen nahezu ständigen Stau. Jl Affe Wald, der südlich durch die Stadt zum Affenwald läuft, ist ein bebautes Gebiet und beheimatet eine breite Palette an Unterkünften, Kunstgalerien und Cafes, sowie eine Reihe von lokalen Dienstleistungen wie Schulen, ein Sportplatz , Apotheken und Reisebüros. Jl Hanoman, der parallel zum Jl Monkey Forest nur im Osten verläuft, ist etwas ruhiger und macht ein angenehmeres Gehen, aber trotzdem extrem touristisch. Unmittelbar westlich und nordwestlich liegen die Dörfer Campuan (Tjampuhan, Campuhan) und Kedewatan. Die Heimat einiger der gehobensten Hotels in ganz Asien, mit Blick auf Täler von den Ayung und Wos Flüsse gemeißelt. Direkt in den Süden, vorbei an dem Affenwald und noch innerhalb von zwanzig Minuten zu Fuß vom zentralen Markt, ist Padang Tegal, die dann in die südlichen Dörfer von Nyuh Kuning und Pengosekan läuft. Etwa 3 km vom Zentrum von Ubud entfernt. Direkt im Osten liegt das Dorf Peliatan. Und dann Teges und Bedulu. Heimat des neunten Jahrhunderts Goa Gajah (Elephant Cave). Klima Bearbeiten Wegen seiner Erhebung auf 200m über dem Meeresspiegel, genießt Ubud kühlere Temperaturen als die Küste, und es ist manchmal notwendig, einen Pullover für den Abend zu bringen. Die Mittagssonne kann immer noch versengen und die Luftfeuchtigkeit oft unerbittlich, eine mörderische Kombination für Tempel tramping, die in hügeligen Ubud, in der Regel erfordert Klettern auf und ab Treppen. (Kopf weg, um die Hitze und die Menschenmengen zu schlagen.) Wenn es eine Zeit zu vermeiden, wäre es die Tiefen der Regenzeit im Januar und Februar, wenn es in Ubud regnet, es wirklich regnet. Holen Sie sich in Edit Karte der Ubud Bereich Von bemo (minivans) Bearbeiten Es gibt regelmäßige öffentliche bemos von Denpasars Batubulan Terminal nach Ubud, die Rp1608.000 (aber laufende Ausländer Rate ist Rp16050.000) kosten, und dauert etwa eine Stunde. Die meisten bemos laufen in den frühen Morgen, und Sie werden keine finden, nach 16:00 Uhr. In umgekehrter Richtung fahren bemos jeden Morgen vom zentralen Markt (nördlicher Eingang) in Ubud ab. Ausländer werden wahrscheinlich viel mehr gefragt (Schnäppchen) oder sogar das gesamte Fahrzeug chartern - theres wirklich keine Notwendigkeit, da sie Passagiere auf dem Weg abholen werden. Um nach Batubulan von Süd-Bali zu gelangen, musste man zuvor schon 1-2 Anschlüsse in Denpasar haben. Nun, mit Trans Sarbagita (siehe die wichtigsten Bali Artikel für Details) Regierungsbus-Service, kann dieser Weg weit bequemer (klimatisierter Bus) und sogar billiger (Rp1603.500) für diejenigen, die von Nusa Dua, Kuta, Sanur, Flughafen oder alle Orte zwischen. Mit dem Taxi Edit Wenn Sie ein Taxi nach Ubud von South Bali nehmen möchten. Ist es am besten, das Fahrzeug für eine Rückreise chartern, sonst werden Sie mit einer 30 Gebühr für Ausgehen der Stadt getroffen werden. Metered Tarife, One-Way und ohne Aufpreis, sind rund Rp 150.000 aus Denpasar und Rp 200.000 aus Kuta. Von UberGrab Edit Uber ist verfügbar im südlichen Bali. Und es gibt auch Malaysia basierte Uber wie Transport genannt Grab, die App kann in Ihrem Smartphone heruntergeladen werden. Die Verfügbarkeit ist mehr als Uber. Von Legian nach Ubud kostet Sie nur Rp 135.000. Es ist ein Festpreis. Stellen Sie einfach die Abholung und das Ziel, wird der Preis in der App angezeigt werden und Sie zahlen den Fahrer mit Bargeld, wenn Sie ankamen oder Kreditkarte-Option zur Verfügung steht. Allerdings ist etwa fünfmal weniger als die laufenden Rate, lokales Taxi-Kartell stark gegen diese Dienste und Fahrer können Touristen in Ubud ablehnen, um Konfrontation zu vermeiden. Mit dem Bus Derzeit gibt es keine öffentlichen Bus-Service nach Ubud (es gibt bemos aber, siehe oben), aber Touristenbus-Dienste sind reichlich vorhanden. Perama bietet tägliche direkte Transfers nach Ubud vom Ngurah Rai International Airport. Sanur Lovina. Kuta Bedugul. Candidasa. Und Padang Bai. Diese sind bequem und preiswert zB viermal pro Tag vom Flughafen für Rp 50.000. Eher weniger bequem liegt das Perama-Terminal nicht im Zentrum von Ubud, sondern etwa 2 km südlich in Padang Tegal, auf Jl Hanoman südlich der Kreuzung mit Jl Monkey Forest. Sie können die offizielle Tourist-Information (mitten in der Stadt, auf der großen Kreuzung gegenüber dem Markt auf der Monkey Forest RoadJalan Raya Road) und kaufen Sie Ihr Ticket dort (offizielle Steckdose, gleichen Preis) und Perama wird Sie dort abholen , Um auf die Perama Bus Hub außerhalb der Stadt zu übertragen. Während nur ein paar Jahren waren Perama Busse gut gepflegt, klimatisiert, nett und in der Regel ihren Preis wert, derzeit (wahrscheinlich aufgrund ihrer übermäßigen Popularität unter den Touristen) kann es nicht wahr sein, und Sie können am Ende in einem alten , Heiß, im lokalen Stil Bus, nicht bequemer als eine regelmäßige bemo, sondern für den Doppel-oder Dreibettzimmer-Preis - der einzige Vorteil ist ein Non-Stop-Service. Als solches, das Ticket im Voraus zu buchen und zu zahlen, ohne zu überprüfen, in Person, welche Art von Bus, die sie bieten, kann unklug sein. Mit dem Shuttlebus Bus Shuttle Bus ist eigentlich VanMPVs (6 bis 10 Sitze), die von privaten Reiseveranstaltern durchgeführt werden. Sie können entweder einen Shuttle-Bus-Service über Ihre Hotelhomestay mieten (Preis wird etwas höher sein, um 10-15) oder direkt nach Gedong Sari oder Perama. Wenn Sie von zweias ein Paar reisen, werden Sie mit anderen Fahrgästen zu teilen. Wenn Sie mit einer Gruppe von mindestens 4, 6, 8 Person reisen, sind Sie ermutigen, eine private VanMPVs mieten oder mieten Sie ein Auto (VanMPV) Service, der mehr kosten weniger als einen Shuttlebusservice mieten. Seien Sie vorsichtig mit dem Nachmittags-Shuttle zum Flughafen, da der Verkehr so ​​gestaut wird, kann es bis zu zwei Stunden dauern, bis alle Fahrgäste in Ubud plus weitere zwei bis drei Stunden zum Flughafen über Kuta, um einige Passagiere fallen zu nehmen. Hier sind die neuesten Updates (Stand Juli 2013) für Shuttle Bus FaresSchedule von Ubud. Gedong Sari Preis ab Juli 2013 (IDR10,000 ca. 1 USD) (09.00AM, 12.30PM, 15.00PM, 18.00PM) Bei Gastfamilie Bearbeiten Wenn Sie bei einer Gastfamilie eine Reservierung haben und der Besitzer ein Fahrzeug hat, bieten wir Ihnen an Holen Sie Sie am Flughafen für Rp 250.000. Prüfen Sie, wenn Sie Ihre Reservierung vornehmen. Sie warten auf Sie vor der Ankunftshalle mit Ihrem Namen auf einem Schild. Eine bequeme Wahl besonders wenn Sie in der Nacht ankommen, wie sie Sie direkt zur Gastfamilie nehmen. Self-Drive Edit Fahren in Bali ist eine billige, Spaß und relativ sichere Erfahrung. Trotz der offensichtlichen Wahnsinn, sind Autofahrer im Allgemeinen tolerant und wird nachgeben. Halten Sie Ihre Augen für die grünen Straßenschilder spärlich auf der Straße entlang geschält. Denken Sie daran, dass Ubud in der Gianyar Regentschaft ist, also keine Panik, auch wenn Verkehrszeichen nur Gianyar angeben, da Etiketten dazu neigen, inkonsistent zu sein. Im Zweifelsfall immer geradeaus. Wenn ernsthaft im Zweifel, hop off und fragen Sie die Einheimischen. Ubud Wenn Sie kein Bahasa oder Permissi, bagaimana ke Ubud sprechen (Entschuldigen Sie, wie man nach Ubud geht) und sie werden froh sein, Sie in die richtige Richtung zu bewegen. Budget 50 mehr Zeit, als was Google Map zitiert für immer verloren und fragen nach Wegbeschreibungen. Holen Sie sich um Edit Central Ubud kann zu Fuß abgedeckt werden, aber Sie benötigen irgendeine Form von Transport, um die erweiterte Nähe zu erkunden. Der Verkehrsaufkommen ist in Zentral-Ubud depressiv hoch - die schmalen Straßen und Einbahn-Systeme bedeuten, dass heute zentralen Ubud ist so laut und verschmutzt wie seine südlichen touristischen Nachbarn. Darüber hinaus sind die Gehwege oft durch Motorräder blockiert, oder ein kollabierter Abschnitt erfordert einen Schritt aus dem Bürgersteig potenziell Platzierung Sie in den Pfad des Verkehrs. Dieser Verkehr könnte ein Dreirad oder ein Lastwagen sein, so halten Sie Ihren Verstand über Sie. Central Ubud ist mit Verkehr und Menschen verstopft, vor allem an den Nachmittagen, wenn Busse bringen Touristen von außerhalb Ubud. Seien Sie bereit für die Massen und die Hitze. Sehr wenige Geschäfte und Restaurants (auch die höheren Preisen) haben AC so gibt es nur wenige Orte, um schnelle Erleichterung zu bekommen. Dies kann als ein Schock für Besucher erwarten eine ruhige und ruhige kulturelle Zentrum. Das EPL-Phänomen Schuld Elizabeth Gilbert. Diejenigen von euch, die es geschafft haben, es durch den tückischen meistverkauften Roman Eat, Pray, Love zu schaffen, könnten eine Ahnung davon haben, was kommt. Ubud kennzeichnet ganz stark in unseren Heldinnen nach Erfüllung, und die Knock-on-Wirkung in der Stadt war riesig. Akolyten haben zu Ubud geschwärmt, nach (und manchmal findenden) Plätzen und Leuten zu suchen, die in dem Buch verwiesen werden. Der ökonomische Nutzen des Romanes zum Gebiet ratted eine ganz andere Kerbe Mitte 2009, als der gleichnamige Film in und um Ubud, Julia Roberts und alle gedreht wurde. Nur bewusst sein, dass Ubud nicht unbedingt ein Heilmittel für jede Mid-Life-Krise garantieren kann. Durch bemo Bearbeiten Bemos ply die Hauptverkehrslinien in und um Ubud, und der Hauptstop und Sammlungspunkt ist Ubud Markt an der Verzweigung von Jl Monkey Wald und Jl Raya Ubud. Die meisten bemos stoppen, am späten Nachmittag zu laufen, und sind immer häufiger am Morgen. Taxi ist eine Seltenheit in Ubud. Es gibt eine Taxi-Genossenschaft (d. H. Mafia), die sicherstellt, daß das Transportangebot eingeschränkt ist und die Preise hoch bleiben. BlueBird Taxis funktionieren nicht in Ubud (dh sie müssen von Denpasar aus versenden). Während dies bedeutet, dass die Einnahmen höher sind für Taxifahrer (oder zumindest die Besitzer der Fahrzeuge) bedeutet dies auch, wenn Sie bleiben weg von Central Ubud, oder wollen Sehenswürdigkeiten vom Zentrum entfernt, müssen Sie einen Fahrer für mieten der Tag. Die Preise sind etwa x2 bis x3 das BlueBird-Äquivalent (so IDR70.000 für eine kurze Reise, IDR150.000 für eine 10km Fahrt zu einem Tempel, IDR400.000 für eine halbtägige Reise). Wenn Sie eine Einwegfahrt zu einem Tempel außerhalb Ubud nehmen, können Sie kämpfen, um ein Auto für die Rückfahrt zu finden. UberGrab wächst auf Bali aber leider nicht in Ubud. Die lokale Tourismusindustrie widersetzt sich stark diesen Dienstleistungen, die zu vernünftigen Preisen (erwarten drei bis fünf Mal weniger als durch Ihr Hotel und diejenigen, die Sie auf der Straße finden). Für Menschen mit Taxi-Zeichen, erwarten, einen Preis zu verhandeln, obwohl viele weniger als ein Drittel weniger. Mit dem lokalen Auto Edit Die meisten lokalen Transport kommt in Form von SUVs oder Minivans, die mit einem Fahrer für bestimmte Reisen gemietet werden können. Suchen Sie nach dem kreisförmigen gelben E-Logo auf der Windschutzscheibe, das sie als Mitglieder der Ubud Transport Association bescheinigt. Fahrer warten entlang der belebten Straßen halten TAXI Zeichen, rufen und bieten ihre Taxis, wie Sie zu Fuß durch. Sie können (und sollten) über den Preis feilschen und weniger zahlen als für die gleichwertige Reise in einem Taxameter. Eine kurze Fahrt sollte weniger als Rp 20.000, und Fahrer werden froh, für Sie für einen Rückflug warten. Wenn Sie nicht brauchen eine Fahrt, eine höfliche nein oder ignorieren ihre Aufforderung ist ausreichend. Im Allgemeinen sind sie nicht persistent, wenn Sie nicht reagieren. Auch gibt es Jungs auf Motorrädern, die bieten auch Fahrradtouren (Ojek) und sind etwa die Hälfte des Preises für diejenigen in einem Auto. Durch Hotelauto bearbeiten Viele Hotels sind außerhalb der Stadt, und sind glücklich, regelmäßige, kostenlose Rückgabe-und Abholservice zu zentralen Ubud bieten. Erwarten Sie, höher zu zahlen als Taxi-Preise, wenn Sie beabsichtigen, weiter zu gehen. Mit dem Motorrad Edit Wie auch anderswo in Bali, Motorrad-Verleih ist weithin verfügbar, und Sie werden nicht zu kurz an Optionen. Erwarten Sie, um zwischen Rp 40,000 und 80,000 pro Tag für ein spätes vorbildliches Motorrad in gutem Zustand zu zahlen. Suchen Sie nach Agenturen auf allen Hauptstraßen, oder bitten Sie Ihr Hotel, für Sie zu organisieren. Navigation kann verwirrend sein, da Beschilderung begrenzt ist und alle Straßen so ziemlich gleich aussehen, aber nehmen Sie es einfach und stoppen Sie, um nach Richtungen zu fragen, wenn (wenn) Sie verloren gehen. Mit dem Fahrrad Bearbeiten Sie können Fahrräder für etwa RP 20.000-30.000 pro Tag mieten. Es gibt eine große Auswahl an der Ecke des Fußballplatzes auf Jl Monkey Forest. Vorsicht aber: Ubud ist sehr hügelig, so kann Radfahren hart sein, verschwitzte Arbeit. Der Verkehr auf den Hauptverkehrsstraßen ist schwer und die Fahrer achten selten auf Radfahrer. Ubud ist so voll mit Attraktionen kann es fast wie ein visueller Angriff manchmal scheinen. Versuchen Sie sicherzustellen, dass Sie mindestens eine Woche für Ihren Besuch hier zuzuteilen, und nehmen Sie sich Zeit, um richtig zu erkunden. Besucher, die in Ubud für nur zwei oder drei Tage ihres Bali Urlaub springen, stehen kaum Chancen zu verstehen viel von dem, was um sie herum. Die wichtigsten historischen Stätten befinden sich außerhalb der Stadt, einige bis zu 20 km entfernt, und Sie könnten es sich lohnen, eine Tour zu besuchen, um diese zu besuchen. Wenn Sie Attraktionen wie Goa Gajah, Gunung Kawi, Pura Kehen und Tirta Empul unter Ihrem eigenen Dampf zu besuchen, versuchen Sie einen erfahrenen Führer, wenn Sie dort zu finden. Während Sie sicherlich die Schönheit dieser Orte zu schätzen wissen, kann ihre kulturelle und spirituelle Bedeutung ohne einen Führer verloren gehen. Bamboo Forest Trek Powered by Bali Grace Radfahren Bamboo Forest Radfahren (Ubud Adventures), 6282237804939 (ubudadventuresgmail), 1. Machen Sie eine Radtour durch den Bambuswald, Kaffeeplantage, besuchen Sie traditionelle Penglipuran Dörfer, Frühstück Übersehen batur Berg und See und Mittagessen im Restaurant in der Mitte der Reisfelder. Diese Strecke ist leicht zu überschreiten. USD 48person. 160dit Rafting und Bambuswaldtour (Ubud Abenteuer), Jalan Raya Ubud. (Ubudadventuresgmail), 2. Wir bieten Ihnen eine exzellente Kombinationsreise, um Ihren begrenzten Urlaub in Bali zu erkunden. Die Tour wird die berühmten touristischen Ziele in Bali erkunden, wie zB: Ayung River Rafting, Kaffee luwak Plantage, Bambuswald und penglipuran Dörfer. Es ist die Kombination zwischen Sport, Natur, Kultur und Landschaft. Sehr komplette Tour für Sie lieben echten natürlichen Bali. Erwachsene USD 60, Kinder USD 30. 160dit Downhill Bike Tours. Jl Raya Ir. Soekarno. 6281 558 418 737 (reservationbalitraveldeal), 3. Ihre Führer führen Sie in einem gemächlichen Tempo entlang der ruhigen, weniger befahrenen Straßen und meist bergab durch die traditionellen Dörfer und abwechslungsreiche Landschaften von Bali, besuchen lokale Handwerker bei ihrer Arbeit, lokale Schule und typisch Balinese Häuser. Seine gute Weise, die balinesische Landschaft zu erforschen. IDR500,000adult alles inklusive. 160dit Pura Puseh Batuan Tempel. Jalan Batuan Dörfer (Süd-Ubud (5 km)). Das bemerkenswerteste Wahrzeichen ist der Dorf-Tempel, bekannt als Pura Puseh, eine alte Struktur aus dem 11. Jahrhundert, verziert mit komplizierten Steinmetzarbeiten. Sein im nördlichen Teil des Dorfs, 200m (620160ft) weg von der Hauptstraße. Der Tempel hat auch eine Inschrift, die zum Datum der Gründung von Batuan in 1022160AD bezeugt. Der Tempel wurde im Jahre 1992 restauriert. Es ist ein fünfstöckiger Gateway-Turm, der eindeutig von der indischen religiösen Architektur geprägt ist. Seine Ikonen und Dekorationen sind jedoch typisch balinesischen Stil. Bemerkenswerte Darstellungen schließen einen Bhoma Kopf mit Blick auf das Hauptgateway ein. Eintrittskarten160: IDR10,000. 160dit Campuhan Ridge Walk (Campuhan), Jl. TripAdvisor bietet unvoreingenommene Bewertungen, Artikel, Empfehlungen und Meinungen zum Raya Campuhan in Ubud. (Ubudvacationgmail), 4. Campuhan Ridge Walk ist der beste Ort für Sie die Trekking-Aktivität zu erleben. Seine mehr als nur Wanderweg, durch seinen Weg begleiten Sie zu Ubud in erstaunlichen natürlichen Seite zu erkunden. Sie werden eine friedliche Atmosphäre fühlen Sie Ihren Geist nach dem Betreten dieser Kante fühlen. Sie können sagen, dieser Ort ist wie der Himmel der Schönheit mit voller romantischer Eindruck in jeder einzelnen Ansicht. USD 45person. (Ayung Fluss), Jalan Raya Ubud (5 km von der zentralen Ubud), (UbudRiverRaftinggmail), 5. ayung Fluss sehr beliebt für Rafting Abenteuer, weil Fluss haben eine gute Aussicht mit jedem Haltestelle finden Sie Reliefs in den Stein und Wasserfall geschnitzt, empfiehlt Besuch am Morgen. USD 35 Person. 160dit Tempel und historische Stätten Bearbeiten Goa Gajah (Elefantenhöhle), Jalan Goa Gajah. Täglich 08: 00-18: 00 Uhr. Das Herzstück hier ist eine Höhle aus dem neunten Jahrhundert, deren Eingang ein kunstvoll geschnitzter Dämonenmund ist. Im Inneren sind einige fragmentarische lingam und yoni Statuen, sowie eine Statue von Ganesha. Große, geschnitzte Wächter stehen um Pools in der Nähe des Eingangs, und ein kleiner Pfad führt zu einem Wasserfall, Reisfelder und einige buddhistische Stupa-Fragmente. Einige Teile des Goa Gajah-Komplexes wurden erst in den 1950er Jahren ausgegraben. Dieser Anblick ist ziemlich enttäuschend im Vergleich zu anderen Sehenswürdigkeiten rund um Ubud. IDR15,000, einschließlich sarong Miete, also kaufen nicht einen Sarong, weil sein enthalten. 160dit Gunung Kawi, Tampaksiring Pura Gunung Kawi (Dichter Bergtempel), in der Nähe von Jl. Bayu Berata und Jl. Berkudara, Tampaksiring (18 km nordöstlich von Ubud). Täglich 07: 00-17: 00 Uhr. Aus dem 11. Jahrhundert wird angenommen, dass dies der Begräbniskomplex von König Anak Wungsu und seinen vielen Frauen ist. Erreicht durch Klettern 371 Schritte, die Lage an der Unterseite eines steilen Tal mit Reisfeldern gesäumt, ist ziemlich atemberaubend. Sein nicht einfaches, alle jene Schritte zu besteigen aber, eine von Balis älteste und größte alte Denkmäler in diesem üppigen grünen Flusstal zu sehen ist wert es. Der kleinere Komplex auf der Südseite des Flusses wird vermutlich für die Könige Frauen gebaut, während der größere Komplex vermutlich die Residenz des Königs selbst und vielleicht seine Konkubinen gewesen sein soll. Die Strukturen sind in die Seiten eines steilen Flusses Tal geschnitzt, und der Fluss durch verdrehende Bäume und Reben gekreuzt. Sie müssen Ihre Schuhe ausziehen, bevor Sie in die zentrale Pura-Komplex. Etwa 1 km stromabwärts befinden sich weitere Grabkreuze. Auf dem Weg zurück, machen Sie eine Pause im Cafe Kawi, die kalte Getränke für IDR10.000 und höher hat. Wenn Sie für ein Taxi von Ubud feilschen, sollte es nicht mehr als IDR150.000 kosten, um dort und zurück, mit dem Fahrer warten auf Sie, während Sie den Besuch machen. Organisierte Tagesausflüge zum Batur Vulkan gehören in der Regel auch diesen Ort. Motorradparkplatz ist IDR2,000, aber kann vermieden werden, wenn Sie über Jl. YudistiraJl. Drupadi dann auf Jl. Bayu Brata und Park direkt vor dem Eingangstor. IDR15.000 einschließlich Sarong und Flügel mieten. 160dit Heiße Quellen am Tirta Empul, Tampaksiring Pura Kehen (Kehen Tempel), Jl Sriwijaya, Bangli (nördlich von Bangli Stadtmitte, die selbst ungefähr 30 Minuten nordöstlich von Ubud ist). Täglich 08: 00-17: 00 Uhr. Einer der schönsten Tempel in ganz Bali, und da es etwas abseits der ausgetretenen Pfade, eine, die relativ wenig Besucher erhält. Der Tempel wurde im Jahre 1206 gegründet und hat eine besonders beeindruckende 11-tiered meru im Innenhof. Wenn Sie hier besuchen Sie ein wenig mehr Zeit, um sich um Bangli. Es ist eine ruhige und attraktive Marktgemeinde. Ticket beinhaltet Sarongsash Vermietung. IDR30,000. 160dit Puri Saren Agung (Königspalast, Wasserpalast), (über Jl Raya Ubud vom Ubud Markt), 6. Täglich 09: 00-17: 00. Dies war der Palast der Könige von Ubud bis in die 1940er Jahre, und einige königliche Nachkommen leben dort bis heute. Teile des Komplexes sind off-Grenzen für die Öffentlichkeit, aber der Eintritt in den Rest ist kostenlos, und dies ist Ubuds beste Einstellung für Tanzaufführungen (siehe Do). 160dit Tirta Empul. Tampaksiring (20 km nordöstlich von Ubud). Täglich 08: 00-18: 00 Uhr. Einer der heiligsten Tempel in Bali um heiße Quellen, die noch blubbern im zentralen Innenhof gebaut. Die Balinesen kommen hier, um sich körperlich und geistig zu baden und zu reinigen, und während des Galungan werden hier die heiligen Barongmasken gebadet. Nehmen Sie extra Kleidung, wenn Sie mit Einheimischen baden wollen. Wasser aus dem Frühjahr ist sauber und glaubte, magische Kräfte haben. Der Komplex datiert bis 960, aber die gegenwärtigen Gebäude sind größtenteils moderne Rekonstruktionen. Sie können einen Sarongsash für IDR10.000 mieten, die in das Wasser gehen können. (Die Sarongsash-Vermietung von der Haustür kann nicht nass zurückgegeben werden.) Locker mieten, um Ihre Sachen zu speichern, während Sie für IDR10.000 baden. IDR15.000, einschließlich Sarong und Schuppenverleih. 160dit Yeh Pulu. Banjar Batulumbang, Bedulu nr Gianyar (abbiegen Sie die Ubud zu Gianyar Hauptstraße etwa 400m östlich des Eingangs des Goa Gajah Komplexes. Fahren Sie durch Banjar Batulumbang, bis die Straße zu Ende geht, von hier zu Fuß die Strecke), 7. Täglich 07: 00-18: 00 Uhr. Dieser Komplex von Felszeichnungen ist in der Nähe von Goa Gajah aber weit weniger bekannt. Die Schnitzereien stammen aus dem vierzehnten oder fünfzehnten Jahrhundert und befinden sich in einem sehr attraktiven Reisfeld. Sie erreichen Yeh Pulu zu Fuß durch die Reisfelder von Goa Gajah, aber Sie müssen unbedingt einen Führer für die 45 Minuten zu Fuß, da es keinen Weg zu sprechen. Alternativ können Sie nur auf den Straßen der Stadt zu Fuß (es gibt Zeiten, wo es keinen Bürgersteig zu sprechen) oder fahren Sie auf der Geraden Stadt Route. Zusätzlich zu den Schnitzereien (25m in der Länge) gibt es einen heiligen Brunnen hier, und der begleitende Priester wird glücklich sein, Sie mit dem Brunnenwasser zu segnen. Temple Dress-Code gilt. Dies ist eine viel unterschätzte und unter-besuchte Website, und ist sehr zu empfehlen. IDR15,000. 160dit Kapelle der Muttergöttin, Rajarajeshwari Tripurasundari. J L. Sri Wedari Km 3 (3 km nördlich von der Hauptstraße Ubud), 62 818 701658 (ubudanandashram. asia), 8. Eine moderne Kapelle, die dem weiblichen Aspekt des Göttlichen gewidmet ist. Wie Kuan Shih Yin, Maria Magdalena, Mutter Maria, Lakshmi, Durga, Kali, Saraswati, Gayatri und andere. Kostenlos, aber Spenden werden akzeptiert. 160edit Museen und Galerien Edit Setiadarma Haus der Masken und Puppen. J L. Tegal Bingin (Mas, Ubud). 62: 361,977404 (setiadarmabaliyahoo. co. id), 9. 08: 00-16: 00. Ein Ort für die Erhaltung, das Studium und die Darstellung von Masken und Puppen aus Indonesien und anderen Ländern. Ungefähr 1.300 Stücke von Indonesien, von Afrika, von Japan, von Mexiko, von China, von Korea, von Kambodscha, von Thailand, von Malaysia, von Indien, von Laos und von vielen ausgezeichneten Wert und gelegen auf ruhigem Gelände. Ein wenig schwierig zu finden und eine kleine Reise außerhalb von Ubud richtig, aber es lohnt sich. Spende bitte. 160dit Agung Rai Kunstmuseum (ARMA), Jl Pengosekan. 62 361 975742 (infoarmamuseum), 10. 09: 00-18: 00. Es werden Werke von bekannten balinesischen Künstlern und internationalen Künstlern wie Walter Spies, Adrian Jean Le Mayeur, Rudolph Bonnet und Arie Smit gezeigt. Das einzige Gemälde auf Bali des renommierten javanischen Künstlers Radan Saleh ist hier ausgestellt. Sie betreiben auch Workshops für dreizehn verschiedene Aspekte der balinesischen Kunst und Kultur. Cafe mit Tee und Kaffee. Der Preis beinhaltet Tee oder Kaffee (heiß oder kalt). IDR60,000. 160dit Bali Zentrum für künstlerische Kreativität (BCAC), Jl Raya Andong. 62 81 246 527 362. 11. M-Sa 09: 00-17: 00. Diese Galerie bietet eine Reihe von Kunst von Bruce Sherratt und verschiedenen lokalen indonesischen Künstlern und bietet eine Vielzahl von Kunstunterricht. 160dit Blanco Renaissance-Museum. Jl Raya Campuhan. 62 361 975502. 12. Täglich 09: 00-17: 00 Uhr. Bevor er 1999 starb, war der spanische Künstler Antonio Blanco eine absolute Vorliebe für die Kunstszene von Ubud. Sein ehemaliges Heim ist heute ein Museum, das seine manchmal bizarre, aber immer interessante Arbeit zeigt. Denken Sie Salvador Dali nach Asien transplantiert. Im Garten können Sie Bilder der exotischen Vögel herumfliegen. Eintrittspreis nicht korrekt zum Zeitpunkt der Aktualisierung auf ihrer Website. Bestätigt 80.000. IDR80,000 inländisch IDR30,000. 160dit Museum Puri Lukisan (Museum der Schönen Künste), Jl Raya Ubud (auf der Hauptstraße gerade westlich des Marktes), (infompl-ubud), 13. Täglich 08: 00-16: 00. Als es 1954 eröffnete, war dies das erste private Museum in Bali. Drei Gebäude präsentieren traditionelle und moderne balinesische Kunst. Die Displays sind ein wenig muffig und englische Beschriftung ist fleckig, aber einige der Werke, vor allem die Schnitzereien, sind erstaunlich. Exponate der bekannten Künstler I Gusti Nyoman Lempad und Rudolph Bonnet. IDR60,000. 160dit Museum Rudana. Jl Cok Rai Pudak 44 (auf dem Weg nach Mas, ca. 10 Autominuten südlich des Stadtzentrums von Ubud), 62 361 975779 (rudanasenatorrudana), 14. M-Sa 09: 00-17: 00, So 12: 00-17: 00. Eine breite Palette von balinesischen Gemälde ist hier ausgestellt, sowohl traditionelle als auch moderne. Geleitet von seinem Besitzer, Künstler Nyoman Rudana, die oft präsent ist. IDR100,000 inländisch IDR50,000, unter 12y ist frei. 160dit Kunstmuseum Neka. Jl Raya Sanggingan, Kedewatan. 62 361 975074 (infomuseumneka), 15. M-Sa 09: 00-17: 00, So 12: 00-17: 00. Dieses Museum beherbergt vielleicht die bedeutendste Kunstsammlung in ganz Bali. Sechs Pavillons beherbergen die verschiedenen Sammlungen, die gewidmete Räume für Künstler Arie Smit und I Gusti Nyoman Lempad einschließen. IDR50,000. 160dit Seniwati Galerie für Kunst von Frauen. Jl Sriwedari 2B. 62 361 975485. 16. Tu-Su 09: 00-17: 00. Diese Galerie zeigt Kunst nur von Frauen Seni ist indonesisch für Kunst und Wati bedeutet Frauen. 160dit Landscape Edit Reisfelder in der Nähe von Ubud Die Gegend um Ubud ist von sanften Reisfeldern geprägt. Und diese erzeugen einen Eindruck von Grünheit, die ganz erschreckend schön sein kann. Dies gilt besonders für den Süden und Südosten der Stadt. Jeder Besucher, der aus dem Süden kommt, wird dies zu schätzen wissen und es ist einen Halt wert, nur um die sanfte Schönheit von allem zu absorbieren. Nördlich von Ubud Stadtzentrum beginnt das Land hügeliger zu werden, und dies ist ein guter Ort, um die klassischen Reisterrassen von Balis zu sehen. Das Dorf von Tegallalang ist sehr viel eine touristische Falle, aber es lohnt sich, die Horden der Trinket-Hausierer, um die atemberaubenden Terrassen dort zu sehen. Von der Stadtmitte nehmen Sie Jl Raya so weit nach Osten, wie Sie gehen können, und dann nach Norden und weiter ca. 9 km, bis Sie Tegallalang erreichen. Suchen Sie nach der Ansichtskarte Reisterrassen auf der rechten Seite. Für diejenigen, die nach Norden zu den Kintamani Bereich, ist dies auf der Strecke und macht für einen einfachen Halt. Eine kleine Gebühr wird den Autos eingegeben, zumindest für Touristen in Mietwagen. Weit mehr weg vom geschlagenen Weg ist, die Reisfelder sofort nördlich der Stadt zu erforschen. Ein guter Weg ist, Jl Raya östlich von der Innenstadt zu nehmen und nach Norden auf die kleine Straße direkt neben dem BCA Bank Gebäude. Fahren Sie diese Straße durch das Dorf Kutuh und einfach weiter, drehen, wo Sie Lust dazu haben. Dies ist eine sehr sanfte, ländliche Gegend mit einigen schönen Landschaft. Eine gute Möglichkeit, mit dem Fahrrad zu erkunden, da es keine steilen Hügel gibt, um hier zu verhandeln. Ein weiterer sehr kurzer Spaziergang durch die Reisfelder beginnt als schmaler Pfad auf der rechten Seite des Puri Lukisan Museums und endet als Jalan Kajeng Straße bringt Sie zurück nach Ubud Zentrum. Typische Ubud Flusslandschaft Auf der gegenüberliegenden Seite der Stadt in der Campuhaun. Sanggingan. Und Kedewatan-Gebiete verändert sich die Landschaft dramatisch, da die Ayung - und Wos-Flüsse aus der Kalksteinlandschaft große Schluchten geformt haben. Es ist keine Überraschung, dass so viele Fünf-Sterne-Hotels haben ihre Heimat in diesen üppigen, dramatischen Tälern. Chancen für die Betrachtung dieser Schluchten sind viele. Sie können nur Ihre eigenen Weg finden und mit dem Motorrad zu erkunden (es ist sehr harte Arbeit mit dem Fahrrad, da die Hügel steil sind). Gehen Sie westlich der Stadt über die Campuhan-Brücke und beginnen Sie einfach mit der Erkundung. The main road here is Jl Raya Sanggingan, and if you continue heading away from town you will reach the junction with Jl Raya Kedewatan. From that point you can turn in either direction and just keep exploring. Alternatively, you can stop into a hotel or restaurant, have a drink or lunch, and gaze out in very civilised surroundings. If your pockets are deep, the restaurant at the Four Seasons in Sayan probably has the best views of all of the Ayung Gorge. A more budget conscious option is the lovely Indus restaurant in Sanginngan, with tables facing out to the Wos River. Others Edit Campuhan Treck For Hiking And Trekking Campuhan ridge walk ( Ubud Hiking And Trekking ), Jl raya campuhan. (ubudvacationgmail ), 17. Morning 08.00 am - afternoon 14.00 Pm. This Campuhan ridge walk is the best place for you to experience the trekking activity. Its more than only hiking trail, through its path will accompany you to explore Ubud in amazing natural side. You will feel a peaceful atmosphere attack your mind after entering this ridge. You may say this place is like the heaven of beauty with full of romantic impression in every single view. Adults US40, children US25. 160edit Bali Bird Park. Jl Serma Cok Ngurah Gambir, Singapadu. 62 361 299352 (salesbali-bird-park ), 18. 9:30AM-5:30PM daily. A splendid 2-hectare aviary park with more than 250 species of birds in well thought out, attractive enclosures. The park has an enlightened, modern attitude to exhibiting animals, and this is obvious from the very open, walk-in aviaries, and the number of free range birds throughout the park. Also has a notably good cafe. One of Balis best formal attractions. Adults US23.5, children US10. 160edit Botanic Garden. Kutuh Kaja ( on the road to Kutuh Kaja village which runs north from Jl Raya Ubud close to BCA Bank ), 19. 8AM-6PM daily. The owner has since passed away and the gardens are highly unkept. Not recommended based upon original reviews and description of what these gardens once were. Rp 50,000. 160edit Monkey Forest. Jl Monkey Forest, Ubud. 62 361 971304 (infomonkeyforestubud ), 20. A sacred forest full of ravenous monkeys, so dont bring any food or you will risk bites and a need for rabies injections. If you are bitten, visit the first aid clinic near the entrance at the bottom of Jalan Monkey Forest. Stroll through to find Pura Dalem Agung Padangtegal, a temple of the dead. A visit to the very informative website beforehand is highly recommended. Entrance 40,000 Rp for adults. Be wary around the monkeys that occupy the Monkey Forest. They are experts at stealing possessions like glasses, cameras and even handbags, and have been known to attack people carrying food. Bali is currently battling a rabies outbreak, and the likelihood is that these monkeys could carry the disease. No matter how cute they look, feeding them is just asking for trouble. They can often be seen meticulously grooming each other. The young monkeys are extremely cute and playful. Some may tug on your shirt, or even climb on your shoulders or head. Be very, very cautious of the larger, male males as they can be aggressive. Do not stare or make eye contact with them or reach out to them as they may take it as a challenge. 160edit The White Herons of Petulu. Petulu. Every evening between 15,000 and 20,000 cattle egrets, known colloquially as white herons and in Balinese, kokokan, roost in the village of Petulu just ten minutes north of Ubud. It is quite a spectacle as these large, elegant white and rusty orange birds arrive in countless groups and tussle for the prime roosting spots. Each morning at dawn they leave en-masse to find feeding spots around the island. Some also breed in the area and nests can be seen in the roadside trees. The cattle egrets are joined by smaller numbers of little egrets and Javan pond herons. According to local legend, the egrets first appeared here in such large numbers after one of the worst massacres of suspected communists during the troubles of 1965. This led local villagers to believe that these birds are the souls of the slaughtered, and ceremonies to that effect are still held today. The village of Petulu is reached by heading east from Ubud town centre on Jl Raya Ubud until you meet the obvious junction with Jl Raya Andong. Turn left, and go up the hill for about 2 km until you see the sign posted left turning on Jalan Kintamani to Petulu village. Go into the village and then past the ticket point. After about 500 meters you can watch the birds from community hall building on your left, currently in renovation (Aug 2014). For June, July and August, get there by 5:30PM. 20,000 per adult. ( -8.491582. 115.274594 ) 160edit Puram Dalem dance performance As a centre of the arts, Ubud has over 65 different gamelan, dance and shadow puppet performances every week, in various venues, or about 8 or more every single night of the week. If you are in Bali during any of the Hindu cycles where gamelan and dancing is planned, the best way to see it is in an actual temple ceremony. Ask your accommodation or the Ubud Tourist Info office or your driver to find out if any are happening when you are in Bali. There are also plenty of spas for resynchronising your chakras, and all manner of spiritual classes and treatments, some distinctly less genuine than others. Art courses Edit Bali Center for Artistic Creativity (BCAC) ( Andong ), Jl Raya Andong, Ubud. 62 81246527362 (brcerobertyahoo ), 21. Art studio and gallery offering art classes from beginners to teachers, and internationally accredited courses run by Bruce Sherratt. 160edit Gaya Ceramic and Design. (infogayaceramic ), 22. Ceramic art studio offering gallery, exhibitions and workshops. 160edit Pondok Pekak Library and Learning Center. (0361) 976194 (librarypondokyahoo ), 23. Not-for-profit library and learning center offering morning or afternoon classes in silver making, wood carving, fruit carving, Balinese dancing, gamelan playing, and so on. Book borrowing memberships available or books for sale, free wifi for all visitors, Bahasa Indonesia language classes in the upstairs terrace. 160edit Five Art Studio Keliki Ubud. 6287861984083 (fiveartbaliyahoo ), 24. Art studio and gallery offering classes in Keliki traditional painting class, silver, wood carving, fruit carving, Balinese dancing, egg painting. 160edit Cooking classes Edit Canting Bali Cooking Class. Laplapan Village, Ubud, Gianyar, Bali. 62 87 860 103676 (cantingbalicookingyahoo ), 25. Bali Cooking Class with Canting Bali, Beautiful Balinese Home Cooking Class in near Ubud, Discover the secrets of Balinese food. Free shuttle service for Ubud area. 160edit The Lesung Bali. Jalan Melayang, Ubud, Bali. 62 81 558 662252 (lesungbalicookinggmail ), 26. Traditional Balinese cooking class and so much more. Offers additional optional tours of market, rice paddies, and coffee plantation. As well as learning how to cook a variety of dishes, you also get an intro on Balinese culture and a tour of a Balinese compound and family temple. All ingredients are grown in their own sustainable organic garden. Free shuttle pickup from Ubud area. Adult Rp. 350,000person. Kids under 12 Rp. 250,000person. 160edit Payuk Bali Home Cooking Class. Banjar Laplapan Ubud Bali. 62 361 8987854 (infopayukbali ), 27. Traditional Balinese cooking such sate lilit, Balinese salad, and nasi kuning. ( -8.50357. 115.277567 ) 160edit Paon Bali Cooking Class. Laplapan Village. 62 813 37939095. 28. Traditional Balinese cooking class in the home of a very hospitable family. They offer a pick-up in Ubud. 160edit Periuk Bali Cooking Class. Jl Raya Laplapan, Laplapan Ubud. 6281338792368. 29. 08.30am - 3.30pm. Learn the secrets of Balinese cuisine hands-On at Periuk Bali Cooking Class Ubud. IDR 350000. ( -8.504417. 115.278000 ) 160edit Pissari Bali Cafe. Jl Monkey Forest, Ubud. 62 361 970743. 30. 09.00-13.00. Traditional Balinese cooking class. Uses all natural and organic ingredients. Really interesting and fun experience. The chef running the class is very experienced and knowledgable. 160edit Ubad Ubud Bali Cooking Class. Jl Ki Pasung Grigis. 085935387998 (infoubadubudbali ), 31. Discover a fascinating introduction in to the exotic ingredients and unique culinary heritage of Bali. ( -8.528660. 115.286027 ) 160edit Laddu Kitchen Cooking Class ( Cooking Class ), Jl Raya Kedewatan Banjar Tanggayuda, Ubud, Bali. 62 361 971 999 (reservationashokatreeresort. fax. 62 361 970 999 ). make your holiday very impressive and memorable. with cooking class program how to learn Balinese food is open in nature with green rice terraces and tropical trees ( -8.528660. 115.286027 ) 160edit Cultural performances Edit Legong dance performance Dance performances are held almost nightly at Ubud Palace and Pura Taman Saraswati (Ubud Water Palace) which has an open-air stage surrounded by water with beautiful backdrop. Barong Dance. Batubulan ( about fifteen minutes south of Ubud on the main road to Sanur ). A Barong dance performance takes place here every day at 9:30AM, lasting about an hour. It is very much a performance for tourists, and the story is of the never ending battle between good and evil. There is actually not much dancing and a lot of talking in this performance. While buying a ticket, you will get a description of the forthcoming performance. Rp 80,000. 160edit Pura Dalem. Jl Raya Ubud. 62361970508. 32. One of the best kecak performances in Ubud, every Wednesday and Saturday evening at 7:30pm-9:00pm. Staged in beautiful surroundings outside under the banyan trees, and followed by a fire dance. Excellent ambiance and the fire dance at the end is impressive. However, parts of the performance can get repetitive. Rp 75,000. 160edit Puri Saren amp Puri Saraswati ( just east of Jl Monkey Forest ), Jl Raya Ubud. 33. Smack dab in the centre of town, dance performances are staged here almost nightly. Rp 80000. 160edit Tek Tok Dance. Tek Tok Dance is a traditional Balineese dance that is accompanied by musical sound of mouth Tek Tok altogether with various combinations of body movement and other sounds. Tek Tok Dance gives a moral message which when a woman who embodies the values of patience, sacrifice, compassion, devotion, and a holy sincerity is not respected, then disasters and calamities will befall a kingdom or state. This story also gives the message that truth, virtue, devotion and genuine compassion will always be protected by God. Tek Tok Dance performance held regularly in Bali Culture Center (BCC) Ubud, Bali four times a week. 160edit SenS Spa. 1 Jalan Sukma (junction of Jalan Sukma and Jalan Raya Ubud) (goo. glmapsGPCsKnuRZD52). 62 361 849 3328 (reservations. ubudsenshotelsresorts ). 09:00-23:59. SenS Spa is a calm retreat inside the SenS Hotel amp Spa, featuring 1 couples treatment suite, 2 single suites and 3 foot reflexology stations. Youll emerge radiant, relaxed and refreshed. SenS Spa is open till midnight the perfect, soothing end to a day of work or play. Bali Healing. Location 1 Hanoman 43, Padang Tegal. Location 2 is Ubud Raya across from Casa Luna. 62 891936048846 62 361 279 7658. 34. 10:00-21:00. Even for the experienced massage consumer, this six bed massage centre is an experience not to be missed. The 1 hr Balinese massage is about 80,000 Rp. Magic warm stone massage for 120,000 Rp. Several other deep tissue and reflexology treatments are available 160edit Bodyworks Healing Centre. Jl Hanoman 25. 62 361 975720. 35. 10:00-21:00. Ubud Bodyworks Healing Centre was founded by Ketut Arsana 25 years ago, and it is still his family home. The 1st such establishment in Ubud, and was a place where Balinese people would come for healing long before the tourist hordes arrived. There is a definite emphasis on the spiritual elements of healing. 160edit Pertenin Body Care. Jl Jatayu. 62 361 972834. 36. 10:00-21:00. Facial treatments and massage in a relaxing, modern environment. Customer may select the oils and herbs for any treatment. From Rp 85,000, free pick-up. 160edit SANg Spa. Jl Jembawan 29B ( at the bend in the southern part of Jl Jembawan, walk down a small side street ), 62 361 8631816. 37. 09:00-21:00. Small full-service day spa, owned and run by a young couple named Ngurah and Asti. Simple, secluded, clean and nicely decorated. Very professional staff. From Rp 90,000. 160edit Spa Hati. Jl Raya Andong 14, Peliatan. 62 361 974 672 (spahatibalihati. org ), 38. Prices start at Rp 110,000. The grounds are lovely and there is a pool and jacuzzi. This spa is a non for profit organisation which uses its income for charity programs. They offer pick up from your hotel. 160edit Tamarind Spa at Murnis Houses. Jl Raya, Ubud, up the slope opposite Pura Dalem. 62 361 970 923 (murnimurnis ), 39. 10:00-21:00. The grounds and waterfalls are lovely. They offer Balinese, Relaxing, Swedish, Aromatherapy, Hot Stone, 4-handed and Deep Tissue massages, reflexology, body scrubs, flower baths, facials, manicures, and pedicures. There are various packages, massages for children and massage training. They offer pick up from your hotel. It is one of the top attractions in Ubud on Trip Advisor 160edit Ubud Sari Health Resort. Jl Kajeng 35 ( a 10 minute walk northwards up Jl Kajeng from the centre of Ubud ), 62 361 974393. 40. 10:00-21:00. Emphasis on Balinese-style healing therapy. Offers alternative health care, a day spa, beauty salon, health massage, vegetarian restaurant and yoga. From USD15. 160edit Verona spa. Jl Monkey Forest ( at the end of the alley by Yulia Hotel ), 62 361 970975. 41. 09:00-21:00. Private individual or coupled rooms that open onto a rice terrace. 4 hour package called the Verona Spa Experience has a massage, body scrub, flower bath, facial, manicure, pedicure, and hair crme bath (not to be missed if you like having your head massaged). Cost is Rp 445,000. 160edit Whitewater rafting and other outdoor activities Edit ATV adventure in Ubud Powered By Ubud Vacation Ayung River Rafting powered By Ubud Adventures Canyoning in Gitgit, Bali, Indonesia There is good rafting available on the Ayung River at Sayan, just west of Ubud. Almost as good as the rafting itself is the wonderful experience of being right down inside the Ayung gorge. This is the domain of high-end resorts like the Four Seasons and Amandari, and it is a very scenic area indeed. The rapids are Class II and Class III, and best during the rainy season as the river can run a bit dry from June to September. There are two well established operators, both with offices on the main road in Sayan, close to Amandari, however other operators have sprung up recently as well. Cycle tours are an increasingly widespread and popular option. ATV Ride Bali ( Explore Bali With ATV ), Jl. baypass ide bagus mantra. (ubudvacationgmail ), 42. come explore real bali on a thrilling ATV adventure in the middle of impressive ricefields terrace, challenging riverbed, and fantastic black sandy beach. Single160: US 99pax, Tandem US 129. 160edit White Water Rafting ( Ayung River ), Jl. Raya Ir. Soekarno. 6281558418737 (reservationbalitraveldeal ), 43. Led by their friendly guides at a leisurely place, you will paddle through breathtaking waterfalls for unparalleled fun on the river. Tasty Indoneian food will be served for your lunch in their natural river side caf at the end of the trip. Unforgettable and great fun on rafting trip. IDR. 450.000adult all inclusive. 160edit Ayung River Rafting ( Ubud Adventures ), jalan labuan sait. (ubudadventuresgmail ), 44. rafting tour in bali is a tour that we have prepared for those who love adventure, with beautiful across the ayung river the rushing water but still safe to pass through, ayung river very popular for rafting adventures because river have a good view with every stop point you find reliefs carved into the stone and small waterfall. USD 40. 160edit Canyoning. J L. Raya Mas No. 62A. 62361 971 288 - 6285 333 88 55 98 (canyonadventureandspirit ), 45. canyoning is an ultimate outdoor adventure and sport using a variety of techniques that may include walking, abseiling, jumping, sliding down natural slopes and swimming in white water for aquatic canyons. And of course discover beautiful and hidden place at the heart of Balinese nature If you want to go in non commercial area and feel adventure, do not hesitate. 160edit Half Day Bike Tours. J L. Raya Ir. Soekarno. 62361 7462290 (balibintangtourgmail ), 46. Their guides will lead the way for a gentle climb down to a river bed, passing village women as they go about their typical day, watching a farmer as he climbs a coconut tree, and having a well earned drink of young coconut juice than walking through the timeless village of Pejeng (East Ubud). IDR. 400.000adult all inclusive. 160edit Bali Budaya Eco Tours. Jl Raya Pengosekan. 62 361 975557 (baliecocyclinggmail ), 47. The original cycling tour. Free pickup from hotel, breakfast with a view of Mount Batur, visit to coffee plantation, downhill cycling through rice paddies and villages, visit to Balinese family compound, optional flatuphill cycling and a generous buffet lunch. Two guides per group, bikes in good condition, helmets, water also included. Also do volcano climbs, jungle treks etc. Rp 560,000person all inclusive. 160edit Bali Bike Adventures. Laplapan Village. 62 361 9234 627 (infobalibikeadventures. fax. 62 361 898 7934 ), 48. Includes return hotel transfer, mountain bike with safety helmet, breakfast, towel and mineral water, all entrance fees, professional guide, buffet lunch, insurance covered for each participant. Rp 650,000person all inclusive. 160edit Bali Hai Adventures Specialist. Jl Raya Astina Timur, Gianyar. 62 85 739 303 982 (balicountrysidegmail ), 49. This full day cycling tour will take you far away from the regular tourist itinerary and off the beaten track deep into rural Bali where you will be able to witness firsthand the daily life of the Balinese people, their local customs and rituals as well as their age-old traditions. Includes private AC van (min 2 pax booking), mountain bike and safety helmet, breakfast and lunch, fruit and mineral water on tour, entrance fees and personal insurance coverage (from the age of 5 to 65 years). Rp 500,000person. 160edit Yoga and meditation Edit Spacious Yoga - Ashtanga Yoga. at Seeds of Life Raw Food Cafe, Jl. Goutama, Ubud ( near the top of Jl. Goutama above Seeds of Life Cafe ), 082237805643 (iaingrysakgmail ), 50. 7-10 AM Sun - Fri. An Ashtanga Yoga shala offering morning Mysore style practice 6 days per week and occasional workshops and intensives. Drop-in, weekly and monthly rates available. 160edit Radiantly Alive Yoga Studio. J L. Jembawan 3, Padang Tegal Kaja ( Next to post office and almost across from Bali Buddha ), 62 0361 978 055 (yogaradiantlyalive ). 7AM-7PM. Beautiful large and centrally located studio with a diverse range of yoga classes from Ashtanga, vinyasa, Iyengar, hatha, dance, kirtan and more. They also host special interest workshops and yoga teacher trainings. From about Rp 100,000. ( -8.509671. 115.266881 ) 160edit Taman Hati Yoga and Meditation Center. Banjar Nyuh Kuning. 62 361 974739 (tamanhati2000yahoo ). This centre was founded in 2000 by two local men, both from families containing many generations of Hindu priests. Set up for both complete beginners, and those already experienced but wishing to broaden their horizons. Every Wednesday at 7:30PM, there is a free class entitled World Peace Meditation. From about Rp 90,000. 160edit Ubud Yoga Centre. Jl Raya Sanggingan ( almost opposite Neka Museum ), 62 361 970460 (juliebaliyogahealing ), 51. Expat-run centre offers everything from single attendance classes up to residential yoga instructor training courses. From Rp 90,000 per session. Good value ten class pass for Rp 550,000. 160edit The Yoga Barn. Jl Hanoman, Pengosekan. 62 361 970992 (infotheyogabarn ), 52. Range of classes and an excellent set of teachers mostly in the AshtangaVinnyasa school. Upper studio has great views of the surrounding rice terraces. Residential packages, multiple day classes and simple single entry classes. If you are a teacher, they offer the possibility of renting the centre to host your classes. From about Rp 100,000. 160edit Movement Matters Bali Pilates. J L. Nyuh Bulan, No.5, Nyuh Kuning ( One street over from Yayasan Bumu Sehat Natural Birthing Center ), 62 822 6608 6611 (MovementMattersBaligmail ), 53. 7AM-9PM. State-of-the-art Pilates and Gyrotonic studio with imported equipment from USA and Canada. Ubuds first and only fully equipped studio also featuring an onsite certified Rolfer. Private and semi-private sessions, group classes at a custom-built beautiful studio in Ubuds famous village, Nyuh Kuning. From Rp 80,000. 160edit Anand AshramUbud. J L. Sriwedari Km 3. 62 818 701658 (ubudanandashram. asia ), 54. Non-profit institution offering yoga, meditation, satsang, kirtan, bed and breakfast. Visiting teachers and students are welcome to use the space for their programs and stay on donation basis. 160edit Blooming Lotus Yoga. at Lodtunduh, Ubud ( Ubud Corner 88, Br. Mawang Kaja No. 88, Desa Lodtunduh, Ubud ), 62 361 4792881 (adminblooming-lotus-yoga ), 55. Yoga and meditation retreats offered. 4 day, 7 day, and 11 day yoga retreats available. 160edit Inside Ubud Market Ubud has a vast assortment of art and jewelry shops. Head for the boutique type stores on Jl Monkey Forest and Jl Raya Ubud for higher quality goods (with appropriately higher prices), or down to the market for bulk-produced cheapies. Mas Carving Center ( carving of wood sculptures ), jalan mas, batubulan. 56. 08.00 am - 17.00 Pm. Mas Village Wood Carving is art with a focus on carving of wood sculptures. It is situated in Ubud District and Gianyar Regency has a distinctive style in the art carving of wood sculptures that promotes characteristic synergy of humanism and naturalism. The fame of this village as a village of art has been recognized nationally and internationally which can not be separated from the greatness name of some maestros who born, growth and find their identities and spirit of art in Mas Village 160edit Celuk Village ( handicraft center of gold and silver jewelry ), jalan raya sukawati celuk. 57. 08.00 am - 17.00 pm. Celuk Village is formerly as a traditional Balinese village located in the entrance gate of Gianyar Regency ad has changed into a tourist attraction with its trademark in the form of gold and silver. The village located in Sukawati District, Gianyar Regency has the uniqueness and excellent in production of gold and silver handicrafts. 160edit Ubud Market Edit Located at the corner of Jl Monkey Forest and Jl Raya Ubud, this is a double storey warren of stalls bursting at the seams with wood carvings, batik shirts, sarongs, and all manner of other souvenirs aimed specifically at tourists. The merchants here haggle with tourists for a living, and think nothing of asking for ten times the going price, so try to establish a baseline before you go in to buy. Most of the merchants downstairs will lose interest if you try to get a reasonable price. It is better to try the shops upstairs where you will find the same products often for sale at lower prices. You will still need to use your best bargaining skills of course. Try to avoid the period from 11AM-2PM when tour buses from further afield tend to arrive en-masse. If hiring a car for a day, it might be worth it to make a stop in Tegallalang, where they are geared more towards wholesale buyers. The Sukawati Market is crowded and sells trinkets in bulk as well, but quality is dubious. Craft villages between Ubud and Sanur Edit The road to Ubud from Sanur in the south passes through a series of small towns and villages which specialize in the production of particular arts and crafts. The towns are BatubulanSingakerta for stone carvings, Celuk for silver jewellery, Batuan for paintings, and Mas for wood carvings. The whole area is sometimes referred to as the craft villages of Bali, although it is all a bit more built-up and congested than one might infer from the term village. This is the best area to see and buy a wide variety of Balinese craftwork in a short period of time. There are many large showrooms where arts and crafts in the Balinese style are offered for sale. Nearly all organised day-tours of central Bali stop at one or more of these showrooms (and the tour operators usually have a financial tie-up with the places where they stop, collecting a commission on purchases.) Be careful, many of these shops specialise in pricing based on huge commissions to the drivers and tour buses. Organic Farms between Ubud and Kintamani Edit The road between Ubud and Kintamani is swarming with (supposedly)organic farms that have a wide variety of fruits growing on site as well as a few caged luwaks to make luwak coffee. The are probably about 20-25 of these in total and all of them are exactly the same. A guide will show you around and then order a selection of (supposedly) home made coffee and tea. You are then invited to buy these products in their ridiculously overpriced shops. Everything is 4-6 times as much as it would be in a local market. Its impossible to produce all that coffee and all those products on site as they claim. The biggest rip off of them all are the supposed hand rolled cigars (5 for 200000). You can buy the exact same ones in town for about 35000 (for 10). Most of their products (especially coffee) is just repackaged. Other shops amp markets Edit Bali Etrade. Jalan Raya Demayu Batuh No. 99 ( Mambal to Ubud ), 8015532. 58. Bali handicraft manufacture and wholesale 160edit Bali Biru. Jalan Demayu Batuh ( Mambal to Ubud ), 9005145. 59. Bali handicraft wholesale 160edit Ganesha Bookstore. Jl Raya. (infoganeshabooksbali ), 60. 9AM-6PM daily. Second hand bookstore. Also has great range of new books about Bali and Indonesia. Been around since 1986 and now has a second branch in Seminyak. 160edit Pondok Pecak Library. Jl Monkey Forest ( on the opposite side of the football pitch from Jl Monkey Forest ), 62 361 976194. 9AM-5PM daily. This privately run community library often has decent fiction and other books for sale. By buying here you are supporting their mission to make free books available to Balinese schoolkids. When you visit, check to see if they have any cultural performances coming up. Also has a small cafe serving home-made snacks. 160edit Sukawati Art Market. Sukawati ( about twenty minutes south of Ubud on the main road to Sanur ). This huge market is like a one-stop centre for all the craft villages between Sanur and Ubud. Many souvenir shop owners from around Bali wholesale purchase their items here, and prices are considerably lower than in the tourist centers like Kuta, Sanur, and Ubud town centre. For a taste of everyday, go to the food and produce market opposite the art market. 160edit Threads of Life. Jl Kajeng 24. 62 361 972187 (tacthreadsoflife ), 61. 10AM-7PM daily. A fair trade store that stocks commercially made, traditional hand-woven textiles from Bali and all points east in Indonesia. Or better yet, go to the shops that are actually from the villages and outer islands like Timor and Flores, and specialize in traditional weavings. 160edit Ubud is renowned in Bali for its wide range of restaurants, and is probably second only to Seminyak in terms of the quality of the offerings. Travelers on a budget will not be short of options, as there are many simple warungs serving up the standard Indonesian staples. Budget Edit Babi Guling is a very popular dish for Balinese as well as tourists, and you can find it at most traditional markets and at roadside eateries as well. Ayus Warung. Jl Sugriwa ( around 100m down from Jl Raya ), 6285857454453. 9AM-10PM. Very friendly couple. Serve local Balinese food in a small warung on the street. Women likes to talk with you after finishing your diner. Like a typical warung, the portions are big and the prices are low. Serving breakfast and lunchdiner. Also cater for groups (book at least one day in advantage) and offers cooking classes for up to two people. 10,000- 35,000. 160edit Ayus Cafe. Jl Bisma ( around 20 m north of Jl Raya Ubud ). A simple local eatery serving Balinese and some western dishes. Run by a group of local women who are friendly and accommodating. Their local desserts are very tasty. Low prices and good fare. 160edit Bubu Warung. Jl Penestanan Kelod. (bubusannasariyahoo. co. id ), 62. 8AM-10PM daily. Healthy and delicious Balinese cuisine with plenty of choices on the menu. If you have any special requests, Ibu Made will be happy to cater for you. 160edit Dewa Warung. Jl Goutama. 63. 10AM-10PM daily. Dewas is one of the better cheap places to eat in town. Serves all the usual Balinese and Indonesian dishes. The most expensive item on the menu is Rp 30,000. All dishes are very big. Try the fresh mint-lime juice: Rp 9,000 and coconut pie. Add 10 service charge. ( -8.509495704856112. 115.26419878005981 ) 160edit Ibu Oka Warung Babi Guling. Jln Tegal Sari, Off Jalan Suweta ( around 200 m north of the Jl Raya Ubud-Jl Suweta-Monkey Forest Rd crossroads turn right into a side street and follow a small gang about 100 m ahead. There are lots of signs ). 11AM-3PM daily. A Bali culinary experience. The babi guling (spit-roasted pig) here is world-famous, and this once humble eating place is virtually a place of pilgrimage. The roast pork is served with rice and spiced veggies, order the special (Rp 55,000 as of Nov 2015) to get a bit of everything 8212 including offal and blood sausage. There are normal tables and chairs but you can also sit on the floor at low tables inside the bale (pavilion). The restaurant is most likely listed on guidebooks which led to a considerable descrease in quality and portion size, and a increase in price. Oka also has a branch in Mas 62 361 976345 on the main Teges-Sukawati road on the route between Ubud and the airport. Unlike the original, where comfort and appearance are not strong points, this outlet is a two-storey restaurant which is spotless, airy and comfortable. Add 10 servicetax charge. From Rp 45,000. 160edit Pizza Bagus. J L. Raya Pengosekan ( 500 m south of the Monkey Forest Rd. ), 62 361 978520. 64. 9AM-10:30PM. Provides fresh made to order pizzas, pasta and other Italian style meals. Italian gelato and a full deli are also available. Eat-in, take-out or delivery. Organic market held every Saturday morning. Games and TV are provided to entertain children. Free wifi. Main course from Rp 22,000-50,000. 160edit Sawah Indah Warung Ikan Bakar. J L. Raya Goa Gajah ( Peliatan ), 62 361 785 8080. 9AM-10PM. Lunch or dinner with a rice field view. Fish pond. Relaxing and good for a family or group. Rp 50,000. 160edit Sari Bamboo. Penestanan. 8AM-9PM daily. A tourist class warung, with food freshly cooked to order, set amid tropical gardens on the main road to Penestanan village. Mainly Indonesian food flavoured to suit the taste of western visitors. The warung and bungalows are easily distinguishable by the display of modern art works by the resident artist. No hard sell though, just good food in beautiful surroundings at good prices. Serves breakfast, lunch and dinner. Rp 15,000-25,000. 160edit Songs Oriental Kitchen. Jl Monkey Forest ( At end of small side street about mid of Jl Monkey Forrest - follow Medical Doctor sign next to Yulia Village Inn ). 8AM-10PM. Well hidden small lovely quiet location away from the busy main roads with excellent local food kitchen Rp25k and a huge offer of tasty fresh made and creative drinks including juice, lassie, smoothy and cocktails for Rp 10-15k. 160edit Umah Pizza. ( around 30 m north of Jl Raya Ubud ). Great little eatery with a wood fired oven at the back of the restaurant. Serves a variety of thin crust pizzas along with other western and basic Indonesian dishes. 160edit Warung Aja. Jl Monkey Forest ( about halfway down Jl Monkey Forest, the warung is set back away from the road, on the right side if heading south towards the Monkey Forest ), 62 361 973398. 9AM-10PM daily. Cosy and friendly, Warung Aja is run by a couple from Java and is a good place to sample Indonesian food from Java, such as nasi rawon . nasi kuning . and pecel . There are also the usual Balinese food items on the menu like sate lilit . Mains from Rp 20,000. 160edit Warung Igelanca ( Iggys ), Jl Raya Ubud. 62 815 8943251. 11AM-10PM daily. Cheap and cheerful Indonesian favorites like nasi campur . fried rice and noodles, plus (this being Ubud) a range of herbal drinks, such as Ginger Jive. 160edit Warung Lada. Jl Hanoman. 10AM-9PM daily. Choose from the various Indonesian side dishes (nasi campur-style) that are displayed behind the counter. You can pick as many dishes as you like as you pay for each serving. A full plate is around Rp 30,000 including a fresh fruit juice. Be on time for lunch because it is usually packed. 160edit Warung Garasi. Jl Monkey Forest ( on a side street left walking up Monkey Forest Road opposite Hotel INATA and next to a couple of massage places ). Very tasty nasi campur for 15,000 in a nice Vespa themed Warung that used to be a garage. 160edit CarameL Patisserie amp Cafe. J L. Hanoman no.4B, Ubud ( 30m from Ubud Raya at Jl. Hanoman on your left side ), 0361-970847 or 0812 33 688 168, more info. 65. 10am-9pm, closed on tuesday. A haven for desserts lover, specialized in selections of cakes amp macarons. 160edit Paulas Rice Terrace Cafe. Jl Suweta, Bentuyung, Ubud ( 2.7 km north of Ubud Center ), 087 862 474 824. 66. 7am - 8pm. Located at the most photographed location in picturesque Ubud, Bali. You are 12 meters above the rice terraces. you see the birds fly below you. The food is a mix of local Balinese and Western favorites. The drinks are designed to be a respite from the heat. think the Caribbean or Key West. ice cold beer, frozen drinks and a large Tapas menu. Parking available. 10-35k IDR. 160edit Lalapan DUbud. Jln. Raya Pengosakan ( Corner of Jln. Made Lebah, 500m South if turning for Monkey Sanctuary ), 6281999224061. Very clean and tidy warung serving delicious grilled chicken or fish with their special herbspice paste. Served with rice and fresh veg this is a great option for a quick delicious lunch. Must try when in Ubud. 10,000rp. 160edit Mid-range Edit Alchemy. Jl Penestanan. 62 361 971981 (helloalchemybali ), 67. 7AM-9PM daily. A 100 raw vegan cafe amp juice bar, organic health food store, and holistic clinic. Free Wifi Pricerange Rp 35,000-60,000. 160edit Batan Waru. Jl Dewi Sita. 62 361 977528. 68. 8AM-midnight daily. Long established Ubud institution. Excellent Balinese and other Indonesian food as well as western options, in a well designed space. Also serves top quality coffee, and has a dessert menu which includes an especially notable version of Balinese black rice pudding ( bubur injin ). Indoor and outdoor seating. Most mains Rp 40,000-60,000. 160edit Babyface Restaurant. Jl Monkey Forest. 62 361 976127. 69. 11AM-11PM daily. Simple 2 storey building with a wide choice of food with mains starting at Rp 30,000. This restaurant also has free wifi and lovely staff. The downstairs has a restaurant feel but upstairs is more of a lounge, where you can relax and use your laptop. While the wifi is free, if you need to use electricity, the first 20 mins free, then Rp 200 per min after that. 160edit Clear Cafe. 8 Jalan Hanoman. 62 361 8894437. 70. An organic cafe with a variety of vegetarian, vegan, and raw food-friendly selections. Free Wi-Fi. Try free samples from their bakery at the front of the restaurant Mains about Rp 25,000-70,000. 160edit Cafe des Artistes. ( Jl Bisma ), 62 361 972706. 71. 11AM-midnight daily. This Belgian-owned eatery serves Indonesian dishes as well as a vast array of international classics. Famous for their grilled tenderloin steaks. Extensive winelist, cocktails, Belgian beers and homemade desserts. Free wifi from 11AM-6PM. To make sure you get a table for dinner, call ahead. About Rp 50,000 per head. 160edit Casa Luna. Jl Raya Ubud. 62 361 973282. 72. 8AM-10PM daily. Large, long-established restaurant serving western and local dishes, and plenty that fall somewhere in between. Mains about Rp 55,000-90,000. 160edit China Moon. 8 Jl Monkey Forest ( at the corner of Jl Hanoman and Jl Monkey Forest ), 73. 7AM-2PM daily. While China Moon is not packed during lunch and dinner time, it does have some of the better Chinese cuisine available in Ubud. The owner of the restaurant comes from Taiwan and is really passionate about cooking and helping customers. Unsurprisingly, Taiwanese food is the big thing here, so you might want to try the mushroom pork soup or any other of stews and soups Taiwanese cuisine has to offer. They also serve food from other regions of China, as well as the typical Balinese dishes (or a fusion of both). De Ubud Villas amp Spa is from the same owner at the backside. Mains Rp 30,000-50,000. 160edit Mojos Flying Burritos. ( on the main road near Bank BCA ), 74. 10AM-10PM daily. Mexican restaurant serving burritos, nachos, and tacos all completely handmade including handrolled tortillas and corn chips. At night, a good joint to hang out with expats drinking fresh margaritas and sangria by the pitcher. Mains Rp 20,000-35,000. 160edit Murnis Warung. Jl Raya Campuan-Ubud ( at the Campuan Bridge ), 62 361 975233 (murnimurnis. fax. 62 361 972146 ), 75. 9AM-11PM daily. Excellent western and Balinese food in a stunning, gorge setting. Elegant lounge bar. Historic, being the 1st real restaurant in Ubud founded by Murni herself in 1974. Also a shop with interesting collectibles and the odd real antique. Mains Rp 20,000-70,000. 160edit Naughty Nuris Warung and Grill. Jl Raya Sangiggan ( opposite the Neka Art Museum half way up the hill heading north out of Ubud ), 62 361 977547. 10AM-11PM daily. Crowded roadside watering hole. Microbrews, great martinis and slabs of BBQ ribs. This is very much a standard stop for Korean or Japanese tour buses. Once a week they do amazing grilled tuna. Careful that the waitresses do not stick other peoples drinks on your bill. A few times a year they have parties where drinks are US10 for as much beer as you can handle, for example during USA elections and the Superbowl. Mains Rp 20,000-70,000. 160edit Nomad. Jl Raya Ubud 35. 62 361 977169. 76. 11AM-11PM daily. A long-standing institution that serves up a good selection of Balinese, Indonesian, and western dishes, but deservedly popular is their version of a tapas selection, consisting of bite-sized portions of local flavors. 12 pieces of tapas served with rice costs Rp 90,000 and feeds two. Also serves a wide range of cocktails and spirits. 160edit Taco Casa n Grill ( Mexican Restaurant ), Jl Raya Pengosekan ( next to Alanas California Dreaming ), 62 361 2123818 (infotacocasabali ), 77. 11AM-10PM daily. Open kitchen, simple and fresh tacos (soft and crispy), nachos, 8-layer burrito, fajitas, cheesy enchiladas, quesadillas and taco salad bowl. Fresh blended tropical fruit juices or lassies, milkshakes, freshly prepared lemonade, pure juices, mineral water, hot drink, margarita, mojito, sangria and soft drinks. Mains Rp 22,000-45,000. 160edit Tutmak. Jl Dewi Sita ( next to the football field ), 62 361 975754. 78. 8AM-11PM daily. A favorite with the expat crowd, Tutmak offers an international menu, but is especially famous for its superb coffee made from local arabica fresh roasted daily by the owners. Mains about Rp 25,000-50,000. 160edit Uma Resto. Jl Monkey Forest ( few metres from Sacred Monkey Forest ), 62 361 4792 766 (umarestoanumanaubud ), 79. 7:00am - 10:00pm daily. Provides an Asian (Balinese, Indonesian, Thai) and Western cuisine, and various of beverages cocktail, mocktail, coffee or tea. Free wifi. ( -8.518400. 115.262176 ) 160edit Havana. Jl Dewi Sita. Very tasty Cuban food. Excellent paella and chorizo meatballs. There is also a good Latino band which plays there most evenings accompanied by local salsa dancers. Overall good fun. 160edit Splurge Edit Many of the five star hotels in and around Ubud have top class restaurants, with the Four Seasons Resort and Maya Ubud being of special note. Bebek Bengil ( Dirty Duck Diner ), Jl Hanoman, Padang Tegal. 62 361 975489. 80. Daily 11:00-22:00. An interesting restaurant with paddy field views and nice gardens. Famous for their crispy fried duck and some European-based menu items. They have a good selection of cakes as well. Free Wi-Fi in the area closest to the street. About Rp 100,000 per head. 160edit Cascades Restaurant. Jl Lanyahan, Br Nagi. 62 361 972111 (resvcascadesbali. fax. 62 361 970777 ), 81. A fine dining restaurant with French inspired menus mixed with Asian influences. Good views and hushed atmosphere. Has a large wine list. 160edit Mozaic. Jl Raya Sanggingan. 62 361 975768. 82. 11AM-11PM daily. The brainchild of chef Chris Salans, this is one of the leading restaurants in the whole of Bali, and one which will please even the most jaded of foodies. Multi-award winning, including the coveted Les Grandes Tables du Monde award (the only restaurant in Bali ever to achieve that). Western prices, but worth it as a special treat. Try the degustation menu. 160edit Terazo. Jl Suweta ( just north of the junction with Jl Raya Ubud ), 62 361 977528. 83. 10AM-midnight. High quality fusion cuisine in a restaurant environment with a Mediterranean colonial feel. Notably excellent desserts. Owned and run by the same people as Batan Waru. Rp 100,000 per head. 160edit Drink Edit Beware of the local Luwak coffee, which has been linked to serious animal abuse as the demand for this coffee grows. Many spice gardens will keep the wild civet for displays - these animals are caught from the wild and kept in cages for the entertainment of tourists, usually under unacceptable conditions. Ubud is emphatically not a party town: there are a few places for a quiet drink, but the strictly enforced local regulation that all live performances and loud music must end by 10:30PM puts a bit of a clamp on the local nightlife. More often than not, visitors have a quiet drink with their evening meal, and call it a night. Arys Warung. Jl Raya Ubud 35 ( opposite Puri Saraswati ), 62 361 975959. 84. 10:30AM-10PM daily. Dont be fooled by the name, this is a stylish watering hole with a large bar downstairs, complete with sofas and cow-leather bar stools, and a rather less busy restaurant upstairs. Drinks are expensive but generously sized. 160edit Jazz Cafe. Jl Sukma No 2, Tebesaya. 62 361 976594. 85. Tu-Su 5PM-midnight. Jazz bar with live bands nightly, with a range of music - blues, funk and soul classics as well as the expected jazz. A limited food menu and a good selection of drinks. Recently installed sound-proofing and often seems to keep the music going late Drinks Rp 30,000 and up, Rp 85,000 for a cocktail. 160edit The Melting Pot Game Room and Pub. J L. Pengosekan ( across from The Pond restaurant and behind Delta Dewata ), 62 815 7689113. 11AM till last man out. Pool hall and games room with full bar. Every nation is represented with a flag and customers are encouraged to sign their countrys. Food, music, table tennis, darts, foosball, video games, pool tables and general atmosphere make it a place where locals, expats and tourists often congregate. 8 Ball tournament every Tuesday night and 10 ball tournament on Fridays are open to all. 160edit Rendezvousdoux. Jl Raya Ubud 14. 62 361 7470163. 10AM-11PM daily. On Thursday evenings there is often a jam session with local expat musos trying their hand at various forms of ethnic music. Otherwise it is a generally quiet cafe. 160edit Wapas Restaurant. J L. Sueta, Br. Bentuyung. 62 361 973178. It is very nice restaurant with rice field view, the restaurant special menu fried crispy duck. 160edit Kamasan Cafe. J L. Raya Sangingan ( Located behind Warung Pulau Kelapa restaurant ), (0361) 971872. Kamasan Cafe is providing authentic Indonesian cuisine especially from Java. Completed with coffee, mocktail amp cocktail. They are providing various specialty coffees from around Indonesia The coffee is fresh one and roasted by expert coffee master. 160edit Sleep Edit This guide uses the following price ranges for a standard double room: Ubud has a vast selection of lodging for all budgets. Many visitors prefer to stay out in nearby rural areas instead of in the town centre, ideally with views of the famous rice terraces, but this can make it a little difficult to get around. Jl Bisma and Jl Kejeng on the west side have numerous homestays but within walking distance of central Ubud. As in most of Bali, in all but the grandest of hotels, check-in and check-out times are a bit of a moveable feast. Its safe to assume about 14:00 and 11:00 respectively. Budget Edit Ubud has many homestays which are the cheapest form of lodging, a good way to meet the locals, and the natural replacement for hostels on the backpacker circuit. If you want to stay in town, the area around Jl Monkey Forest is generally the most expensive little more expensive (from Rp 80,000-100,000 per night). If you want cheaper prices try the areas around Jl Hanoman, north of Jl Raya Ubud and further out in Peliatan. In the low season especially, bargains can be had by those willing to bargain. Joker Hostel amp Guesthouse. Jalan Raya Pengosekan, Ubud ( next to Taco Casa and 2 mins walk from Perama bus office ), 62 83119691058 or 6282237839538. Family oriented hostel run by local Balinese. Free breakfast until 1pm (Balinese or Banana pancakeEggs), Strong Wifi, Good AC, Hot shower, Free coffee tea and water 247. Rooms are cleaned, beds are made everyday, dorms beds have privacy curtains and personal charging point. 24 hours reception, motorbike rental (Rp. 50,000 a day) and laundry available. They have many local tips and can make tour arrangement. Good location for good night sleep Rp 100,000 for AC dorms, Rp 300,000 for AC double bed room ensuite. 160edit Tudes Family Homestay. Jl Sugriwa, No 57, Gang Menda, Padang Tegal Kelod. 62 361 973511 or 081 338 227 008. This new guesthouse situated a few minutes walk from the city center is run by a welcoming and charming Balinese family. The two newly built guest rooms each have two comfortable twin beds, a private bathroom with shower (hot water), many windows, ceiling fan and a verandah for enjoying morning tea. These rooms are within the family compound, but have their own private entrances. A nice breakfast of fresh fruits, pancakes or omelettes is included in the price of the room. The owners are always available to offer help to their guests. They can arrange transports, excursions, spa treatments and anything else you need during your stay in Ubud. Putu, the owner, always have time to sit and discuss with his guests. The nicest smile in Ubud Free wifi available. Rp From 150,000 to 200,000. 160edit Amel Homestay. Jl Sugriwa, Padang Tegal. 62 361 970574 (melaniputri406yahoo. co. id ). This charming guesthouse situated a few minutes walk from the city center is run by a friendly family that is very aware of their guests well being. The four rooms are clean and welcoming, with hot or cold shower, all of them giving on the family temple. A healthy breakfast is also included in the price, with fresh fruits and pancakes or jaffles, and teacoffee is available at will. The place is quiet and inspiring, the hosts are always there to offer any kind of accomodation, including motorbike renting, taxi service and tours, or simply for talking. Free wifi available. Rp From 150,000 to 200,000. 160edit Dewi Antara Homestay. Jl Sugriwa, Padang Tegal. 62 361 976072 (dewiantara338yahoo ). A humble Balinese family homestay. Quiet and clean bungalows in a garden setting. The father participates in cultural activities (hes a dancer), so its fun to watch him in traditional dress. Mum prepares the breakfast of toast, fruit salad and coffee. From Rp 150,000. 160edit Dudek Homestay. Jl Nakula. Br. Kalah, Peliatan, Ubud, 80571. 62 361 908 0075 (dudekhomestayyahoo ). This quaint homestay is about a 25 minute walk from the main drag in Ubud. The double rooms come with AC, a comfortable bed and a hot shower with excellent pressure. Breakfast is included (banana pancakes or scrambled eggs depending on the day) and unlimited coffeetea. Dudek also has an art gallery on the premise which he incorporates into the place. They also rent motorbikes for Rp 50,000day. Rp From 200,000. 160edit Family Guest House. Jl Sukma 39, Tebesaya. 62 361 974054 (familyhousehotmail. co. id ), 86. Friendly Hindu family makes you feel right at home. Rooms are placed in a lovely compound and includes a good breakfast. Rp 200,000-250,000. 160edit Gandra Homestay. J L. Karna, No 8 ( see description ). Charming accommodation consisting of a few bungalows and rooms. Clean and well maintained. The bungalows (Rp 180,000) are very spacious with 2 double beds, fan, hot and cold water, lockable cabinets and a big porch with a table and some chairs. All this in a calm and green garden at a central location, within 2 minutes walk from Ubud Market. Complimentary tea is awaiting you on your porch when you get back every afternoon. The owner can arrange day trips and airport transfer at fair prices. Breakfast is included, with a choice of pancakes or jaffle, served with fresh fruit and tea. Free Wi-Fi. Directions: When walking up Jl. Monkey Forest, heading north (going away from Monkey Forest) you will see a supermarket on your right about 100 meters before the crossing with Jl. Raya Ubud. Just after passing the supermarket, you will see some signs for a few guesthouses if turning to the right into the narrow alley, including Gandra Homestay. Make your way into the alley. Follow the alley until it ends (about 100 meters), turn right, and Gandra Homestay is the first gate on your right. Double room with fan Rp 160,000. Bungalow with warm water and fan Rp 180,000. 160edit Gustis Garden Bungalows. 62 3618633610 (infogustigardenbungalows ), 87. Balinese style with 25m sq, private balcony, private bathroom, hot and cold water, king size bed, clothing cabinet, dressing table, ceiling fan, wash basin and standing shower and swimming pool. From about Rp 275,000. 160edit Jati Home Stay. Jl Hanoman, Padang Tegal. 62 361 977701. 88. Rooms using natural, traditional materials of bamboo, marble and thatched roofs. An atmosphere of art and culture, all members of Jatis family are traditional Balinese artists. Learn Balinese painting and watch a group of children practice Balinese dancing. From about Rp 100,000. 160edit Kari House. 51 JL Sugriwa, Padang Tegal ( One Block from Hanoman St, near Dewi Antara ), 6281934300910. Small family homestay in authentic Balinese courtyard setup wonderful family hosts who cook a nice local breakfast on a quiet side street close to central Ubud. Rooms with private bathroom with cold and hot shower, free Wi-Fi. From Rp 100,000 inc breakfast. 160edit Ketut and Geks House. Jl Raya Bono, Bona Kelod, Blahbatuh, Gianyar near surfer camp of Keramas Beach ( 13 km southeast of Ubud ), 62 361 945833, 6285 792 529 536 (ketutsurayahoo ), 89. Rooms with private bathroom with cold and hot shower, overlooking rice fields, free Wi-Fi. Also available house with two bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, balcony, for long term. From Rp 80,000 inc breakfast. 160edit There are lots of them in Ubud Made Arsa Homestay. Br. Tengah, Peliatan, Ubud ( Jl. Cok Gde Rai, near the intersection with Jl. Raya Teges, look for the signs opposite the Alfamart. ), 081999033998 (madearsaubudgmail ). Pleasant homestay within walking distance of central Ubud, but away from taxi drivers and hawkers, close to several local warungs. Free wifi, hot showers and clean rooms. Bapak, Ibu and the rest of the family are extremely hospitable and assist with anything under the sun. Popular with volunteers teaching English in Ubud. Double room Rp. 120.000, Triple room Rp. 150.000. 160edit Mawar Homestay. Jl. Raya Ubud. 62 361 975086 (mawarfamilygmail ), 90. in the heart of Ubud, 15 min walk from Monkey Forest and 5 min walk from Ubud Palace and Ubud Market. 10 rooms with ceiling fans available bathrooms have hotcold water. Free Wi-Fi and breakfast. From Rp 200,000. 160edit Melati Cottages. Jl Penestanan. 62 361 974650 (melaticottageshotmail ), 91. Traditional style rooms set around a cafe by a pool. You can walk in from north or south. From about Rp 220,000. 160edit Narasoma Homestay. Gang Beji off Jl Monkey Forest. 62 361 973404. 92. Down a little lane off busy Jl Monkey Forest. Family home with accommodation. Balinese compound setting with traditional carved buildings, surrounded by coconut palms. Top floor has views of the central mountains and Mount Agung. Clean and airy, and breakfast is included. Rp 200,000-250,000. 160edit Nirwa Ubud Homestay. Subak Sukawayah, Abangan (5min walk west on Jl Raya Ubud from central Ubud, turn right up a gravel road, 100m down a narrow path. Follow signs. ), 62 361 971863 (nirwa. homestaygmail ), 93. 2 bungalows, 2 1st floor rooms, 2 2nd floor rooms. Surrounded by rice fields on three sides but only the 1st floor rooms have views of the rice fields (best is Rm 1). Run by owner Made, wife Ayu and son Alit. Friendly and helpful. Always meets and greets you when you return. The walk in is a little long and it is not well lit at night so a flashlight is helpful. Quiet, peaceful location. Clean, hotcold showers, ceiling fan, good breakfast selections. Rates from USD 25night 160edit Nyoman Murjana Homestay. Jl Hanoman, Gang Anila No 7 ( down the alley opposite Jl Jembawan ), 62817351589 (nyomanmurjana2005yahoo ). checkout: 11AM. Clean, nicely furnished rooms in a traditional Balinese family compound. A breakfast is included with egg, toast, veggies, fresh fruit, coffee and tea, also has WiFi. The family can help with information about Ubud, motorbike rental and tours desk. Long stay also possible. Double with hot shower from Rp 200,000. 160edit Rumah Roda Homestay and Restaurant. ( Jl Kajeng 24 ), 62 361 975487. 94. Lovely family compound with rooms. The restaurant has a Sunday evening buffet. The book A Little Bit One OClock is about this place and family. About Rp 150,000. 160edit Shana Homestay. Jl Goutama No7, Padang Tegal ( very close to the traditional amp art market and Nomad restaurant ), 62 361 97481. 3 bungalows in garden setting, each with 2 beds, breakfast included. Rp 100,000. 160edit Ubud Sayan Studio. ( 4km down town center and Royal PalaceMonkey Forest Rd ), 95. checkin: 1:00pm checkout: 10:00am. Equipped with bathroom, shared kitchenette, covered garage - perfect for travelers and backpackers - you can save on eating out with the possibility of preparing simple meals (breakfast, oats, instant noodles) and keeping your food fresh (big fridge) for fruit and drinks -- Basic pots and pans are provided. From Rp 196,000. 160edit Warsas Guest House. Jl Jembawan No 70. 62 361 976109 (nyomansuarsagmail ). Newly built in 2014. The owner, a relaxed guy, welcomes you with a smile and the rooms are very bright - windows to 2 sides - and neat, good mattress. They have air-con rooms on the 1st floor and ceiling fan on the 2nd floor. Air-con room comes with hot water (unknown for the other rooms). Walking distance to the city centre is around 5 to 10 minutes. Very quiet at night. Small breakfast included. Rp 200,000 is for the air-con room. Also traditional Balinese rooms amp motorbike rental available. Free Wi-Fi. 160edit Yunis House. Karna Street 4 ( see in the description ). Great Family Homestay with Bungalowstyle rooms. You are right inside a family complex. Two Sons are artists and an amazong gallery there. Breakfast included. A bit hard to find: walk up Monkeyforest Rd (away from the Monkeyforest). About 100 meters before the crossing with Jl. Raya Ubud, there is a Supermarket on the right. Right after that is a very small alley on your right hand side, with a sign towards another hostel (Gandra homestay). Walk the road, and at the end turn left, youll see it from there. 150,000room. 160edit Mid-range Edit Sapulidi Resort and Spa. jalan raya pengosekan banjar, kelod mas, Ubud, Bali 80571 ( about 10 min walk to Monkey Forest ), 62(0361)977309 (tirthahotelsgmail ), 96. Sapulidi Resort has its own private lake, huge infinity pool, huge area of land with rice fields all over, many private pool villa, and MS Universe was even there. It is a very romantic, exclusive Villa Resort for very reasonable prices. From Rp 650,000. 160edit Kamandhani Cottage. J L. Premasanti 17, Pengosekan, Ubud, Bali 80571 ( about 20 min walk to Monkey Forest ), 62(0361)7814777 (infokamandhanicottageubud ), 97. city center is only 3 km away, has 12 guest rooms, outdoor pool, spa, massage, pool (kids), horse riding. From Rp 550,000. 160edit Anom Cottages. Jl Raya Sanggingan ( about 25 min walk south of the Monkey Forest Road-Jl Raya Ubud crossroads ), 62 361 8528521 (infoanomcottagesubud ), 98. Small bungalows with lovely views over the adjacent valley. 3min from the town centre. Recently re-furbished. From Rp 450,000. 160edit Dewa Bungalows. Jln Hanuman 48, Padangtegal. 62 361 970475. 99. Family compound close to the center of town which currently has 8 rooms but planning to double that soon. Family-run and gracious, it has nice little slate pool perfect for a dip in the heat of the day. Rp 400,000-550,000. 160edit Dewa Bharata Bungalows. Jln Panestanan ( Few metres from Blanco Museum ), 62 361 977086 (infodewabharataubud ), 100. Balinese styled accommodation, double bed, twin bed, public pool, direct IDD phone, TV, free Wi-Fi, airport transport, motorbike rental, breakfast, restaurant. Rp 270,000-450,000. ( -8.506103. 115.251873 ) 160edit De Munut Cottages ( Munut Bungalows ), Jln Panestanan ( adjacent of famous Blanco Museum ), 62 361 975039 (infodemunutresort ), 101. The Munut Cottages is a traditional Balinese Architecture with a spa, two swimming pools, internet services, free Wi-Fi, deluxe and super deluxe rooms. Fit for couples or families. ( -8.506011. 115.253359 ) 160edit Evita Villa. Lod Sema St, Lod Tunduh. 62 361 294 946 (infoevitavilla. fax. 62 361 294 823 ), 102. Queen beds, cable TV. telephone, safe, AC and private swimming pool. Living room, dining room, cycling tour with local guide and airport transfer. US130. 160edit Ganesha Ubud Inn. J L. Hanoman No.43 ( about 5 minutes walking distance to Monkey Forest Ubud, 15 Minutes to Ubud Center ), 62 361 970545 (infoganeshaubudinn ), 103. Wooden house, rice field view, garden view room, affordable double, tripple and room for family. From Rp 350,000. 160edit Mamas House Villa. Jl Jineng, Lodtunduh. (infomamashousebali ), 104. Spacious 2br, with 2 en suite baths, western kitchen, open floor plan with lush views in village setting. Local driverguide and airport transfer available. From US79. 160edit Murnis Houses. Jl Raya, Ubud. 62 361 975165 (murnimurnis. fax. 62 361 975282 ), 105. These six guest houses and spa are built in a traditional Balinese compound and you will enjoy peaceful seclusion thats just a three-minute walk to Ubuds main street. A New York Times travel writer called them one of the worlds ten best small hotels. 160edit Bali T House Village. Lodtunduh. 62 812 3932000. 106. 1, 2 and 3 bedroom private villas in a traditional rice farming and carving village 5 min from central Ubud. Daily maid and breakfast service included. Shared pool with rice-field views. This is an environmentally friendly and ecologically sustainable compound and part of a Balinese village. Rp 500,000-600,000, including breakfast. 160edit Jiwa Damai Bali Retreat. Jl Melati 3, Mambal ( about 15 minutes with car from central Ubud ), 62 361 8988384 (infojiwadamai. net ), 107. Organic (permaculture) garden and retreat centre in small village close to Ubud. 6 modern minimalist styled rooms with king size, queen size or two twin bed and three garden lumbungs. Spacious open air lounge and dining area, fresh water pool, organic fruit and vegetables used to prepare meals. Yoga and meditation classes for guests. Facilities available for seminars and retreats. From US60. 160edit Kertiyasa Bungalow. Jalan Nyuh Bojog, Nyuh Kuning Village Ubud ( about 10 minutes walking distance to Monkey Forest ), 62 361 971377 (infokertiyasabungalow. fax. 62 361 974377 ), 108. Offers standard room, standard room with jacuzy, deluxe room and room for family. ( -8.523549. 115.256977 ) 160edit Oka Kartini. Jl Raya Ubud 35 ( just across the bridge in Peliatan, east of Ubud town centre ), 62 361 975759. 109. Quirky old Balinese house complex on the edge of town. The rooms here are a bit long in the tooth, but decorated with more carvings and gold paint than the average temple. Friendly staff supervised by the owner Oka Kartini. Large art gallery, a small but pleasant garden pool. Shadow puppet shows 3 days a week (extra charge). Rp 340,000-511,000, including breakfast. 160edit Puri Asri Villa amp Spa. Jl Nyuh Bulan, Nyuh Kuning. 62 361 972550. 110. In a very quiet spot south of town. Offer a couple of scheduled shuttle rides to Jl Monkey Forest and back each day. Walking distance from town via the Monkey Forest. Villas have spacious rooms, AC, bath and shower (including outdoor showers), patio. Breakfast delivered to room if you choose. Take cash as their credit card facilities dont always work. Rp 500,000 including breakfast. 160edit Puri Padi. Jl Hanoman, Padang Tegal ( 5 min walk southeast of the Monkey Forest ), 62 361 8528521 (infopuripadiubud ), 111. A Balinese style hotel in green gardens surrounded by rice fields. From Rp 450,000. 160edit Puri Saraswati Bungalows. Main Road Ubud 80571 Bali. 62 361 8070181. 112. Puri Saraswati is located in the center of Ubud Village, 2 min walk from the Ubud Market, the Ubud Royal Palace and Puri Lukisan Art Museum. Rooms are set back from the road and quiet and theres a pool and WiFi. Airport transfers are available. 70 USD including tax and breakfast. 160edit Sri Bungalows. Jl Monkey Forest. 62 361 8528521. 113. Centrally located with 16 bungalow-style rooms in lush gardens. 50 m from the busy road, but very quiet except for the singing of birds. Simple but pleasant rooms with bamboo furniture, western toilets and hot water. Large pool with rice paddies beyond. Internet cafe on the premises. From US57. 160edit Sri Ratih Cottages. Jl Penestanan, Campuhan. 62 361 8528521. 114. 30 rooms, just west of the town centre. Large peaceful garden, good-sized pool, free wifi for guests, 24 hr room service. Long staying guests may find good value here. From US30. 160edit Suastika Bed and Breakfast. Jl Suweta 52. 62 81 7473 7141 62 361 974 825 (madekuwikyahoo yanikkuwikyahoo ). Suastika is a Hindu symbol of peace. The rooms overlook family temples and beautiful jungle gardens, they all include a kitchen, large bathtub, shower and large huge bed. Breakfast is included with Bali coffee, pancakes, fruit all served on your private porch. Rp 250,000-400,000, breakfast and tax included, price negotiable if you stay for one week. 160edit Taman Indrakila. Jl Raya Sanggingan. 62 361 975017. Boutique hotel high above the Campuhan River Valley in Sangginan. All rooms have a private terrace. From about Rp 500,000. 160edit Ubud Terrace Bungalows. Jl Monkey Forest ( about 10 minutes walk south of the Monkey Forest Road-Jl Raya Ubud crossroads ), 62 813 37536464 (infoubudterracebungalows ), 115. Refurbished in 2008. Breakfast included, swimming pool, friendly staff. Tour and shuttle buses booking service. From US30.00. 160edit Uma Sari Cottages. Jl Bisma, Ubud ( located at the edge of rice fields, a 5 mins walk to Ubud town centre ), 62 811 3808011 (infoumasaricottages ), 116. Balinese style thatch, wood and bamboo cottages surrounded by rice fields. From Rp 450,000. 160edit Hibiscus Cottages. Off Jl Bisma, Ubud ( From Cafe Des Artistes, walk slightly further down the road and look for a huge signage on the right - follow the narrow pathway into the edge of rice fields ), 62 361 970475 (hibiscuscottageshotmail ). Family-run, includes breakfast served on your patio. 7 Balinese style concrete cottages surrounded by rice fields. 2 AC rooms are more expensive but newly built in late 2010. Views from the 2nd storey cottages. Booking by phone is recommended. From Rp 250,000 and up. 160edit Villa Indah. Jl Suweta, Br Sakti ( 2 km north from the tourist information centre ), 62 813 37255277 (ksuyasa71yahoo ). Breakfast included. Friendly Balinese family. 2 rooms and one suite, all have terrace and bathroom with hot water and tub. Stone villa in the middle of the rice fields. Self service kitchen. Motorbike for rent. From US35. 160edit Inata Monkey Forest. J L. Monkey Forest, Ubud. 62 361 978267 (infoinatahotelubud ), 117. located in monkey forest road (in the central of Ubud) From US70. 160edit Splurge Edit Plataran Ubud Hotel and Spa. J L. Hanoman, Pengosekan, Ubud, Bali, 80361, Indonesia. 62-361-978340. 118. Plataran Hotels and Resorts newest crown jewel, Plataran Ubud Hotel and Spa offers a delightful Balinese experience in the valley of Pengosekan in Central Ubud, Bali, Indonesia. It offers Superior room, Deluxe room, Garden view, Plunge pool suite, Junior suite and executive suite all equipped with LCD TV with satellite channels, Free Wi-Fi Internet connection, Mini-bar, Safety deposit box. Some of its facilities and services are Patio Restaurant and Lounge, Padma Spa, Two large outdoor swimming pools, Fitness gym. In addition to the 5 temples located close to the hotel, here are nearby key places of interest that you can visit: Don Antonio Blanco Renaissance Museum 10-minute walk, Elephant Cave 4-minute drive, Ubud Market 5-minute drive, Shopping center 15-minute drive. 160edit The quite remarkable Four Seasons Hotel in the Ayung Valley, near Ubud Taman Rahasia ( Secret Garden ), Penestanan. 62 361 979395 (infobalisecretgarden ), 119. checkin: 14:00 checkout: 12:00. 8 room boutique hotel with a lush tropical garden in quiet part of Penestanan. Spa, restaurant and good-sized pool. Free Wi-Fi amp shuttle bus service to Ubud town centre. Does not accept families with children under 7yr. From US95. 160edit Eco-friendly retreat ( Eco-friendly retreat ), 120. checkin: 14:00 checkout: 12:00. Eco-friendly retreat set within an organic garden and encompassed by productive rice terraces. Perfect for honeymooners or couples who want a romantic holiday. From USD145 for 2. 160edit Villa Mana Ubud. Penestanan Klod. Ubudmana is freshly new, a modern style using traditional Javanese wooden houses and big windows. Think wooden elements, polished cement and minimalist tropical design. Super sexy bathrooms with nice big tubs and natural stone walls. Tastefully decorated through out. Backdrop is the jungle, and everywhere is lush colorful gardens. Great salt water pool and yoga studio. Friendly happy staff. A beautiful Oasis. 7 mins from ubud center. Prices around 130 us ubudmana 160edit Resorts Edit Some of the most luxurious resorts anywhere in Asia are in Ubud, so expect superb standards, with prices to match. Ashoka Tree Resort at Tanggayuda, Ubud. Banjar Tanggayuda, Kedewatan, Ubud. 62 361 971999 (reservationashokatreeresort. fax. 62 361 970999 ), 121. checkin: 2PM checkout: 12PM. Boutique Resort offering breathtaking beautiful green hills and valley view that can seen directly from the villa, hotel, restaurant and public pool. Wos river running beneath the property and the rapid river sound can be heard from the restaurant and garden area. Ashoka Tree Resort at Tanggayuda can be reached within a short minutes drives from Ubud centre as a center of culinary, arts, craft and culture of Bali. From US180. 160edit Suarti Boutique Village ( Suarti Resorts ), Jl. Raya Nyuh Kuning, Pengosekan, Ubud 80571. 62 361 735288 (infosuartiresorts ), 122. New resorts and private villas in Ubud, Bali. The resorts consist of 4 resorts type such as Deluxe Suite, One Bedroom Pool Villa, Two Bedroom Pool Villa and Joglo House Style. ( -8.527719. 115.260735 ) 160edit Amandari. Jl Raya Kedewatan, Sayan. 62 361 975333 (amandariamanresorts ), 123. checkin: 2PM checkout: noon. This was the first Aman hotel in Bali built 20 yr ago. It is getting a little bit tired but is still most impressive. Good views, tennis court, spa, restaurant. A luxury resort with no TVs. From US750. 160edit Amori Villa. Banjar Dukuh, Pejeng Kawan. 62 361 8987799. 124. checkin: 1PM checkout: 12 noon. A boutique retreat 3 km from Ubud overlooking Petanu River Valley. Opened in June 2009. Butler service, good food and wine. 5 private suitesvillas, all with indooroutdoor bathrooms, satellite TV, king beds, free broadband internet access. Shared facilities include a 14m infinity pool, bale and jacuzzi. From US215. ( 8.516907. 115.280437 ) 160edit Barong Resort and Spa. J L. Monkey Forest. 62 361 971 759. 125. Aair-con rooms equipped with cable TV, mini-bar with lunch table, and coffeetea maker. Outdoor swimming pool, jacuzzi, airport and city transfers, currency exchange. From USD167. 160edit Como Shambhala Estate ( formerly Begawan Giri Estate ), Payangan. 62 361 978 888. 126. This is one of Balis most expensive places to stay, and more a collection of super homes than a mere hotel. 20min north of Ubud, close to the village of Payangan. USD300-4,000. 160edit Four Seasons Resort at Sayan. Jl Raya Kedewatan, Sayan. 62 361 701010. 127. checkin: 2PM checkout: noon. One of Balis truly great hotels, over-looking the Sayan gorge. Suites in the main building, individual villas down by the river. Restaurant and in-house spa facilities. Free shuttle bus to Ubud town centre. From US460. 160edit Komaneka at Bisma. Jl Bisma. 62 361 971933. 128. checkin: 1PM checkout: 11AM. Short distance from the town. Built on a steep hillside with an infinity edge pool and surrounded by terraced rice paddies with a river rushing below. Central hotel block has spacious, tastefully decorated suites, private villas, a wedding chapel and separate spa huts. Komaneka also has two other properties in Ubud, the central and slightly older Monkey Forest and the newer but rather remote Tanggayuda . From US275. 160edit Maya Ubud. Jl Gunung Sari, Peliatan ( about ten minutes east of Ubud town centre ), 62 361 977888. 129. checkin: 2PM checkout: 11AM. 10 hectares of land with fine villas, excellent spa and a good restaurant. Architecturally impressive resort with two free form swimming pools. Free shuttle to centre of Ubud. From about US220. 160edit Munari Resort amp Spa Ubud. Jl Raya Sanggingan, Ubud ( nearby Naughty Nuris Warung and Museum Neka ), 62 361 971949 (reservationmunaribali. fax. 62 361 971879 ), 130. checkin: 14:00 checkout: 12:00. Experience romantic Balinese lifestyle, refresh yourself at Munari Spa with steam and sauna room facility also stunning cuisine at Munari Restaurant. Built in traditional Balinese architecture using recycled wood as the main building material. Free bicycle to use based on request and availability. ( -8.491662. 115.2534745 ) 160edit Natura Villa Resort and Spa. Br Laplapan Ubud ( about 15 minutes east from Ubud Centre ), 62 361 978666 (infonaturaresortbali. fax. 62 361 978222 ), 131. Overlooking Petanu River. ( -8.500818. 115.27654 ) 160edit Naya Ubud. Jalan Kedewatan 2, Sayan, Br Kutuh ( about five min west of Ubud town centre ), (reservationsnayaubud ), 132. checkin: 14:00 checkout: 12:00. Set within Balinese rice fields, three traditional structures (a Lumbumg, Gladak, and Joglo) house the 5 bedrooms in this boutique luxury resort, surrounded by tropical gardens and an infinity pool. From about USD120. 160edit Pertiwi Resort and Spa. Monkey Forest St. 62 361 975236. 133. Combining traditional Balinese design with modern touches. Alang-alang (thatched) roof, bamboo ceiling, long glass windows. AC, cableTV, mini-bar, coffeetea maker. Swimming pools, free Wi-Fi and a Spa. From US85. 160edit Sapulidi Resort ( Sapulidi Resort amp Spa ), Jl. Raya Pengosekan, Br. Pengosekan Kelod-Mas, Ubud, Gianyar Bali. 134. Sapulidi just opened in May 2013, it has a private lake, lots of Villas with private pools overlooking lake and rice patties, huge bathrooms, it is a place that is for the rich and famous, and one of the most romantic places I have ever seen. There are only 18 Villas, 10 have private pools. Food is Gourmet, staff very professional and friendly. A 10-minute walk from Monkey Forest, Sapu Lidi Resort Spa and Gallery boasts an outdoor infinity pool with a sun deck overlooking the rice fields. Guests enjoy free scheduled shuttle service within Ubud area. The central Ubad can be reached in only a 10 minute walk or a 5 minute drive. Internet is Free, Parking, Breakfast, and more free. I like that they do not nickel and dime people, once you are there, you can relax. From US65. 160edit Ubud Hanging Gardens. Desa Buahan. 62 361 982700. 135. checkin: 2PM checkout: 11AM. On steep terraces overlooking the Ayung river and an ancient temple. 38 luxury villas, each with a heated private swimming pool. Villas with panoramic views of the valley, or riverside villas in the privacy of the gorge. Spa and innovative restaurant. gt From US400. 160edit The Viceroy Bali. Jl Lanyahan, Banjar Nagi, Laplapan ( In the Lembah valley between Ubud and Tampaksiring ), 62 361 971777 (enquirestheviceroybali ), 136. checkin: 1PM checkout: 11AM. Boutique hotel with four different grades of villa. Pristine valley setting, views from all the villas. In-house spa, good restaurant, shuttle buses into Ubud. A member of Small Leading Hotels of the World . From US450. 160edit Wapa di Ume Resort amp Spa. Jl Sueta, Br. Bentuyung. 62 361 973178 (reservationwakadiumeubud ), 137. checkin: 14:00 checkout: 12:00. Rural rice field setting 5 min north of Ubud town centre. Well maintained established resort. Good spa services and restaurant, and regular free shuttle buses into Ubud. From US225. 160edit Kanamya Resort and Spa. Penestanan, Ubud. 62 361 975719 (infowakanamya ), 138. checkin: 2PM checkout: 11AM. Resort in the painters village of Penestanan, built in traditional Balinese style. From US150. 160edit Villa Sabandari. Jl Pura Gunung Sari 4, Peliatan. 62 361 976586 (infosabandari ), 139. checkin: 2PM checkout: noon. 6 room boutique hotel in the rice fields. Walking distance from the centre of Ubud. US200-250. 160edit The Purist Villas amp SPA. J L. Tirta Tawar, Banjar Kutuh Kaja, Ubud. 62 361 974454 (infothepuristvillas ), 140. checkin: 2PM checkout: noon. The Purist Villas and Spa is a contemporary Bali Luxury villas resort, where each villa of two and three rooms has an indoor and outdoor bathroom with a free standing stone bath and separate shower, Some of them have wooden sundecks hanging over the Ubud lush tropical gardens of bamboo palm trees and other special plants. These decks have an outdoor dining area and comfortable sun loungers from where one can enjoy this little paradise. US300-550. 160edit Private villas Edit The following are private, villas which only take a single group of customers at a time. Private Villas in Ubud. Gatot Subroto Street 103, Denpasar. Bali, Indonesia ( Gatot Subroto Street 103 ), 62 81 999 179 740 (salesbalivillacenter ), 141. checkin: 2PM checkout: 1200. Luxury, private pool villas for rent in Ubud, Bali. from 130 per night. 160edit Villa Ubud Listing. 35b Jalan Pagoda, Bali, Indonesia ( Jl. Pagoda 3rd Floor ), 62 81 239 957 142 (contactvilla-bali ), 142. checkin: 2PM checkout: 1200. A wide variety of choice for Villas in Ubud - from mid range to luxury. from USD125 per night. 160edit Harmony Villa. Lodtunduh ( 2 km S. of Ubud on the Pengosekan road. Turn right at Tanah Tho gallery. At end turn right at the corner Warung then 1st left. At the end on the rice fields ), 62(0)81558 571 544. 143. checkin: flexible checkout: flexible. 5 private villas (4 with full kitchens)located on a rise overlooking the rice fields with panoramic uninterrupted views. Infinity pool, yoga deck. Gorgeous, quiet and relaxing escape from Ubud yet only 10 minutes away. Choice of 1 bedroom or 2 bedroom villas. Long stays possible. From US85-145 including breakfast. 160edit Agung Khalia Villa. Banjar Sala, Pejeng. 62 812 3983940. 144. Private villas from studio to three bedroom and six bedroom. Panoramic rice field and Mount Agung views. Each villa has its own private pool, staff and full service. Only 10 min east from central Ubud in the same valley as the Maya Ubud resort, and close to Goa Gajah. From US185. 160edit De Ubud Villas amp Spa. Jl Monkey Forest No.8. 62 361 981492. 145. checkin: 2PM checkout: noon. 3 private pool villas located in central Ubud. Choice of 1 bedroom, 2 bedroom and 3 bedroom villas. From US260. 160edit Kajane Mua Private Villa and Mansion. Jl Monkey Forest, 80571. 62 361 972877. 146. Private villas, each with its own private pool. Breakfast and afternoon tea is included in room price and can be brought to the villa each morning or taken at the Kajane Resto. Kajane Resto provides a large selection for each meal and drinks, and room service is available until 11PM at no extra charge. A driver and clean van are provided for free transport around the Ubud area and at low cost to other areas of interest in Bali. For an extra charge, a spa is available on the premises, with panoramic views of private Kajane rice fields. Friendly staff, 15 min walk to Sacred Monkey Forest or Ubud Market and Water Palace. From US190. 160edit Kayumanis Ubud Private Villa amp Spa. Sayan Village. 62 361 972 777 (experiencekayumanis ), 147. 23 contemporary villas with private pool, fully-equipped gourmet kitchen and 24-hours butler service. 160edit Onje Villa Ubud Bali. Banjar Umahanyar Pejeng. 62-361-8987966 (infoonjevilla. fax. 62-361-8987969 ), 148. Provide One Bedroom, Two Bedroom Villa Family, Villa With Private Pool best for honeymoon 160edit Villa di Abing. Jl Jembawan. 62 813 38083508. 149. 3 storey, 3 bedroom, fully staffed villa, in central Ubud. Riverside pool, natural green views and within easy walking distance of Ubud town centre. From US175. 160edit Villa Lotus. 150. checkin: 3:00pm checkout: 12:00pm. Right in the middle of a sea of rice fields, with Mount Agung, the most revered peak in Bali, looming to the northeast and the Central Mountains to the west. Relax and enjoy the magical atmosphere that Ubud has to offer. Breakfast is included. US120. 160edit Villas in Ubub. Jln. Gn. Lempuyang I no:03, Monang-Maning, Denpasar, Bali. 62 81 933 001 007. 151. checkin: 2pm checkout: 12am. Large choice of villas for rent in Ubud and Bali. from 120 per night. 160edit Villa Shinta Dewi Ubud. Jln. Sri Wedari, Ubud. 62 361 900 0544 (reservationbalivillashintadewi ), 152. checkin: 14.00pm checkout: 11.00am. 4 bedrooms private villa with large private pool, just few minutes from the Ubud Royal Palace from USD430 per night. ( -8.485268. 115.266229 ) 160edit Villa Jendela di Bali. Ubud, Petak Kaja ( 25 minutes northeast of Ubud ), 620361 953 663. 153. checkin: 10am checkout: 2pm. Jendela di Bali is a unique private villa comprising a village of unique living spaces. Each handcrafted bale represents a Balinese or Indonesian Archipelago style with a lounge and dining bale, meditation and media bale, poolside lounge bale beside a stunning wet-edge infinity pool and two bedroom bales, The White Elephant and The Kingfisher. From US190 including breakfast. ( -8.4603. 115.3147 ) 160edit Stay safe Edit Ubud is a safe town unless you happen to fall into a gutter. Ubud gutters usually go under sidewalks and covered with concrete plates which are randomly destroyed, so its quite easy to fall into gutter and get severely wounded. If you are unlucky with people, the police station is on Jl Raya Andong, just east of the town centre. Follow Jl Raya Ubud east to the end, turn north and the police station is on your right hand side. 62 361 975316. Stay healthy Edit Ubud does not have a fully fledged hospital and the nearest is about 20 km to the south in Denpasar. There are a number of reasonable clinics though which are used to treating typical traveller ailments. Ubud is a star article. It is a high-quality article complete with maps, photos, and great information. Ubud . a town in central Bali. is far removed from the beach party scene in Kuta. and is regarded as the cultural centre of Bali. It is famous as an arts and crafts hub, and much of the town and nearby villages seems to consist of artists workshops and galleries. There are some remarkable architectural and other sights to be found, and a general feeling of well being to be enjoyed, all thanks to the spirit, surroundings, and climate of the place. Understand edit Puri Saren Agung ( Water Palace ) in central Ubud Ubud is pronounced oobood as in the same way as the oo sounds in good. Even if you mispronounce the name, the locals arent likely to do anything more than titter. As they say, seng ken-ken - Balinese for no worries. While Ubud seems to outsiders like one small town, it is in fact fourteen villages, each run by its own banjar (village committee). Ubud has grown rapidly, and some central parts are creaking under the strain of coping with the number of visitors. That said, most development is sympathetic to the zeitgeist, if not designed specifically in the local style. Growth continues apace, but there are still terraced rice fields along the rivers, and away from the town centre, regular, quiet village life carries on relatively undisturbed. Central Ubud is heavily commercialized and teems with tourists. History edit In many ways, the history of the Ubud area (not so much the modern day town) is the very history of Bali itself. Ubud has a known history back to the eighth century, when the Javanese Hindu priest Rsi Marhandya came to Bali from Java, and meditated at the confluence of the two Wos rivers at Campuan, just west of the modern day town centre. A shrine was established and later expanded by Nirartha, the Javanese priest who is regarded as the founder of Balis religious practices and rituals as we know them today. At this time the area was a centre of natural medicine and healing, and that is how the name Ubud originated: Ubad is ancient Balinese for medicine. Further temples and monasteries were established over the next 400 hundred years or so. The temple complex at Gunung Kawi, and the cave temples at Goa Gajah (just east and northeast of Ubud), are architectural remains from this period. Many of the dances, drama and rituals still practised in Ubud today, originated at this time. King Airlangga ruled all of Java and Bali in this era, and his seat of government was located in what is now the village of Batuan, just southeast of Ubud. The Javanese Majapahit kingdom conquered Bali in 1343, and the key final victory was against the Pejeng Dynasty centred at Bedulu, just to the east of Ubud. A great flowering of Balinese culture followed, and the ancestry of Ubuds current day aristocratic families can be traced back to this period. In the sixteenth Century, there was a total transplantation of the Majapahit Kingdom to Bali as the Islamisation of Java forced them eastwards. Power flip-flopped between various dynasties and feudal lords, but the Ubud area remained a very important cog in the various regencies which ruled the island. Goa Gajah originates from the 9th century Monkeys at the Monkey Forest In 1900, Ubud became a Dutch protectorate at its own request, and the colonialists interfered little, allowing the traditional arts and culture of the area to remain relatively unchanged. The modern era of Ubud perhaps began in the 1930s, when foreign artists were encouraged by the royal family to take up presence in the town. From their Ubud base, the likes of Walter Spies and Rudolph Bonnet were instrumental in promoting an understanding of Balinese art and culture worldwide. From the 1960s onwards, travellers started to arrive in earnest, mostly intrepid types as the infrastructure was still very limited indeed. Since then, Ubud has developed rapildy into a high profile, top class international destination, whilst still maintaining its integrity as the centre of Balinese art and culture. Orientation edit Orienting yourself in Ubud is fairly straightforward. The town sprawls for several kilometres in all directions, with all of the small villages within a five km radius of the central market being loosely referred to as Ubud. If you choose a reasonably central place to stay, it is easy enough to get around on foot. Central Ubud has three main streets: Jl Raya Ubud, Jl Monkey Forest and Jl Hanoman. At the intersection of Jl Raya and Jl Monkey Forest are Ubud Market, Ubud Palace, and the main bemo stop 8212 unsurprisingly, theres also a near-permanent traffic jam here. Jl Monkey Forest, which runs south through town to the Monkey Forest, is a built-up area, and home to a wide array of accommodation, art galleries, and cafes, as well a number of local services such as schools, a sports field, pharmacies, and travel agents. Jl Hanoman, which runs parallel to Jl Monkey Forest just to the east, is a bit quieter and makes for more pleasant walking, but still extremely touristy. To the immediate west and northwest are the villages of Campuan ( Tjampuhan . Campuhan ) and Kedewatan . home to some of the most upmarket hotels in the whole of Asia, with views over valleys sculpted by the Ayung and Wos rivers. Directly to the south, past the Monkey Forest and still within a twenty minute walk of the central market, is Padang Tegal which then runs into the southern villages of Nyuh Kuning and Pengosekan . about three km from central Ubud. Directly to the east is the village of Peliatan . and then Teges and Bedulu . home of the ninth century Goa Gajah (Elephant Cave). Climate edit Due to its elevation at 200m above sea level, Ubud enjoys cooler temperatures than the coast, and it is sometimes necessary to bring a pullover for the evening. The midday sun can still be scorching though and the humidity often relentless, a murderous combination for temple tramping which, in hilly Ubud, usually requires climbing up and down staircases. (Head out early to beat the heat and the crowds.) If there is a time to avoid, it would be the depths of the wet season in January and February when it rains in Ubud, it really rains. Get in edit Map of the Ubud area By bemo (minivans) edit There are regular public bemos from Denpasars Batubulan terminal to Ubud which cost Rp1608,000 (but ongoing foreigners rate is Rp16050,000), and take about an hour. Most bemos run in the early morning, and you will not find any after 16:00. In the opposite direction, bemos depart every morning from the central market (northern entrance) in Ubud. Foreigners are likely to be asked much more (bargain) or even to charter the whole vehicle - theres really no need, as they will pick up passengers on the way. To get to Batubulan from South Bali, one previously had to have 1-2 bemo connections in Denpasar. Now, with Trans Sarbagita (see the main Bali article for details) government bus service, this way can be far more comfortable (air-conditioned bus) and even cheaper (Rp1603,500) for those going fromto Nusa Dua, Kuta, Sanur, Airport or all the places between. By taxi edit If you want to take a taxi to Ubud from South Bali. it is best to charter the vehicle for a return trip, otherwise, youll be hit with a 30 fee for going out-of-town. Metered fares, one-way and not including surcharge, are around Rp 150,000 from Denpasar and Rp 200,000 from Kuta. By UberGrab edit Uber is available in southern Bali. And there is also Malaysia based Uber like transport called Grab, the app can be downloaded in your smartphone. The availability is more than Uber. From Legian to Ubud will just cost you Rp 135,000. Its a fixed price. Just set the pickup and the destination, the price will be shown in the app and you pay the driver with cash when you arrived or credit card option is available too. However, being about five times less than ongoing rate, local taxi cartel strongly opposes these services and drivers may refuse tourist taking tofrom Ubud in order to avoid confrontation. By bus edit Currently, theres no public bus service to Ubud (there are bemos however, see above), but tourist bus services are abundant. Perama offers daily direct transfers to Ubud from Ngurah Rai International Airport. Sanur. Lovina. Kuta. Bedugul. Candidasa. and Padang Bai. These are convenient and inexpensive eg four times per day from the airport for Rp 50,000. Rather less conveniently, the Perama terminal is not located in the centre of Ubud, but about 2km south in Padang Tegal, on Jl Hanoman just south of the intersection with Jl Monkey Forest. You can go to the official Tourist Information (just in the middle of town, on the big crossroad. opposite the market at Monkey Forest RoadJalan Raya Road) and buy your ticket there (official outlet, same price) and Perama will pick you up there, to transfer to the Perama Bus Hub out of town. While just a few years ago, Perama buses were well-maintained, air-conditioned, nice and generally worth their price, currently (probably owing to its excess popularity among tourists) it may not be true, and you may end up in an old, hot, local-style bus, not more comfortable than a regular bemo but for the double or triple price - the only advantage being a non-stop service. As such, booking the ticket in advance and paying without checking in person what kind of bus they will provide may be unwise. By shuttle bus edit Shuttle Bus is actually VanMPVs (6 to 10 seaters) run by private travel amp tours agencies. You can either hire a Shuttle Bus service via your hotelhomestay (price will be slightly higher by 10-15) or go direct to either Gedong Sari or Perama. If you travel by twoas a couple, you will be sharing with other passengers. If you are travel with a group of minimum 4, 6, 8 person, you are encourage to hire a private VanMPVs or rent a car (VanMPV) service which cost more less than hire a Shuttle Bus service. Be careful taking afternoon shuttle to the airport, as the traffic is so jammed up it may take up to two hours to picking up all passengers in Ubud plus another two to three hours going to the airport via Kuta to drop off some passengers. Below are the latest update (as at July 2013)for Shuttle Bus FaresSchedule from Ubud. Gedong Sari price from July 2013 (IDR10,000 approx 1 USD) (09.00AM, 12.30PM, 15.00PM, 18.00PM) By homestay car edit If you have a reservation at a homestay and the owner has a vehicle, they will offer to pick you up at the airport for Rp 250,000. Check when you make your reservation. They will wait for you outside the arrival hall with your name on a sign. A convenient option especially if you arrive at night as they take you directly to the homestay. Self-drive edit Driving in Bali is a cheap, fun and relatively safe experience. Despite the apparent madness, motorists are generally tolerant and will give way. Keep your eyes peeled for the green road signs sparsely located along the road. Bear in mind that Ubud is in the Gianyar regency, so do not panic even when road signs indicate Gianyar only, as labels tend to be inconsistent. When in doubt, keep going straight. If seriously in doubt, hop off and ask the locals. Ubud If you speak no Bahasa, or Permissi, bagaimana ke Ubud (Excuse me, how to go to Ubud) and they will be glad to gesture you in the right direction. Budget 50 more time than what Google Map quotes for getting lost and asking for directions. Get around edit Central Ubud can be covered on foot, but you will need some form of transport to explore the extended vicinity. Traffic volumes are depressingly high in central Ubud - the narrow roads and one-way systems mean that today central Ubud is as noisy and polluted as its southern tourist neighbours. Further the sidewalks are often blocked by motorbikes, or a collapsed section necessitates a step off the sidewalk potentially placing you in the path of traffic. That traffic could be a tricycle or a truck, so keep your wits about you. Central Ubud is congested with traffic and people, especially in the afternoons when buses bring in tourists from outside Ubud. Be prepared for the crowds and the heat. Very few stores and restaurants (even the higher priced ones) have AC so there are few places to get quick relief. This can come as a shock to visitors expecting a quiet and tranquil cultural hub. The EPL Phenomenon Blame Elizabeth Gilbert. Those of you who managed to make it through the turgid best-selling novel Eat, Pray, Love, might have an inkling of what is coming up. Ubud features quite heavily in our heroines search for fulfilment, and the knock-on effect in the town has been huge. Acolytes have swarmed to Ubud looking for (and sometimes finding) places and people referenced in the book. The economic benefits of the novel to the area ratcheted up a whole other notch in mid-2009, when the eponymously named movie was shot in and around Ubud, Julia Roberts and all. Just be aware though that Ubud cannot necessarily guarantee a remedy for every mid-life crisis. By bemo edit Bemos ply the main routes in and around Ubud, and the main stop and gathering point is Ubud market at the junction of Jl Monkey Forest and Jl Raya Ubud. Most bemos stop running in the late afternoon, and are always more frequent in the morning. By taxi edit Sadly taxis are a rarity in Ubud. There is a Taxi Cooperative (i. e. mafia) operating who ensure that supply of transport is restricted and prices are kept high. BlueBird Taxis do not operate in Ubud (meaning they have to dispatch from Denpasar). Whilst this means that incomes are higher for taxi drivers (or at least the owners of the vehicles) this also means if you are staying away from central Ubud, or want to visit sights away from the centre, you will need to hire a driver for the day. Prices are about x2 to x3 the BlueBird equivalent (so IDR70,000 for a short trip, IDR150,000 for a 10km drive to a temple, IDR400,000 for a half day trip). If you do take a one-way journey to a temple outside Ubud you may struggle to find a car for the return journey. UberGrab is growing in Bali but unfortunately not in Ubud. The local tourist industry strongly oppose these services that too reasonably priced (expect three to five times less than through your hotel and those you find on the streets). For people holding taxi sign, expect to negotiate a price, although many will decline anything less than a third less. By local car edit Most local transport comes in the form of SUVs or minivans that can be hired with a driver for specific trips. Look for the circular yellow E logo on the windshield certifying them as Ubud Transport Association members. Drivers wait along the busy streets holding TAXI signs, calling out and offering their taxis as you walk by. You can (and should) haggle over the price, and pay less than for the equivalent journey in a metered taxi. A short trip should be less than Rp 20,000, and drivers will be glad to wait for you for a return fare. If you do not need a ride, a polite no or ignoring their solicitation is sufficient. Generally they are not persistent unless you respond. Also, there are guys on motorbikes who will also offer bike rides ( ojek ) and are about half the price of those in a car. By hotel car edit Many hotels are located out of town, and are happy to offer regular, complimentary drop-off and pick-up services to central Ubud. Expect to pay higher than taxi prices if you are intending to go further afield. By motorbike edit As elsewhere in Bali, motorbike rental is widely available, and you will not be short of options. Expect to pay between Rp 40,000 and 80,000 per day for a late model motorbike in good condition. Look for rental agencies on all the main streets, or ask your hotel to organise for you. Navigation can be confusing, as signage is limited and all the roads look pretty much the same at first, but take it easy and stop to ask for directions if (when) you get lost. By bicycle edit You can rent bicycles for about Rp 20,000-30,000 per day. There is a large selection available at the corner of the football field on Jl Monkey Forest. Beware though: Ubud is very hilly, so cycling can be hard, sweaty work. Traffic on the main roads is heavy and drivers rarely pay heed to cyclists. See edit add listing Ubud is so crammed with attractions it can almost seem like a visual assault at times. Try to make sure you allocate at least a week for your visit here, and take your time to explore properly. Visitors who jump in to Ubud for just two or three days of their Bali holiday, stand little chance of understanding much of what is going on around them. The key historical sites are located out of town, some as far as 20km away, and you might find it worthwhile joining a tour to visit these. If you do visit attractions such as Goa Gajah, Gunung Kawi, Pura Kehen and Tirta Empul under your own steam, try to find a knowledgeable guide when you get there. Whilst you will certainly appreciate the beauty of these places, their cultural and spiritual significance may be lost without a guide. Bamboo Forest Trek Powered by Bali Grace Cycling Bamboo Forest Cycling Tour ( Ubud Adventures ), Jln dewi sri Gianyar ( Ubud ), 6282237804939 (ubudadventuresgmail ), 1. Do a cycling tour through the bamboo forest, coffee plantation, visit traditional Penglipuran villages, breakfast overlook batur mountain and lake and lunch at restaurant in the middle of rice fields. this is track easy to passed. USD 48person. 160edit Rafting And Bamboo Forest Tour ( Ubud Adventures ), Jalan Raya Ubud. (ubudadventuresgmail ), 2. We offer an excellent combination trip to covered your limited time holiday in Bali. The tour will explore the famous tourist destinations in Bali, such as: Ayung river rafting, Coffee luwak plantation, bamboo forest and penglipuran villages. It is the combination tour between sport, nature, culture and scenery. very complete tour for you love real natural of bali. Adult USD 60,Child USD 30. 160edit Downhill Bike Tours. Jl Raya Ir. Soekarno. 6281 558 418 737 (reservationbalitraveldeal ), 3. Their guides will lead you at a leisurely pace along the tranquil, less travelled roads and mostly downhill through the traditional villages and varied landscapes of Bali, visiting local craftsmen at their work, local school and typical Balinese houses. Its good way to explore the Balinese countryside. IDR500,000adult all inclusive. 160edit Pura Puseh Batuan Temple. Jalan batuan villages ( South Ubud (5km) ). The most notable landmark is the village temple, known as Pura Puseh, an ancient structure dated to the 11th century, embellished with intricate stone carvings. Its in the northern part of the village, 200m (620160ft) off the main road. The temple also has an inscription that testifies to the date of founding of Batuan in 1022160AD. The temple underwent restoration in 1992. Its a five-tiered gateway tower, clearly influenced by Indian religious architecture. Its icons and decorations, however, are typically Balinese in style. Notable depictions include a Bhoma head overlooking the main gateway. Admission tickets160: IDR10,000. 160edit Campuhan Ridge Walk ( Campuhan ), Jl. Raya Campuhan, Ubud. (ubudvacationgmail ), 4. Campuhan ridge walk is the best place for you to experience the trekking activity. Its more than only hiking trail, through its path will accompany you to explore Ubud in amazing natural side. You will feel a peaceful atmosphere attack your mind after entering this ridge. You may say this place is like the heaven of beauty with full of romantic impression in every single view. USD 45person. 160edit Ayung River reliefs carved stone Ayung River Rafting ( Ayung River ), Jalan Raya Ubud ( 5 km from central ubud ), (UbudRiverRaftinggmail ), 5. ayung river very popular for rafting adventures because river have a good view with every stop point you find reliefs carved into the stone and waterfall, reccommended visit morning. USD 35 Person. 160edit Temples and historical sites edit Goa Gajah ( Elephant Cave ), Jalan Goa Gajah. Daily 08:00-18:00. The centrepiece here is a cave dating back to the ninth century, the entrance to which is an ornately carved demons mouth. Inside are some fragmentary lingam and yoni statues, as well as a statue of Ganesha. Large, carved guards stand around pools near the entrance, and a little path leads to a waterfall, rice fields, and some Buddhist stupa fragments. Some parts of the Goa Gajah complex were not excavated until the 1950s. This sight is quite disappointing compared to other sights around Ubud. IDR15,000, including sarong rental, so dont buy a sarong because its included. 160edit Gunung Kawi, Tampaksiring Pura Gunung Kawi ( Poet Mountain Temple ), near Jl. Bayu Berata and Jl. Berkudara, Tampaksiring ( 18 km northeast from Ubud ). Daily 07:00-17:00. Dating from the eleventh century, this is presumed to be the burial complex of King Anak Wungsu and his many wives. Reached by climbing down 371 steps, the location at the bottom of a steep valley lined with paddy fields, is quite stunning. Its not easy to climb all those steps but to see one of Balis oldest and largest ancient monuments in this lush green river valley is worth it. The smaller complex on the south side of the river is presumed to have been built for the Kings wives, while the larger complex is thought to have been the residence of the King himself, and perhaps his concubines. The structures are carved into the sides of a steep river valley, and the river crossed by twisting trees and vines. You must take off your shoes before entering into the central pura complex. About 1km downstream there are further tomb cloisters. On the way back up, take a break at Cafe Kawi which has cold drinks for IDR10,000 and up. If you haggle for a taxi from Ubud, it should cost no more than IDR150,000 to get there and back, with the driver waiting for you while you make the visit. Organized day-trips to Batur volcano usually include this place as well. Motorbike parking is IDR2,000 but can be avoided if you enter via Jl. YudistiraJl. Drupadi then turn onto Jl. Bayu Brata and park right before the entrance gate. IDR15,000 including sarong and sash rental. 160edit Hot springs at Tirta Empul, Tampaksiring Pura Kehen ( Kehen Temple ), Jl Sriwijaya, Bangli ( just north of Bangli town centre, which itself is about 30 minutes north east from Ubud ). Daily 08:00-17:00. One of the most attractive temples in the whole of Bali, and as it is slightly off the beaten path, one which receives relatively few visitors. The temple was founded in 1206, and has an especially impressive 11-tiered meru in the inner courtyard. When you visit here take a little extra time to look around Bangli. It is a quiet and attractive market town. Ticket includes sarongsash rental. IDR30,000. 160edit Puri Saren Agung ( Royal Palace, Water Palace ), ( across Jl Raya Ubud from Ubud Market ), 6. Daily 09:00-17:00. This was the palace of the kings of Ubud until the 1940s, and some royal descendants live there to this day. Parts of the complex are off limits to the public, but entry to the rest is free, and this is Ubuds best setting for dance performances (see Do ). 160edit Tirta Empul. Tampaksiring ( 20 km northeast from Ubud ). Daily 08:00-18:00. One of the holiest temples in Bali built around hot springs that still bubble in the central courtyard. The Balinese come here to bathe and purify themselves physically and spiritually, and during Galungan, the sacred barong masks are bathed here. Take extra clothes if you want to bath with locals. Water from the spring is clean and believed to have magical powers. The complex dates to 960, but the present buildings are largely modern reconstructions. You can rent a sarongsash for IDR10,000 that can go in the water. (The sarongsash rental from the front gate cannot be returned wet.) Locker rentals to store your things while you bathe for IDR10,000. IDR15,000, including sarong and sash rental. 160edit Yeh Pulu. Banjar Batulumbang, Bedulu nr Gianyar ( turn off the Ubud to Gianyar main road about 400m east of the entrance to the Goa Gajah complex. Drive through Banjar Batulumbang until the road comes to an end. From here walk down the track ), 7. Daily 07:00-18:00. This complex of rock carvings is close to Goa Gajah but far less well known. The carvings date from the fourteenth or fifteenth century, and are set in a very attractive rice field. You can reach Yeh Pulu on foot through the rice fields from Goa Gajah, but you will definitely need a guide for the 45 minute walk as there is no path to speak of. Alternatively, you may just walk on the city streets (there are times where there is no sidewalk to speak of) or drive along the straight forward city route. In addition to the carvings (25m in length), there is a holy well here, and the attendant priest will be happy to bless you with the well water. Temple dress code applies. This is a much underrated and under-visited site, and is highly recommended. IDR15,000. 160edit Chapel of Mother Goddess, Rajarajeshwari Tripurasundari. J L. Sri Wedari Km 3 ( 3 km north from the main Ubud street ), 62 818 701658 (ubudanandashram. asia ), 8. A modern chapel dedicated to the feminine aspect of the divine . such as Kuan Shih Yin, Mary Magdalene, Mother Mary, Lakshmi, Durga, Kali, Saraswati, Gayatri and others. Free, but donations are accepted. 160edit Museums and galleries edit Setiadarma House of Masks and Puppets. J L. Tegal Bingin (Mas, Ubud). 62 361.977404 (setiadarmabaliyahoo. co. id ), 9. 08:00-16:00. A place for preservation, study and display of masks and puppets from Indonesia and other countries. Approximately 1,300 pieces from Indonesia, Africa, Japan, Mexico, China, Korea, Cambodia, Thailand, Malaysia, India, Laos and many others Excellent value and located on serene grounds. A little difficult to find and a small trip outside of Ubud proper but completely worth it. donation please. 160edit Agung Rai Museum of Art ( ARMA ), Jl Pengosekan. 62 361 975742 (infoarmamuseum ), 10. 09:00-18:00. Showcases works by well known Balinese artists, as well as international artists who made Bali their home such as Walter Spies, Adrian Jean Le Mayeur, Rudolph Bonnet and Arie Smit. The only painting in Bali by renowned Javanese artist Radan Saleh is exhibited here. They also run workshops for thirteen different aspects of Balinese art and culture. Cafe with tea and coffee. Price includes tea or coffee (hot or cold). IDR60,000. 160edit Bali Center for Artistic Creativity ( BCAC ), Jl Raya Andong. 62 81 246 527 362. 11. M-Sa 09:00-17:00. This gallery features a range of art by Bruce Sherratt and various local Indonesian artists and offers a variety of art classes. 160edit Blanco Renaissance Museum. Jl Raya Campuhan. 62 361 975502. 12. Daily 09:00-17:00. Before he died in 1999, Spanish artist Antonio Blanco was an absolute fixture on the Ubud art scene. His former home is now a museum showcasing his sometimes bizarre but always interesting work. Think Salvador Dali transplanted to Asia. In the garden you can take pictures of the exotic birds flying around. Admission price not correct at time of updating on their website. Confirmed 80,000. IDR80,000 domestic IDR30,000. 160edit Museum Puri Lukisan ( Museum of Fine Arts ), Jl Raya Ubud ( on the main road just west of the market ), (infompl-ubud ), 13. Daily 08:00-16:00. When it opened in 1954, this was the first private museum in Bali. Three buildings showcase traditional and modern Balinese art. The displays are a little musty and English labelling is spotty, but some of the works, particularly the carvings, are quite amazing. Exhibits by noted artists I Gusti Nyoman Lempad and Rudolph Bonnet, amongst others. IDR60,000. 160edit Museum Rudana. Jl Cok Rai Pudak 44 ( on the road to Mas, about a 10min drive south of Ubud town centre ), 62 361 975779 (rudanasenatorrudana ), 14. M-Sa 09:00-17:00, Su 12:00-17:00. A wide range of Balinese paintings is exhibited here, both traditional and modern. Run by its owner, artist Nyoman Rudana, who is often present. IDR100,000 domestic IDR50,000, under 12y is free. 160edit Neka Art Museum. Jl Raya Sanggingan, Kedewatan. 62 361 975074 (infomuseumneka ), 15. M-Sa 09:00-17:00, Su 12:00-17:00. This museum houses perhaps the most important art collection in the whole of Bali. Six pavilions house the various collections which include dedicated rooms for artists Arie Smit and I Gusti Nyoman Lempad. IDR50,000. 160edit Seniwati Gallery of Art by Women. Jl Sriwedari 2B. 62 361 975485. 16. Tu-Su 09:00-17:00. This gallery features art only by women Seni is Indonesian for art and Wati means women. 160edit Landscape edit Rice paddies near Ubud The area around Ubud is characterised by gently rolling rice paddies . and these create an impression of greenness which can be quite startlingly beautiful. This is especially true to the south and southeast of the town. Any visitor approaching from the south will appreciate this and it is worth a stop just to absorb the gentle beauty of it all. Northeast of Ubud town centre the land starts to become more undulating, and this is a good place to view Balis classic rice terraces. The village of Tegallalang is very much a tourist trap, but it is worth braving the hordes of trinket peddlers to view the stunning terraces there. From the town centre, take Jl Raya as far east as you can go, and then turn north and continue about 9km until you reach Tegallalang. Look for the picture postcard rice terraces on you right-hand side. For those moving on north to the Kintamani area, this is on route and makes for an easy stop. A small fee is charged to cars entering, at least to tourists in hired cars. Far more off the beaten path is to explore the rice fields immediately north of town. A good route is to take Jl Raya eastwards from the town centre and turn north up the small road immediately adjacent to the BCA Bank building. Proceed up this road through the village of Kutuh and just keep going, turning where you feel like it. This is a very gentle, rural area with some lovely landscape. A great way to explore is by bicycle as there are no steep hills to negotiate here. Another very short walk through the rice fields starts as a narrow path at the right side of Puri Lukisan museum and ends as Jalan Kajeng street bringing you back to Ubud center. Typical Ubud river valley scenery On the opposite side of town in the Campuhaun . Sanggingan . and Kedewatan areas, the landscape changes dramatically as great gorges have been carved out of the limestone land base by the Ayung and Wos rivers. Its no surprise that so many five star hotels have made their home in these lush, dramatic valleys. Opportunities for viewing these gorges are many. You can just find your own way and explore by motorbike (it is very hard work by bicycle as the hills are steep). Head west out of town over the Campuhan Bridge and just start exploring. The main road here is Jl Raya Sanggingan, and if you continue heading away from town you will reach the junction with Jl Raya Kedewatan. From that point you can turn in either direction and just keep exploring. Alternatively, you can stop into a hotel or restaurant, have a drink or lunch, and gaze out in very civilised surroundings. If your pockets are deep, the restaurant at the Four Seasons in Sayan probably has the best views of all of the Ayung Gorge. A more budget conscious option is the lovely Indus restaurant in Sanginngan, with tables facing out to the Wos River. Others edit Campuhan Treck For Hiking And Trekking Campuhan ridge walk ( Ubud Hiking And Trekking ), Jl raya campuhan. (ubudvacationgmail ), 17. Morning 08.00 am - afternoon 14.00 Pm. This Campuhan ridge walk is the best place for you to experience the trekking activity. Its more than only hiking trail, through its path will accompany you to explore Ubud in amazing natural side. You will feel a peaceful atmosphere attack your mind after entering this ridge. You may say this place is like the heaven of beauty with full of romantic impression in every single view. Adults US40, children US25. 160edit Bali Bird Park. Jl Serma Cok Ngurah Gambir, Singapadu. 62 361 299352 (salesbali-bird-park ), 18. 9:30AM-5:30PM daily. A splendid 2-hectare aviary park with more than 250 species of birds in well thought out, attractive enclosures. The park has an enlightened, modern attitude to exhibiting animals, and this is obvious from the very open, walk-in aviaries, and the number of free range birds throughout the park. Also has a notably good cafe. One of Balis best formal attractions. Adults US23.5, children US10. 160edit Botanic Garden. Kutuh Kaja ( on the road to Kutuh Kaja village which runs north from Jl Raya Ubud close to BCA Bank ), 19. 8AM-6PM daily. The owner has since passed away and the gardens are highly unkept. Not recommended based upon original reviews and description of what these gardens once were. Rp 50,000. 160edit Monkey Forest. Jl Monkey Forest, Ubud. 62 361 971304 (infomonkeyforestubud ), 20. A sacred forest full of ravenous monkeys, so dont bring any food or you will risk bites and a need for rabies injections. If you are bitten, visit the first aid clinic near the entrance at the bottom of Jalan Monkey Forest. Stroll through to find Pura Dalem Agung Padangtegal, a temple of the dead. A visit to the very informative website beforehand is highly recommended. Entrance 40,000 Rp for adults. Be wary around the monkeys that occupy the Monkey Forest. They are experts at stealing possessions like glasses, cameras and even handbags, and have been known to attack people carrying food. Bali is currently battling a rabies outbreak, and the likelihood is that these monkeys could carry the disease. No matter how cute they look, feeding them is just asking for trouble. They can often be seen meticulously grooming each other. The young monkeys are extremely cute and playful. Some may tug on your shirt, or even climb on your shoulders or head. Be very, very cautious of the larger, male males as they can be aggressive. Do not stare or make eye contact with them or reach out to them as they may take it as a challenge. 160edit The White Herons of Petulu. Petulu. Every evening between 15,000 and 20,000 cattle egrets, known colloquially as white herons and in Balinese, kokokan, roost in the village of Petulu just ten minutes north of Ubud. It is quite a spectacle as these large, elegant white and rusty orange birds arrive in countless groups and tussle for the prime roosting spots. Each morning at dawn they leave en-masse to find feeding spots around the island. Some also breed in the area and nests can be seen in the roadside trees. The cattle egrets are joined by smaller numbers of little egrets and Javan pond herons. According to local legend, the egrets first appeared here in such large numbers after one of the worst massacres of suspected communists during the troubles of 1965. This led local villagers to believe that these birds are the souls of the slaughtered, and ceremonies to that effect are still held today. The village of Petulu is reached by heading east from Ubud town centre on Jl Raya Ubud until you meet the obvious junction with Jl Raya Andong. Turn left, and go up the hill for about 2 km until you see the sign posted left turning on Jalan Kintamani to Petulu village. Go into the village and then past the ticket point. After about 500 meters you can watch the birds from community hall building on your left, currently in renovation (Aug 2014). For June, July and August, get there by 5:30PM. 20,000 per adult. ( -8.491582. 115.274594 ) 160edit Do edit add listing Puram Dalem dance performance As a centre of the arts, Ubud has over 65 different gamelan, dance and shadow puppet performances every week, in various venues, or about 8 or more every single night of the week. If you are in Bali during any of the Hindu cycles where gamelan and dancing is planned, the best way to see it is in an actual temple ceremony. Ask your accommodation or the Ubud Tourist Info office or your driver to find out if any are happening when you are in Bali. There are also plenty of spas for resynchronising your chakras, and all manner of spiritual classes and treatments, some distinctly less genuine than others. Art courses edit Bali Center for Artistic Creativity (BCAC) ( Andong ), Jl Raya Andong, Ubud. 62 81246527362 (brcerobertyahoo ), 21. Art studio and gallery offering art classes from beginners to teachers, and internationally accredited courses run by Bruce Sherratt. 160edit Gaya Ceramic and Design. (infogayaceramic ), 22. Ceramic art studio offering gallery, exhibitions and workshops. 160edit Pondok Pekak Library and Learning Center. (0361) 976194 (librarypondokyahoo ), 23. Not-for-profit library and learning center offering morning or afternoon classes in silver making, wood carving, fruit carving, Balinese dancing, gamelan playing, and so on. Book borrowing memberships available or books for sale, free wifi for all visitors, Bahasa Indonesia language classes in the upstairs terrace. 160edit Five Art Studio Keliki Ubud. 6287861984083 (fiveartbaliyahoo ), 24. Art studio and gallery offering classes in Keliki traditional painting class, silver, wood carving, fruit carving, Balinese dancing, egg painting. 160edit Cooking classes edit Canting Bali Cooking Class. Laplapan Village, Ubud, Gianyar, Bali. 62 87 860 103676 (cantingbalicookingyahoo ), 25. Bali Cooking Class with Canting Bali, Beautiful Balinese Home Cooking Class in near Ubud, Discover the secrets of Balinese food. Free shuttle service for Ubud area. 160edit The Lesung Bali. Jalan Melayang, Ubud, Bali. 62 81 558 662252 (lesungbalicookinggmail ), 26. Traditional Balinese cooking class and so much more. Offers additional optional tours of market, rice paddies, and coffee plantation. As well as learning how to cook a variety of dishes, you also get an intro on Balinese culture and a tour of a Balinese compound and family temple. All ingredients are grown in their own sustainable organic garden. Free shuttle pickup from Ubud area. Adult Rp. 350,000person. Kids under 12 Rp. 250,000person. 160edit Payuk Bali Home Cooking Class. Banjar Laplapan Ubud Bali. 62 361 8987854 (infopayukbali ), 27. Traditional Balinese cooking such sate lilit, Balinese salad, and nasi kuning. ( -8.50357. 115.277567 ) 160edit Paon Bali Cooking Class. Laplapan Village. 62 813 37939095. 28. Traditional Balinese cooking class in the home of a very hospitable family. They offer a pick-up in Ubud. 160edit Periuk Bali Cooking Class. Jl Raya Laplapan, Laplapan Ubud. 6281338792368. 29. 08.30am - 3.30pm. Learn the secrets of Balinese cuisine hands-On at Periuk Bali Cooking Class Ubud. IDR 350000. ( -8.504417. 115.278000 ) 160edit Pissari Bali Cafe. Jl Monkey Forest, Ubud. 62 361 970743. 30. 09.00-13.00. Traditional Balinese cooking class. Uses all natural and organic ingredients. Really interesting and fun experience. The chef running the class is very experienced and knowledgable. 160edit Ubad Ubud Bali Cooking Class. Jl Ki Pasung Grigis. 085935387998 (infoubadubudbali ), 31. Discover a fascinating introduction in to the exotic ingredients and unique culinary heritage of Bali. ( -8.528660. 115.286027 ) 160edit Laddu Kitchen Cooking Class ( Cooking Class ), Jl Raya Kedewatan Banjar Tanggayuda, Ubud, Bali. 62 361 971 999 (reservationashokatreeresort. fax. 62 361 970 999 ). make your holiday very impressive and memorable. with cooking class program how to learn Balinese food is open in nature with green rice terraces and tropical trees ( -8.528660. 115.286027 ) 160edit Cultural performances edit Legong dance performance Dance performances are held almost nightly at Ubud Palace and Pura Taman Saraswati (Ubud Water Palace) which has an open-air stage surrounded by water with beautiful backdrop. Barong Dance. Batubulan ( about fifteen minutes south of Ubud on the main road to Sanur ). A Barong dance performance takes place here every day at 9:30AM, lasting about an hour. It is very much a performance for tourists, and the story is of the never ending battle between good and evil. There is actually not much dancing and a lot of talking in this performance. While buying a ticket, you will get a description of the forthcoming performance. Rp 80,000. 160edit Pura Dalem. Jl Raya Ubud. 62361970508. 32. One of the best kecak performances in Ubud, every Wednesday and Saturday evening at 7:30pm-9:00pm. Staged in beautiful surroundings outside under the banyan trees, and followed by a fire dance. Excellent ambiance and the fire dance at the end is impressive. However, parts of the performance can get repetitive. Rp 75,000. 160edit Puri Saren amp Puri Saraswati ( just east of Jl Monkey Forest ), Jl Raya Ubud. 33. Smack dab in the centre of town, dance performances are staged here almost nightly. Rp 80000. 160edit Tek Tok Dance. Tek Tok Dance is a traditional Balineese dance that is accompanied by musical sound of mouth Tek Tok altogether with various combinations of body movement and other sounds. Tek Tok Dance gives a moral message which when a woman who embodies the values of patience, sacrifice, compassion, devotion, and a holy sincerity is not respected, then disasters and calamities will befall a kingdom or state. This story also gives the message that truth, virtue, devotion and genuine compassion will always be protected by God. Tek Tok Dance performance held regularly in Bali Culture Center (BCC) Ubud, Bali four times a week. 160edit Spas edit SenS Spa. 1 Jalan Sukma (junction of Jalan Sukma and Jalan Raya Ubud) (goo. glmapsGPCsKnuRZD52). 62 361 849 3328 (reservations. ubudsenshotelsresorts ). 09:00-23:59. SenS Spa is a calm retreat inside the SenS Hotel amp Spa, featuring 1 couples treatment suite, 2 single suites and 3 foot reflexology stations. Youll emerge radiant, relaxed and refreshed. SenS Spa is open till midnight the perfect, soothing end to a day of work or play. Bali Healing. Location 1 Hanoman 43, Padang Tegal. Location 2 is Ubud Raya across from Casa Luna. 62 891936048846 62 361 279 7658. 34. 10:00-21:00. Even for the experienced massage consumer, this six bed massage centre is an experience not to be missed. The 1 hr Balinese massage is about 80,000 Rp. Magic warm stone massage for 120,000 Rp. Several other deep tissue and reflexology treatments are available 160edit Bodyworks Healing Centre. Jl Hanoman 25. 62 361 975720. 35. 10:00-21:00. Ubud Bodyworks Healing Centre was founded by Ketut Arsana 25 years ago, and it is still his family home. The 1st such establishment in Ubud, and was a place where Balinese people would come for healing long before the tourist hordes arrived. There is a definite emphasis on the spiritual elements of healing. 160edit Pertenin Body Care. Jl Jatayu. 62 361 972834. 36. 10:00-21:00. Facial treatments and massage in a relaxing, modern environment. Customer may select the oils and herbs for any treatment. From Rp 85,000, free pick-up. 160edit SANg Spa. Jl Jembawan 29B ( at the bend in the southern part of Jl Jembawan, walk down a small side street ), 62 361 8631816. 37. 09:00-21:00. Small full-service day spa, owned and run by a young couple named Ngurah and Asti. Simple, secluded, clean and nicely decorated. Very professional staff. From Rp 90,000. 160edit Spa Hati. Jl Raya Andong 14, Peliatan. 62 361 974 672 (spahatibalihati. org ), 38. Prices start at Rp 110,000. The grounds are lovely and there is a pool and jacuzzi. This spa is a non for profit organisation which uses its income for charity programs. They offer pick up from your hotel. 160edit Tamarind Spa at Murnis Houses. Jl Raya, Ubud, up the slope opposite Pura Dalem. 62 361 970 923 (murnimurnis ), 39. 10:00-21:00. The grounds and waterfalls are lovely. They offer Balinese, Relaxing, Swedish, Aromatherapy, Hot Stone, 4-handed and Deep Tissue massages, reflexology, body scrubs, flower baths, facials, manicures, and pedicures. There are various packages, massages for children and massage training. They offer pick up from your hotel. It is one of the top attractions in Ubud on Trip Advisor 160edit Ubud Sari Health Resort. Jl Kajeng 35 ( a 10 minute walk northwards up Jl Kajeng from the centre of Ubud ), 62 361 974393. 40. 10:00-21:00. Emphasis on Balinese-style healing therapy. Offers alternative health care, a day spa, beauty salon, health massage, vegetarian restaurant and yoga. From USD15. 160edit Verona spa. Jl Monkey Forest ( at the end of the alley by Yulia Hotel ), 62 361 970975. 41. 09:00-21:00. Private individual or coupled rooms that open onto a rice terrace. 4 hour package called the Verona Spa Experience has a massage, body scrub, flower bath, facial, manicure, pedicure, and hair crme bath (not to be missed if you like having your head massaged). Cost is Rp 445,000. 160edit Whitewater rafting and other outdoor activities edit ATV adventure in Ubud Powered By Ubud Vacation Ayung River Rafting powered By Ubud Adventures Canyoning in Gitgit, Bali, Indonesia There is good rafting available on the Ayung River at Sayan, just west of Ubud. Almost as good as the rafting itself is the wonderful experience of being right down inside the Ayung gorge. This is the domain of high-end resorts like the Four Seasons and Amandari, and it is a very scenic area indeed. The rapids are Class II and Class III, and best during the rainy season as the river can run a bit dry from June to September. There are two well established operators, both with offices on the main road in Sayan, close to Amandari, however other operators have sprung up recently as well. Cycle tours are an increasingly widespread and popular option. ATV Ride Bali ( Explore Bali With ATV ), Jl. baypass ide bagus mantra. (ubudvacationgmail ), 42. come explore real bali on a thrilling ATV adventure in the middle of impressive ricefields terrace, challenging riverbed, and fantastic black sandy beach. Single160: US 99pax, Tandem US 129. 160edit White Water Rafting ( Ayung River ), Jl. Raya Ir. Soekarno. 6281558418737 (reservationbalitraveldeal ), 43. Led by their friendly guides at a leisurely place, you will paddle through breathtaking waterfalls for unparalleled fun on the river. Tasty Indoneian food will be served for your lunch in their natural river side caf at the end of the trip. Unforgettable and great fun on rafting trip. IDR. 450.000adult all inclusive. 160edit Ayung River Rafting ( Ubud Adventures ), jalan labuan sait. (ubudadventuresgmail ), 44. rafting tour in bali is a tour that we have prepared for those who love adventure, with beautiful across the ayung river the rushing water but still safe to pass through, ayung river very popular for rafting adventures because river have a good view with every stop point you find reliefs carved into the stone and small waterfall. USD 40. 160edit Canyoning. J L. Raya Mas No. 62A. 62361 971 288 - 6285 333 88 55 98 (canyonadventureandspirit ), 45. canyoning is an ultimate outdoor adventure and sport using a variety of techniques that may include walking, abseiling, jumping, sliding down natural slopes and swimming in white water for aquatic canyons. And of course discover beautiful and hidden place at the heart of Balinese nature If you want to go in non commercial area and feel adventure, do not hesitate. 160edit Half Day Bike Tours. J L. Raya Ir. Soekarno. 62361 7462290 (balibintangtourgmail ), 46. Their guides will lead the way for a gentle climb down to a river bed, passing village women as they go about their typical day, watching a farmer as he climbs a coconut tree, and having a well earned drink of young coconut juice than walking through the timeless village of Pejeng (East Ubud). IDR. 400.000adult all inclusive. 160edit Bali Budaya Eco Tours. Jl Raya Pengosekan. 62 361 975557 (baliecocyclinggmail ), 47. The original cycling tour. Free pickup from hotel, breakfast with a view of Mount Batur, visit to coffee plantation, downhill cycling through rice paddies and villages, visit to Balinese family compound, optional flatuphill cycling and a generous buffet lunch. Two guides per group, bikes in good condition, helmets, water also included. Also do volcano climbs, jungle treks etc. Rp 560,000person all inclusive. 160edit Bali Bike Adventures. Laplapan Village. 62 361 9234 627 (infobalibikeadventures. fax. 62 361 898 7934 ), 48. Includes return hotel transfer, mountain bike with safety helmet, breakfast, towel and mineral water, all entrance fees, professional guide, buffet lunch, insurance covered for each participant. Rp 650,000person all inclusive. 160edit Bali Hai Adventures Specialist. Jl Raya Astina Timur, Gianyar. 62 85 739 303 982 (balicountrysidegmail ), 49. This full day cycling tour will take you far away from the regular tourist itinerary and off the beaten track deep into rural Bali where you will be able to witness firsthand the daily life of the Balinese people, their local customs and rituals as well as their age-old traditions. Includes private AC van (min 2 pax booking), mountain bike and safety helmet, breakfast and lunch, fruit and mineral water on tour, entrance fees and personal insurance coverage (from the age of 5 to 65 years). Rp 500,000person. 160edit Yoga and meditation edit Spacious Yoga - Ashtanga Yoga. at Seeds of Life Raw Food Cafe, Jl. Goutama, Ubud ( near the top of Jl. Goutama above Seeds of Life Cafe ), 082237805643 (iaingrysakgmail ), 50. 7-10 AM Sun - Fri. An Ashtanga Yoga shala offering morning Mysore style practice 6 days per week and occasional workshops and intensives. Drop-in, weekly and monthly rates available. 160edit Radiantly Alive Yoga Studio. J L. Jembawan 3, Padang Tegal Kaja ( Next to post office and almost across from Bali Buddha ), 62 0361 978 055 (yogaradiantlyalive ). 7AM-7PM. Beautiful large and centrally located studio with a diverse range of yoga classes from Ashtanga, vinyasa, Iyengar, hatha, dance, kirtan and more. They also host special interest workshops and yoga teacher trainings. From about Rp 100,000. ( -8.509671. 115.266881 ) 160edit Taman Hati Yoga and Meditation Center. Banjar Nyuh Kuning. 62 361 974739 (tamanhati2000yahoo ). This centre was founded in 2000 by two local men, both from families containing many generations of Hindu priests. Set up for both complete beginners, and those already experienced but wishing to broaden their horizons. Every Wednesday at 7:30PM, there is a free class entitled World Peace Meditation. From about Rp 90,000. 160edit Ubud Yoga Centre. Jl Raya Sanggingan ( almost opposite Neka Museum ), 62 361 970460 (juliebaliyogahealing ), 51. Expat-run centre offers everything from single attendance classes up to residential yoga instructor training courses. From Rp 90,000 per session. Good value ten class pass for Rp 550,000. 160edit The Yoga Barn. Jl Hanoman, Pengosekan. 62 361 970992 (infotheyogabarn ), 52. Range of classes and an excellent set of teachers mostly in the AshtangaVinnyasa school. Upper studio has great views of the surrounding rice terraces. Residential packages, multiple day classes and simple single entry classes. If you are a teacher, they offer the possibility of renting the centre to host your classes. From about Rp 100,000. 160edit Movement Matters Bali Pilates. J L. Nyuh Bulan, No.5, Nyuh Kuning ( One street over from Yayasan Bumu Sehat Natural Birthing Center ), 62 822 6608 6611 (MovementMattersBaligmail ), 53. 7AM-9PM. State-of-the-art Pilates and Gyrotonic studio with imported equipment from USA and Canada. Ubuds first and only fully equipped studio also featuring an onsite certified Rolfer. Private and semi-private sessions, group classes at a custom-built beautiful studio in Ubuds famous village, Nyuh Kuning. From Rp 80,000. 160edit Anand AshramUbud. J L. Sriwedari Km 3. 62 818 701658 (ubudanandashram. asia ), 54. Non-profit institution offering yoga, meditation, satsang, kirtan, bed and breakfast. Visiting teachers and students are welcome to use the space for their programs and stay on donation basis. 160edit Blooming Lotus Yoga. at Lodtunduh, Ubud ( Ubud Corner 88, Br. Mawang Kaja No. 88, Desa Lodtunduh, Ubud ), 62 361 4792881 (adminblooming-lotus-yoga ), 55. Yoga and meditation retreats offered. 4 day, 7 day, and 11 day yoga retreats available. 160edit Buy edit add listing Inside Ubud Market Ubud has a vast assortment of art and jewelry shops. Head for the boutique type stores on Jl Monkey Forest and Jl Raya Ubud for higher quality goods (with appropriately higher prices), or down to the market for bulk-produced cheapies. Mas Carving Center ( carving of wood sculptures ), jalan mas, batubulan. 56. 08.00 am - 17.00 Pm. Mas Village Wood Carving is art with a focus on carving of wood sculptures. It is situated in Ubud District and Gianyar Regency has a distinctive style in the art carving of wood sculptures that promotes characteristic synergy of humanism and naturalism. The fame of this village as a village of art has been recognized nationally and internationally which can not be separated from the greatness name of some maestros who born, growth and find their identities and spirit of art in Mas Village 160edit Celuk Village ( handicraft center of gold and silver jewelry ), jalan raya sukawati celuk. 57. 08.00 am - 17.00 pm. Celuk Village is formerly as a traditional Balinese village located in the entrance gate of Gianyar Regency ad has changed into a tourist attraction with its trademark in the form of gold and silver. The village located in Sukawati District, Gianyar Regency has the uniqueness and excellent in production of gold and silver handicrafts. 160edit Ubud Market edit Located at the corner of Jl Monkey Forest and Jl Raya Ubud, this is a double storey warren of stalls bursting at the seams with wood carvings, batik shirts, sarongs, and all manner of other souvenirs aimed specifically at tourists. The merchants here haggle with tourists for a living, and think nothing of asking for ten times the going price, so try to establish a baseline before you go in to buy. Most of the merchants downstairs will lose interest if you try to get a reasonable price. It is better to try the shops upstairs where you will find the same products often for sale at lower prices. You will still need to use your best bargaining skills of course. Try to avoid the period from 11AM-2PM when tour buses from further afield tend to arrive en-masse. If hiring a car for a day, it might be worth it to make a stop in Tegallalang, where they are geared more towards wholesale buyers. The Sukawati Market is crowded and sells trinkets in bulk as well, but quality is dubious. Craft villages between Ubud and Sanur edit The road to Ubud from Sanur in the south passes through a series of small towns and villages which specialize in the production of particular arts and crafts. The towns are BatubulanSingakerta for stone carvings, Celuk for silver jewellery, Batuan for paintings, and Mas for wood carvings. The whole area is sometimes referred to as the craft villages of Bali, although it is all a bit more built-up and congested than one might infer from the term village. This is the best area to see and buy a wide variety of Balinese craftwork in a short period of time. There are many large showrooms where arts and crafts in the Balinese style are offered for sale. Nearly all organised day-tours of central Bali stop at one or more of these showrooms (and the tour operators usually have a financial tie-up with the places where they stop, collecting a commission on purchases.) Be careful, many of these shops specialise in pricing based on huge commissions to the drivers and tour buses. Organic Farms between Ubud and Kintamani edit The road between Ubud and Kintamani is swarming with (supposedly)organic farms that have a wide variety of fruits growing on site as well as a few caged luwaks to make luwak coffee. The are probably about 20-25 of these in total and all of them are exactly the same. A guide will show you around and then order a selection of (supposedly) home made coffee and tea. You are then invited to buy these products in their ridiculously overpriced shops. Everything is 4-6 times as much as it would be in a local market. Its impossible to produce all that coffee and all those products on site as they claim. The biggest rip off of them all are the supposed hand rolled cigars (5 for 200000). You can buy the exact same ones in town for about 35000 (for 10). Most of their products (especially coffee) is just repackaged. Other shops amp markets edit Bali Etrade. Jalan Raya Demayu Batuh No. 99 ( Mambal to Ubud ), 8015532. 58. Bali handicraft manufacture and wholesale 160edit Bali Biru. Jalan Demayu Batuh ( Mambal to Ubud ), 9005145. 59. Bali handicraft wholesale 160edit Ganesha Bookstore. Jl Raya. (infoganeshabooksbali ), 60. 9AM-6PM daily. Second hand bookstore. Also has great range of new books about Bali and Indonesia. Been around since 1986 and now has a second branch in Seminyak. 160edit Pondok Pecak Library. Jl Monkey Forest ( on the opposite side of the football pitch from Jl Monkey Forest ), 62 361 976194. 9AM-5PM daily. This privately run community library often has decent fiction and other books for sale. By buying here you are supporting their mission to make free books available to Balinese schoolkids. When you visit, check to see if they have any cultural performances coming up. Also has a small cafe serving home-made snacks. 160edit Sukawati Art Market. Sukawati ( about twenty minutes south of Ubud on the main road to Sanur ). This huge market is like a one-stop centre for all the craft villages between Sanur and Ubud. Many souvenir shop owners from around Bali wholesale purchase their items here, and prices are considerably lower than in the tourist centers like Kuta, Sanur, and Ubud town centre. For a taste of everyday, go to the food and produce market opposite the art market. 160edit Threads of Life. Jl Kajeng 24. 62 361 972187 (tacthreadsoflife ), 61. 10AM-7PM daily. A fair trade store that stocks commercially made, traditional hand-woven textiles from Bali and all points east in Indonesia. Or better yet, go to the shops that are actually from the villages and outer islands like Timor and Flores, and specialize in traditional weavings. 160edit Ubud is renowned in Bali for its wide range of restaurants, and is probably second only to Seminyak in terms of the quality of the offerings. Travelers on a budget will not be short of options, as there are many simple warungs serving up the standard Indonesian staples. Eat edit add listing Budget edit Babi Guling is a very popular dish for Balinese as well as tourists, and you can find it at most traditional markets and at roadside eateries as well. Ayus Warung. Jl Sugriwa ( around 100m down from Jl Raya ), 6285857454453. 9AM-10PM. Very friendly couple. Serve local Balinese food in a small warung on the street. Women likes to talk with you after finishing your diner. Like a typical warung, the portions are big and the prices are low. Serving breakfast and lunchdiner. Also cater for groups (book at least one day in advantage) and offers cooking classes for up to two people. 10,000- 35,000. 160edit Ayus Cafe. Jl Bisma ( around 20 m north of Jl Raya Ubud ). A simple local eatery serving Balinese and some western dishes. Run by a group of local women who are friendly and accommodating. Their local desserts are very tasty. Low prices and good fare. 160edit Bubu Warung. Jl Penestanan Kelod. (bubusannasariyahoo. co. id ), 62. 8AM-10PM daily. Healthy and delicious Balinese cuisine with plenty of choices on the menu. If you have any special requests, Ibu Made will be happy to cater for you. 160edit Dewa Warung. Jl Goutama. 63. 10AM-10PM daily. Dewas is one of the better cheap places to eat in town. Serves all the usual Balinese and Indonesian dishes. The most expensive item on the menu is Rp 30,000. All dishes are very big. Try the fresh mint-lime juice: Rp 9,000 and coconut pie. Add 10 service charge. ( -8.509495704856112. 115.26419878005981 ) 160edit Ibu Oka Warung Babi Guling. Jln Tegal Sari, Off Jalan Suweta ( around 200 m north of the Jl Raya Ubud-Jl Suweta-Monkey Forest Rd crossroads turn right into a side street and follow a small gang about 100 m ahead. There are lots of signs ). 11AM-3PM daily. A Bali culinary experience. The babi guling (spit-roasted pig) here is world-famous, and this once humble eating place is virtually a place of pilgrimage. The roast pork is served with rice and spiced veggies, order the special (Rp 55,000 as of Nov 2015) to get a bit of everything 8212 including offal and blood sausage. There are normal tables and chairs but you can also sit on the floor at low tables inside the bale (pavilion). The restaurant is most likely listed on guidebooks which led to a considerable descrease in quality and portion size, and a increase in price. Oka also has a branch in Mas 62 361 976345 on the main Teges-Sukawati road on the route between Ubud and the airport. Unlike the original, where comfort and appearance are not strong points, this outlet is a two-storey restaurant which is spotless, airy and comfortable. Add 10 servicetax charge. From Rp 45,000. 160edit Pizza Bagus. J L. Raya Pengosekan ( 500 m south of the Monkey Forest Rd. ), 62 361 978520. 64. 9AM-10:30PM. Provides fresh made to order pizzas, pasta and other Italian style meals. Italian gelato and a full deli are also available. Eat-in, take-out or delivery. Organic market held every Saturday morning. Games and TV are provided to entertain children. Free wifi. Main course from Rp 22,000-50,000. 160edit Sawah Indah Warung Ikan Bakar. J L. Raya Goa Gajah ( Peliatan ), 62 361 785 8080. 9AM-10PM. Lunch or dinner with a rice field view. Fish pond. Relaxing and good for a family or group. Rp 50,000. 160edit Sari Bamboo. Penestanan. 8AM-9PM daily. A tourist class warung, with food freshly cooked to order, set amid tropical gardens on the main road to Penestanan village. Mainly Indonesian food flavoured to suit the taste of western visitors. The warung and bungalows are easily distinguishable by the display of modern art works by the resident artist. No hard sell though, just good food in beautiful surroundings at good prices. Serves breakfast, lunch and dinner. Rp 15,000-25,000. 160edit Songs Oriental Kitchen. Jl Monkey Forest ( At end of small side street about mid of Jl Monkey Forrest - follow Medical Doctor sign next to Yulia Village Inn ). 8AM-10PM. Well hidden small lovely quiet location away from the busy main roads with excellent local food kitchen Rp25k and a huge offer of tasty fresh made and creative drinks including juice, lassie, smoothy and cocktails for Rp 10-15k. 160edit Umah Pizza. ( around 30 m north of Jl Raya Ubud ). Great little eatery with a wood fired oven at the back of the restaurant. Serves a variety of thin crust pizzas along with other western and basic Indonesian dishes. 160edit Warung Aja. Jl Monkey Forest ( about halfway down Jl Monkey Forest, the warung is set back away from the road, on the right side if heading south towards the Monkey Forest ), 62 361 973398. 9AM-10PM daily. Cosy and friendly, Warung Aja is run by a couple from Java and is a good place to sample Indonesian food from Java, such as nasi rawon . nasi kuning . and pecel . There are also the usual Balinese food items on the menu like sate lilit . Mains from Rp 20,000. 160edit Warung Igelanca ( Iggys ), Jl Raya Ubud. 62 815 8943251. 11AM-10PM daily. Cheap and cheerful Indonesian favorites like nasi campur . fried rice and noodles, plus (this being Ubud) a range of herbal drinks, such as Ginger Jive. 160edit Warung Lada. Jl Hanoman. 10AM-9PM daily. Choose from the various Indonesian side dishes (nasi campur-style) that are displayed behind the counter. You can pick as many dishes as you like as you pay for each serving. A full plate is around Rp 30,000 including a fresh fruit juice. Be on time for lunch because it is usually packed. 160edit Warung Garasi. Jl Monkey Forest ( on a side street left walking up Monkey Forest Road opposite Hotel INATA and next to a couple of massage places ). Very tasty nasi campur for 15,000 in a nice Vespa themed Warung that used to be a garage. 160edit CarameL Patisserie amp Cafe. J L. Hanoman no.4B, Ubud ( 30m from Ubud Raya at Jl. Hanoman on your left side ), 0361-970847 or 0812 33 688 168, more info. 65. 10am-9pm, closed on tuesday. A haven for desserts lover, specialized in selections of cakes amp macarons. 160edit Paulas Rice Terrace Cafe. Jl Suweta, Bentuyung, Ubud ( 2.7 km north of Ubud Center ), 087 862 474 824. 66. 7am - 8pm. Located at the most photographed location in picturesque Ubud, Bali. You are 12 meters above the rice terraces. you see the birds fly below you. The food is a mix of local Balinese and Western favorites. The drinks are designed to be a respite from the heat. think the Caribbean or Key West. ice cold beer, frozen drinks and a large Tapas menu. Parking available. 10-35k IDR. 160edit Lalapan DUbud. Jln. Raya Pengosakan ( Corner of Jln. Made Lebah, 500m South if turning for Monkey Sanctuary ), 6281999224061. Very clean and tidy warung serving delicious grilled chicken or fish with their special herbspice paste. Served with rice and fresh veg this is a great option for a quick delicious lunch. Must try when in Ubud. 10,000rp. 160edit Mid-range edit Alchemy. Jl Penestanan. 62 361 971981 (helloalchemybali ), 67. 7AM-9PM daily. A 100 raw vegan cafe amp juice bar, organic health food store, and holistic clinic. Free Wifi Pricerange Rp 35,000-60,000. 160edit Batan Waru. Jl Dewi Sita. 62 361 977528. 68. 8AM-midnight daily. Long established Ubud institution. Excellent Balinese and other Indonesian food as well as western options, in a well designed space. Also serves top quality coffee, and has a dessert menu which includes an especially notable version of Balinese black rice pudding ( bubur injin ). Indoor and outdoor seating. Most mains Rp 40,000-60,000. 160edit Babyface Restaurant. Jl Monkey Forest. 62 361 976127. 69. 11AM-11PM daily. Simple 2 storey building with a wide choice of food with mains starting at Rp 30,000. This restaurant also has free wifi and lovely staff. The downstairs has a restaurant feel but upstairs is more of a lounge, where you can relax and use your laptop. While the wifi is free, if you need to use electricity, the first 20 mins free, then Rp 200 per min after that. 160edit Clear Cafe. 8 Jalan Hanoman. 62 361 8894437. 70. An organic cafe with a variety of vegetarian, vegan, and raw food-friendly selections. Free Wi-Fi. Try free samples from their bakery at the front of the restaurant Mains about Rp 25,000-70,000. 160edit Cafe des Artistes. ( Jl Bisma ), 62 361 972706. 71. 11AM-midnight daily. This Belgian-owned eatery serves Indonesian dishes as well as a vast array of international classics. Famous for their grilled tenderloin steaks. Extensive winelist, cocktails, Belgian beers and homemade desserts. Free wifi from 11AM-6PM. To make sure you get a table for dinner, call ahead. About Rp 50,000 per head. 160edit Casa Luna. Jl Raya Ubud. 62 361 973282. 72. 8AM-10PM daily. Large, long-established restaurant serving western and local dishes, and plenty that fall somewhere in between. Mains about Rp 55,000-90,000. 160edit China Moon. 8 Jl Monkey Forest ( at the corner of Jl Hanoman and Jl Monkey Forest ), 73. 7AM-2PM daily. While China Moon is not packed during lunch and dinner time, it does have some of the better Chinese cuisine available in Ubud. The owner of the restaurant comes from Taiwan and is really passionate about cooking and helping customers. Unsurprisingly, Taiwanese food is the big thing here, so you might want to try the mushroom pork soup or any other of stews and soups Taiwanese cuisine has to offer. They also serve food from other regions of China, as well as the typical Balinese dishes (or a fusion of both). De Ubud Villas amp Spa is from the same owner at the backside. Mains Rp 30,000-50,000. 160edit Mojos Flying Burritos. ( on the main road near Bank BCA ), 74. 10AM-10PM daily. Mexican restaurant serving burritos, nachos, and tacos all completely handmade including handrolled tortillas and corn chips. At night, a good joint to hang out with expats drinking fresh margaritas and sangria by the pitcher. Mains Rp 20,000-35,000. 160edit Murnis Warung. Jl Raya Campuan-Ubud ( at the Campuan Bridge ), 62 361 975233 (murnimurnis. fax. 62 361 972146 ), 75. 9AM-11PM daily. Excellent western and Balinese food in a stunning, gorge setting. Elegant lounge bar. Historic, being the 1st real restaurant in Ubud founded by Murni herself in 1974. Also a shop with interesting collectibles and the odd real antique. Mains Rp 20,000-70,000. 160edit Naughty Nuris Warung and Grill. Jl Raya Sangiggan ( opposite the Neka Art Museum half way up the hill heading north out of Ubud ), 62 361 977547. 10AM-11PM daily. Crowded roadside watering hole. Microbrews, great martinis and slabs of BBQ ribs. This is very much a standard stop for Korean or Japanese tour buses. Once a week they do amazing grilled tuna. Careful that the waitresses do not stick other peoples drinks on your bill. A few times a year they have parties where drinks are US10 for as much beer as you can handle, for example during USA elections and the Superbowl. Mains Rp 20,000-70,000. 160edit Nomad. Jl Raya Ubud 35. 62 361 977169. 76. 11AM-11PM daily. A long-standing institution that serves up a good selection of Balinese, Indonesian, and western dishes, but deservedly popular is their version of a tapas selection, consisting of bite-sized portions of local flavors. 12 pieces of tapas served with rice costs Rp 90,000 and feeds two. Also serves a wide range of cocktails and spirits. 160edit Taco Casa n Grill ( Mexican Restaurant ), Jl Raya Pengosekan ( next to Alanas California Dreaming ), 62 361 2123818 (infotacocasabali ), 77. 11AM-10PM daily. Open kitchen, simple and fresh tacos (soft and crispy), nachos, 8-layer burrito, fajitas, cheesy enchiladas, quesadillas and taco salad bowl. Fresh blended tropical fruit juices or lassies, milkshakes, freshly prepared lemonade, pure juices, mineral water, hot drink, margarita, mojito, sangria and soft drinks. Mains Rp 22,000-45,000. 160edit Tutmak. Jl Dewi Sita ( next to the football field ), 62 361 975754. 78. 8AM-11PM daily. A favorite with the expat crowd, Tutmak offers an international menu, but is especially famous for its superb coffee made from local arabica fresh roasted daily by the owners. Mains about Rp 25,000-50,000. 160edit Uma Resto. Jl Monkey Forest ( few metres from Sacred Monkey Forest ), 62 361 4792 766 (umarestoanumanaubud ), 79. 7:00am - 10:00pm daily. Provides an Asian (Balinese, Indonesian, Thai) and Western cuisine, and various of beverages cocktail, mocktail, coffee or tea. Free wifi. ( -8.518400. 115.262176 ) 160edit Havana. Jl Dewi Sita. Very tasty Cuban food. Excellent paella and chorizo meatballs. There is also a good Latino band which plays there most evenings accompanied by local salsa dancers. Overall good fun. 160edit Splurge edit Many of the five star hotels in and around Ubud have top class restaurants, with the Four Seasons Resort and Maya Ubud being of special note. Bebek Bengil ( Dirty Duck Diner ), Jl Hanoman, Padang Tegal. 62 361 975489. 80. Daily 11:00-22:00. An interesting restaurant with paddy field views and nice gardens. Famous for their crispy fried duck and some European-based menu items. They have a good selection of cakes as well. Free Wi-Fi in the area closest to the street. About Rp 100,000 per head. 160edit Cascades Restaurant. Jl Lanyahan, Br Nagi. 62 361 972111 (resvcascadesbali. fax. 62 361 970777 ), 81. A fine dining restaurant with French inspired menus mixed with Asian influences. Good views and hushed atmosphere. Has a large wine list. 160edit Mozaic. Jl Raya Sanggingan. 62 361 975768. 82. 11AM-11PM daily. The brainchild of chef Chris Salans, this is one of the leading restaurants in the whole of Bali, and one which will please even the most jaded of foodies. Multi-award winning, including the coveted Les Grandes Tables du Monde award (the only restaurant in Bali ever to achieve that). Western prices, but worth it as a special treat. Try the degustation menu. 160edit Terazo. Jl Suweta ( just north of the junction with Jl Raya Ubud ), 62 361 977528. 83. 10AM-midnight. High quality fusion cuisine in a restaurant environment with a Mediterranean colonial feel. Notably excellent desserts. Owned and run by the same people as Batan Waru. Rp 100,000 per head. 160edit Drink edit add listing Beware of the local Luwak coffee, which has been linked to serious animal abuse as the demand for this coffee grows. Many spice gardens will keep the wild civet for displays - these animals are caught from the wild and kept in cages for the entertainment of tourists, usually under unacceptable conditions. Ubud is emphatically not a party town: there are a few places for a quiet drink, but the strictly enforced local regulation that all live performances and loud music must end by 10:30PM puts a bit of a clamp on the local nightlife. More often than not, visitors have a quiet drink with their evening meal, and call it a night. Arys Warung. Jl Raya Ubud 35 ( opposite Puri Saraswati ), 62 361 975959. 84. 10:30AM-10PM daily. Dont be fooled by the name, this is a stylish watering hole with a large bar downstairs, complete with sofas and cow-leather bar stools, and a rather less busy restaurant upstairs. Drinks are expensive but generously sized. 160edit Jazz Cafe. Jl Sukma No 2, Tebesaya. 62 361 976594. 85. Tu-Su 5PM-midnight. Jazz bar with live bands nightly, with a range of music - blues, funk and soul classics as well as the expected jazz. A limited food menu and a good selection of drinks. Recently installed sound-proofing and often seems to keep the music going late Drinks Rp 30,000 and up, Rp 85,000 for a cocktail. 160edit The Melting Pot Game Room and Pub. J L. Pengosekan ( across from The Pond restaurant and behind Delta Dewata ), 62 815 7689113. 11AM till last man out. Pool hall and games room with full bar. Every nation is represented with a flag and customers are encouraged to sign their countrys. Food, music, table tennis, darts, foosball, video games, pool tables and general atmosphere make it a place where locals, expats and tourists often congregate. 8 Ball tournament every Tuesday night and 10 ball tournament on Fridays are open to all. 160edit Rendezvousdoux. Jl Raya Ubud 14. 62 361 7470163. 10AM-11PM daily. On Thursday evenings there is often a jam session with local expat musos trying their hand at various forms of ethnic music. Otherwise it is a generally quiet cafe. 160edit Wapas Restaurant. J L. Sueta, Br. Bentuyung. 62 361 973178. It is very nice restaurant with rice field view, the restaurant special menu fried crispy duck. 160edit Kamasan Cafe. J L. Raya Sangingan ( Located behind Warung Pulau Kelapa restaurant ), (0361) 971872. Kamasan Cafe is providing authentic Indonesian cuisine especially from Java. Completed with coffee, mocktail amp cocktail. They are providing various specialty coffees from around Indonesia The coffee is fresh one and roasted by expert coffee master. 160edit Sleep edit add listing This guide uses the following price ranges for a standard double room: Ubud has a vast selection of lodging for all budgets. Many visitors prefer to stay out in nearby rural areas instead of in the town centre, ideally with views of the famous rice terraces, but this can make it a little difficult to get around. Jl Bisma and Jl Kejeng on the west side have numerous homestays but within walking distance of central Ubud. As in most of Bali, in all but the grandest of hotels, check-in and check-out times are a bit of a moveable feast. Its safe to assume about 14:00 and 11:00 respectively. Budget edit Ubud has many homestays which are the cheapest form of lodging, a good way to meet the locals, and the natural replacement for hostels on the backpacker circuit. If you want to stay in town, the area around Jl Monkey Forest is generally the most expensive little more expensive (from Rp 80,000-100,000 per night). If you want cheaper prices try the areas around Jl Hanoman, north of Jl Raya Ubud and further out in Peliatan. In the low season especially, bargains can be had by those willing to bargain. Joker Hostel amp Guesthouse. Jalan Raya Pengosekan, Ubud ( next to Taco Casa and 2 mins walk from Perama bus office ), 62 83119691058 or 6282237839538. Family oriented hostel run by local Balinese. Free breakfast until 1pm (Balinese or Banana pancakeEggs), Strong Wifi, Good AC, Hot shower, Free coffee tea and water 247. Rooms are cleaned, beds are made everyday, dorms beds have privacy curtains and personal charging point. 24 hours reception, motorbike rental (Rp. 50,000 a day) and laundry available. They have many local tips and can make tour arrangement. Good location for good night sleep Rp 100,000 for AC dorms, Rp 300,000 for AC double bed room ensuite. 160edit Tudes Family Homestay. Jl Sugriwa, No 57, Gang Menda, Padang Tegal Kelod. 62 361 973511 or 081 338 227 008. This new guesthouse situated a few minutes walk from the city center is run by a welcoming and charming Balinese family. The two newly built guest rooms each have two comfortable twin beds, a private bathroom with shower (hot water), many windows, ceiling fan and a verandah for enjoying morning tea. These rooms are within the family compound, but have their own private entrances. A nice breakfast of fresh fruits, pancakes or omelettes is included in the price of the room. The owners are always available to offer help to their guests. They can arrange transports, excursions, spa treatments and anything else you need during your stay in Ubud. Putu, the owner, always have time to sit and discuss with his guests. The nicest smile in Ubud Free wifi available. Rp From 150,000 to 200,000. 160edit Amel Homestay. Jl Sugriwa, Padang Tegal. 62 361 970574 (melaniputri406yahoo. co. id ). This charming guesthouse situated a few minutes walk from the city center is run by a friendly family that is very aware of their guests well being. The four rooms are clean and welcoming, with hot or cold shower, all of them giving on the family temple. A healthy breakfast is also included in the price, with fresh fruits and pancakes or jaffles, and teacoffee is available at will. The place is quiet and inspiring, the hosts are always there to offer any kind of accomodation, including motorbike renting, taxi service and tours, or simply for talking. Free wifi available. Rp From 150,000 to 200,000. 160edit Dewi Antara Homestay. Jl Sugriwa, Padang Tegal. 62 361 976072 (dewiantara338yahoo ). A humble Balinese family homestay. Quiet and clean bungalows in a garden setting. The father participates in cultural activities (hes a dancer), so its fun to watch him in traditional dress. Mum prepares the breakfast of toast, fruit salad and coffee. From Rp 150,000. 160edit Dudek Homestay. Jl Nakula. Br. Kalah, Peliatan, Ubud, 80571. 62 361 908 0075 (dudekhomestayyahoo ). This quaint homestay is about a 25 minute walk from the main drag in Ubud. The double rooms come with AC, a comfortable bed and a hot shower with excellent pressure. Breakfast is included (banana pancakes or scrambled eggs depending on the day) and unlimited coffeetea. Dudek also has an art gallery on the premise which he incorporates into the place. They also rent motorbikes for Rp 50,000day. Rp From 200,000. 160edit Family Guest House. Jl Sukma 39, Tebesaya. 62 361 974054 (familyhousehotmail. co. id ), 86. Friendly Hindu family makes you feel right at home. Rooms are placed in a lovely compound and includes a good breakfast. Rp 200,000-250,000. 160edit Gandra Homestay. J L. Karna, No 8 ( see description ). Charming accommodation consisting of a few bungalows and rooms. Clean and well maintained. The bungalows (Rp 180,000) are very spacious with 2 double beds, fan, hot and cold water, lockable cabinets and a big porch with a table and some chairs. All this in a calm and green garden at a central location, within 2 minutes walk from Ubud Market. Complimentary tea is awaiting you on your porch when you get back every afternoon. The owner can arrange day trips and airport transfer at fair prices. Breakfast is included, with a choice of pancakes or jaffle, served with fresh fruit and tea. Free Wi-Fi. Directions: When walking up Jl. Monkey Forest, heading north (going away from Monkey Forest) you will see a supermarket on your right about 100 meters before the crossing with Jl. Raya Ubud. Just after passing the supermarket, you will see some signs for a few guesthouses if turning to the right into the narrow alley, including Gandra Homestay. Make your way into the alley. Follow the alley until it ends (about 100 meters), turn right, and Gandra Homestay is the first gate on your right. Double room with fan Rp 160,000. Bungalow with warm water and fan Rp 180,000. 160edit Gustis Garden Bungalows. 62 3618633610 (infogustigardenbungalows ), 87. Balinese style with 25m sq, private balcony, private bathroom, hot and cold water, king size bed, clothing cabinet, dressing table, ceiling fan, wash basin and standing shower and swimming pool. From about Rp 275,000. 160edit Jati Home Stay. Jl Hanoman, Padang Tegal. 62 361 977701. 88. Rooms using natural, traditional materials of bamboo, marble and thatched roofs. An atmosphere of art and culture, all members of Jatis family are traditional Balinese artists. Learn Balinese painting and watch a group of children practice Balinese dancing. From about Rp 100,000. 160edit Kari House. 51 JL Sugriwa, Padang Tegal ( One Block from Hanoman St, near Dewi Antara ), 6281934300910. Small family homestay in authentic Balinese courtyard setup wonderful family hosts who cook a nice local breakfast on a quiet side street close to central Ubud. Rooms with private bathroom with cold and hot shower, free Wi-Fi. From Rp 100,000 inc breakfast. 160edit Ketut and Geks House. Jl Raya Bono, Bona Kelod, Blahbatuh, Gianyar near surfer camp of Keramas Beach ( 13 km southeast of Ubud ), 62 361 945833, 6285 792 529 536 (ketutsurayahoo ), 89. Rooms with private bathroom with cold and hot shower, overlooking rice fields, free Wi-Fi. Also available house with two bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, balcony, for long term. From Rp 80,000 inc breakfast. 160edit There are lots of them in Ubud Made Arsa Homestay. Br. Tengah, Peliatan, Ubud ( Jl. Cok Gde Rai, near the intersection with Jl. Raya Teges, look for the signs opposite the Alfamart. ), 081999033998 (madearsaubudgmail ). Pleasant homestay within walking distance of central Ubud, but away from taxi drivers and hawkers, close to several local warungs. Free wifi, hot showers and clean rooms. Bapak, Ibu and the rest of the family are extremely hospitable and assist with anything under the sun. Popular with volunteers teaching English in Ubud. Double room Rp. 120.000, Triple room Rp. 150.000. 160edit Mawar Homestay. Jl. Raya Ubud. 62 361 975086 (mawarfamilygmail ), 90. in the heart of Ubud, 15 min walk from Monkey Forest and 5 min walk from Ubud Palace and Ubud Market. 10 rooms with ceiling fans available bathrooms have hotcold water. Free Wi-Fi and breakfast. From Rp 200,000. 160edit Melati Cottages. Jl Penestanan. 62 361 974650 (melaticottageshotmail ), 91. Traditional style rooms set around a cafe by a pool. You can walk in from north or south. From about Rp 220,000. 160edit Narasoma Homestay. Gang Beji off Jl Monkey Forest. 62 361 973404. 92. Down a little lane off busy Jl Monkey Forest. Family home with accommodation. Balinese compound setting with traditional carved buildings, surrounded by coconut palms. Top floor has views of the central mountains and Mount Agung. Clean and airy, and breakfast is included. Rp 200,000-250,000. 160edit Nirwa Ubud Homestay. Subak Sukawayah, Abangan (5min walk west on Jl Raya Ubud from central Ubud, turn right up a gravel road, 100m down a narrow path. Follow signs. ), 62 361 971863 (nirwa. homestaygmail ), 93. 2 bungalows, 2 1st floor rooms, 2 2nd floor rooms. Surrounded by rice fields on three sides but only the 1st floor rooms have views of the rice fields (best is Rm 1). Run by owner Made, wife Ayu and son Alit. Friendly and helpful. Always meets and greets you when you return. The walk in is a little long and it is not well lit at night so a flashlight is helpful. Quiet, peaceful location. Clean, hotcold showers, ceiling fan, good breakfast selections. Rates from USD 25night 160edit Nyoman Murjana Homestay. Jl Hanoman, Gang Anila No 7 ( down the alley opposite Jl Jembawan ), 62817351589 (nyomanmurjana2005yahoo ). checkout: 11AM. Clean, nicely furnished rooms in a traditional Balinese family compound. A breakfast is included with egg, toast, veggies, fresh fruit, coffee and tea, also has WiFi. The family can help with information about Ubud, motorbike rental and tours desk. Long stay also possible. Double with hot shower from Rp 200,000. 160edit Rumah Roda Homestay and Restaurant. ( Jl Kajeng 24 ), 62 361 975487. 94. Lovely family compound with rooms. The restaurant has a Sunday evening buffet. The book A Little Bit One OClock is about this place and family. About Rp 150,000. 160edit Shana Homestay. Jl Goutama No7, Padang Tegal ( very close to the traditional amp art market and Nomad restaurant ), 62 361 97481. 3 bungalows in garden setting, each with 2 beds, breakfast included. Rp 100,000. 160edit Ubud Sayan Studio. ( 4km down town center and Royal PalaceMonkey Forest Rd ), 95. checkin: 1:00pm checkout: 10:00am. Equipped with bathroom, shared kitchenette, covered garage - perfect for travelers and backpackers - you can save on eating out with the possibility of preparing simple meals (breakfast, oats, instant noodles) and keeping your food fresh (big fridge) for fruit and drinks -- Basic pots and pans are provided. From Rp 196,000. 160edit Warsas Guest House. Jl Jembawan No 70. 62 361 976109 (nyomansuarsagmail ). Newly built in 2014. The owner, a relaxed guy, welcomes you with a smile and the rooms are very bright - windows to 2 sides - and neat, good mattress. They have air-con rooms on the 1st floor and ceiling fan on the 2nd floor. Air-con room comes with hot water (unknown for the other rooms). Walking distance to the city centre is around 5 to 10 minutes. Very quiet at night. Small breakfast included. Rp 200,000 is for the air-con room. Also traditional Balinese rooms amp motorbike rental available. Free Wi-Fi. 160edit Yunis House. Karna Street 4 ( see in the description ). Great Family Homestay with Bungalowstyle rooms. You are right inside a family complex. Two Sons are artists and an amazong gallery there. Breakfast included. A bit hard to find: walk up Monkeyforest Rd (away from the Monkeyforest). About 100 meters before the crossing with Jl. Raya Ubud, there is a Supermarket on the right. Right after that is a very small alley on your right hand side, with a sign towards another hostel (Gandra homestay). Walk the road, and at the end turn left, youll see it from there. 150,000room. 160edit Mid-range edit Sapulidi Resort and Spa. jalan raya pengosekan banjar, kelod mas, Ubud, Bali 80571 ( about 10 min walk to Monkey Forest ), 62(0361)977309 (tirthahotelsgmail ), 96. Sapulidi Resort has its own private lake, huge infinity pool, huge area of land with rice fields all over, many private pool villa, and MS Universe was even there. It is a very romantic, exclusive Villa Resort for very reasonable prices. From Rp 650,000. 160edit Kamandhani Cottage. J L. Premasanti 17, Pengosekan, Ubud, Bali 80571 ( about 20 min walk to Monkey Forest ), 62(0361)7814777 (infokamandhanicottageubud ), 97. city center is only 3 km away, has 12 guest rooms, outdoor pool, spa, massage, pool (kids), horse riding. From Rp 550,000. 160edit Anom Cottages. Jl Raya Sanggingan ( about 25 min walk south of the Monkey Forest Road-Jl Raya Ubud crossroads ), 62 361 8528521 (infoanomcottagesubud ), 98. Small bungalows with lovely views over the adjacent valley. 3min from the town centre. Recently re-furbished. From Rp 450,000. 160edit Dewa Bungalows. Jln Hanuman 48, Padangtegal. 62 361 970475. 99. Family compound close to the center of town which currently has 8 rooms but planning to double that soon. Family-run and gracious, it has nice little slate pool perfect for a dip in the heat of the day. Rp 400,000-550,000. 160edit Dewa Bharata Bungalows. Jln Panestanan ( Few metres from Blanco Museum ), 62 361 977086 (infodewabharataubud ), 100. Balinese styled accommodation, double bed, twin bed, public pool, direct IDD phone, TV, free Wi-Fi, airport transport, motorbike rental, breakfast, restaurant. Rp 270,000-450,000. ( -8.506103. 115.251873 ) 160edit De Munut Cottages ( Munut Bungalows ), Jln Panestanan ( adjacent of famous Blanco Museum ), 62 361 975039 (infodemunutresort ), 101. The Munut Cottages is a traditional Balinese Architecture with a spa, two swimming pools, internet services, free Wi-Fi, deluxe and super deluxe rooms. Fit for couples or families. ( -8.506011. 115.253359 ) 160edit Evita Villa. Lod Sema St, Lod Tunduh. 62 361 294 946 (infoevitavilla. fax. 62 361 294 823 ), 102. Queen beds, cable TV. telephone, safe, AC and private swimming pool. Living room, dining room, cycling tour with local guide and airport transfer. US130. 160edit Ganesha Ubud Inn. J L. Hanoman No.43 ( about 5 minutes walking distance to Monkey Forest Ubud, 15 Minutes to Ubud Center ), 62 361 970545 (infoganeshaubudinn ), 103. Wooden house, rice field view, garden view room, affordable double, tripple and room for family. From Rp 350,000. 160edit Mamas House Villa. Jl Jineng, Lodtunduh. (infomamashousebali ), 104. Spacious 2br, with 2 en suite baths, western kitchen, open floor plan with lush views in village setting. Local driverguide and airport transfer available. From US79. 160edit Murnis Houses. Jl Raya, Ubud. 62 361 975165 (murnimurnis. fax. 62 361 975282 ), 105. These six guest houses and spa are built in a traditional Balinese compound and you will enjoy peaceful seclusion thats just a three-minute walk to Ubuds main street. A New York Times travel writer called them one of the worlds ten best small hotels. 160edit Bali T House Village. Lodtunduh. 62 812 3932000. 106. 1, 2 and 3 bedroom private villas in a traditional rice farming and carving village 5 min from central Ubud. Daily maid and breakfast service included. Shared pool with rice-field views. This is an environmentally friendly and ecologically sustainable compound and part of a Balinese village. Rp 500,000-600,000, including breakfast. 160edit Jiwa Damai Bali Retreat. Jl Melati 3, Mambal ( about 15 minutes with car from central Ubud ), 62 361 8988384 (infojiwadamai. net ), 107. Organic (permaculture) garden and retreat centre in small village close to Ubud. 6 modern minimalist styled rooms with king size, queen size or two twin bed and three garden lumbungs. Spacious open air lounge and dining area, fresh water pool, organic fruit and vegetables used to prepare meals. Yoga and meditation classes for guests. Facilities available for seminars and retreats. From US60. 160edit Kertiyasa Bungalow. Jalan Nyuh Bojog, Nyuh Kuning Village Ubud ( about 10 minutes walking distance to Monkey Forest ), 62 361 971377 (infokertiyasabungalow. fax. 62 361 974377 ), 108. Offers standard room, standard room with jacuzy, deluxe room and room for family. ( -8.523549. 115.256977 ) 160edit Oka Kartini. Jl Raya Ubud 35 ( just across the bridge in Peliatan, east of Ubud town centre ), 62 361 975759. 109. Quirky old Balinese house complex on the edge of town. The rooms here are a bit long in the tooth, but decorated with more carvings and gold paint than the average temple. Friendly staff supervised by the owner Oka Kartini. Large art gallery, a small but pleasant garden pool. Shadow puppet shows 3 days a week (extra charge). Rp 340,000-511,000, including breakfast. 160edit Puri Asri Villa amp Spa. Jl Nyuh Bulan, Nyuh Kuning. 62 361 972550. 110. In a very quiet spot south of town. Offer a couple of scheduled shuttle rides to Jl Monkey Forest and back each day. Walking distance from town via the Monkey Forest. Villas have spacious rooms, AC, bath and shower (including outdoor showers), patio. Breakfast delivered to room if you choose. Take cash as their credit card facilities dont always work. Rp 500,000 including breakfast. 160edit Puri Padi. Jl Hanoman, Padang Tegal ( 5 min walk southeast of the Monkey Forest ), 62 361 8528521 (infopuripadiubud ), 111. A Balinese style hotel in green gardens surrounded by rice fields. From Rp 450,000. 160edit Puri Saraswati Bungalows. Main Road Ubud 80571 Bali. 62 361 8070181. 112. Puri Saraswati is located in the center of Ubud Village, 2 min walk from the Ubud Market, the Ubud Royal Palace and Puri Lukisan Art Museum. Rooms are set back from the road and quiet and theres a pool and WiFi. Airport transfers are available. 70 USD including tax and breakfast. 160edit Sri Bungalows. Jl Monkey Forest. 62 361 8528521. 113. Centrally located with 16 bungalow-style rooms in lush gardens. 50 m from the busy road, but very quiet except for the singing of birds. Simple but pleasant rooms with bamboo furniture, western toilets and hot water. Large pool with rice paddies beyond. Internet cafe on the premises. From US57. 160edit Sri Ratih Cottages. Jl Penestanan, Campuhan. 62 361 8528521. 114. 30 rooms, just west of the town centre. Large peaceful garden, good-sized pool, free wifi for guests, 24 hr room service. Long staying guests may find good value here. From US30. 160edit Suastika Bed and Breakfast. Jl Suweta 52. 62 81 7473 7141 62 361 974 825 (madekuwikyahoo yanikkuwikyahoo ). Suastika is a Hindu symbol of peace. The rooms overlook family temples and beautiful jungle gardens, they all include a kitchen, large bathtub, shower and large huge bed. Breakfast is included with Bali coffee, pancakes, fruit all served on your private porch. Rp 250,000-400,000, breakfast and tax included, price negotiable if you stay for one week. 160edit Taman Indrakila. Jl Raya Sanggingan. 62 361 975017. Boutique hotel high above the Campuhan River Valley in Sangginan. All rooms have a private terrace. From about Rp 500,000. 160edit Ubud Terrace Bungalows. Jl Monkey Forest ( about 10 minutes walk south of the Monkey Forest Road-Jl Raya Ubud crossroads ), 62 813 37536464 (infoubudterracebungalows ), 115. Refurbished in 2008. Breakfast included, swimming pool, friendly staff. Tour and shuttle buses booking service. From US30.00. 160edit Uma Sari Cottages. Jl Bisma, Ubud ( located at the edge of rice fields, a 5 mins walk to Ubud town centre ), 62 811 3808011 (infoumasaricottages ), 116. Balinese style thatch, wood and bamboo cottages surrounded by rice fields. From Rp 450,000. 160edit Hibiscus Cottages. Off Jl Bisma, Ubud ( From Cafe Des Artistes, walk slightly further down the road and look for a huge signage on the right - follow the narrow pathway into the edge of rice fields ), 62 361 970475 (hibiscuscottageshotmail ). Family-run, includes breakfast served on your patio. 7 Balinese style concrete cottages surrounded by rice fields. 2 AC rooms are more expensive but newly built in late 2010. Views from the 2nd storey cottages. Booking by phone is recommended. From Rp 250,000 and up. 160edit Villa Indah. Jl Suweta, Br Sakti ( 2 km north from the tourist information centre ), 62 813 37255277 (ksuyasa71yahoo ). Breakfast included. Friendly Balinese family. 2 rooms and one suite, all have terrace and bathroom with hot water and tub. Stone villa in the middle of the rice fields. Self service kitchen. Motorbike for rent. From US35. 160edit Inata Monkey Forest. J L. Monkey Forest, Ubud. 62 361 978267 (infoinatahotelubud ), 117. located in monkey forest road (in the central of Ubud) From US70. 160edit Splurge edit Plataran Ubud Hotel and Spa. J L. Hanoman, Pengosekan, Ubud, Bali, 80361, Indonesia. 62-361-978340. 118. Plataran Hotels and Resorts newest crown jewel, Plataran Ubud Hotel and Spa offers a delightful Balinese experience in the valley of Pengosekan in Central Ubud, Bali, Indonesia. It offers Superior room, Deluxe room, Garden view, Plunge pool suite, Junior suite and executive suite all equipped with LCD TV with satellite channels, Free Wi-Fi Internet connection, Mini-bar, Safety deposit box. Some of its facilities and services are Patio Restaurant and Lounge, Padma Spa, Two large outdoor swimming pools, Fitness gym. In addition to the 5 temples located close to the hotel, here are nearby key places of interest that you can visit: Don Antonio Blanco Renaissance Museum 10-minute walk, Elephant Cave 4-minute drive, Ubud Market 5-minute drive, Shopping center 15-minute drive. 160edit The quite remarkable Four Seasons Hotel in the Ayung Valley, near Ubud Taman Rahasia ( Secret Garden ), Penestanan. 62 361 979395 (infobalisecretgarden ), 119. checkin: 14:00 checkout: 12:00. 8 room boutique hotel with a lush tropical garden in quiet part of Penestanan. Spa, restaurant and good-sized pool. Free Wi-Fi amp shuttle bus service to Ubud town centre. Does not accept families with children under 7yr. From US95. 160edit Eco-friendly retreat ( Eco-friendly retreat ), 120. checkin: 14:00 checkout: 12:00. Eco-friendly retreat set within an organic garden and encompassed by productive rice terraces. Perfect for honeymooners or couples who want a romantic holiday. From USD145 for 2. 160edit Villa Mana Ubud. Penestanan Klod. Ubudmana is freshly new, a modern style using traditional Javanese wooden houses and big windows. Think wooden elements, polished cement and minimalist tropical design. Super sexy bathrooms with nice big tubs and natural stone walls. Tastefully decorated through out. Backdrop is the jungle, and everywhere is lush colorful gardens. Great salt water pool and yoga studio. Friendly happy staff. A beautiful Oasis. 7 mins from ubud center. Prices around 130 us ubudmana 160edit Resorts edit Some of the most luxurious resorts anywhere in Asia are in Ubud, so expect superb standards, with prices to match. Ashoka Tree Resort at Tanggayuda, Ubud. Banjar Tanggayuda, Kedewatan, Ubud. 62 361 971999 (reservationashokatreeresort. fax. 62 361 970999 ), 121. checkin: 2PM checkout: 12PM. Boutique Resort offering breathtaking beautiful green hills and valley view that can seen directly from the villa, hotel, restaurant and public pool. Wos river running beneath the property and the rapid river sound can be heard from the restaurant and garden area. Ashoka Tree Resort at Tanggayuda can be reached within a short minutes drives from Ubud centre as a center of culinary, arts, craft and culture of Bali. From US180. 160edit Suarti Boutique Village ( Suarti Resorts ), Jl. Raya Nyuh Kuning, Pengosekan, Ubud 80571. 62 361 735288 (infosuartiresorts ), 122. New resorts and private villas in Ubud, Bali. The resorts consist of 4 resorts type such as Deluxe Suite, One Bedroom Pool Villa, Two Bedroom Pool Villa and Joglo House Style. ( -8.527719. 115.260735 ) 160edit Amandari. Jl Raya Kedewatan, Sayan. 62 361 975333 (amandariamanresorts ), 123. checkin: 2PM checkout: noon. This was the first Aman hotel in Bali built 20 yr ago. It is getting a little bit tired but is still most impressive. Good views, tennis court, spa, restaurant. A luxury resort with no TVs. From US750. 160edit Amori Villa. Banjar Dukuh, Pejeng Kawan. 62 361 8987799. 124. checkin: 1PM checkout: 12 noon. A boutique retreat 3 km from Ubud overlooking Petanu River Valley. Opened in June 2009. Butler service, good food and wine. 5 private suitesvillas, all with indooroutdoor bathrooms, satellite TV, king beds, free broadband internet access. Shared facilities include a 14m infinity pool, bale and jacuzzi. From US215. ( 8.516907. 115.280437 ) 160edit Barong Resort and Spa. J L. Monkey Forest. 62 361 971 759. 125. Aair-con rooms equipped with cable TV, mini-bar with lunch table, and coffeetea maker. Outdoor swimming pool, jacuzzi, airport and city transfers, currency exchange. From USD167. 160edit Como Shambhala Estate ( formerly Begawan Giri Estate ), Payangan. 62 361 978 888. 126. This is one of Balis most expensive places to stay, and more a collection of super homes than a mere hotel. 20min north of Ubud, close to the village of Payangan. USD300-4,000. 160edit Four Seasons Resort at Sayan. Jl Raya Kedewatan, Sayan. 62 361 701010. 127. checkin: 2PM checkout: noon. One of Balis truly great hotels, over-looking the Sayan gorge. Suites in the main building, individual villas down by the river. Restaurant and in-house spa facilities. Free shuttle bus to Ubud town centre. From US460. 160edit Komaneka at Bisma. Jl Bisma. 62 361 971933. 128. checkin: 1PM checkout: 11AM. Short distance from the town. Built on a steep hillside with an infinity edge pool and surrounded by terraced rice paddies with a river rushing below. Central hotel block has spacious, tastefully decorated suites, private villas, a wedding chapel and separate spa huts. Komaneka also has two other properties in Ubud, the central and slightly older Monkey Forest and the newer but rather remote Tanggayuda . From US275. 160edit Maya Ubud. Jl Gunung Sari, Peliatan ( about ten minutes east of Ubud town centre ), 62 361 977888. 129. checkin: 2PM checkout: 11AM. 10 hectares of land with fine villas, excellent spa and a good restaurant. Architecturally impressive resort with two free form swimming pools. Free shuttle to centre of Ubud. From about US220. 160edit Munari Resort amp Spa Ubud. Jl Raya Sanggingan, Ubud ( nearby Naughty Nuris Warung and Museum Neka ), 62 361 971949 (reservationmunaribali. fax. 62 361 971879 ), 130. checkin: 14:00 checkout: 12:00. Experience romantic Balinese lifestyle, refresh yourself at Munari Spa with steam and sauna room facility also stunning cuisine at Munari Restaurant. Built in traditional Balinese architecture using recycled wood as the main building material. Free bicycle to use based on request and availability. ( -8.491662. 115.2534745 ) 160edit Natura Villa Resort and Spa. Br Laplapan Ubud ( about 15 minutes east from Ubud Centre ), 62 361 978666 (infonaturaresortbali. fax. 62 361 978222 ), 131. Overlooking Petanu River. ( -8.500818. 115.27654 ) 160edit Naya Ubud. Jalan Kedewatan 2, Sayan, Br Kutuh ( about five min west of Ubud town centre ), (reservationsnayaubud ), 132. checkin: 14:00 checkout: 12:00. Set within Balinese rice fields, three traditional structures (a Lumbumg, Gladak, and Joglo) house the 5 bedrooms in this boutique luxury resort, surrounded by tropical gardens and an infinity pool. From about USD120. 160edit Pertiwi Resort and Spa. Monkey Forest St. 62 361 975236. 133. Combining traditional Balinese design with modern touches. Alang-alang (thatched) roof, bamboo ceiling, long glass windows. AC, cableTV, mini-bar, coffeetea maker. Swimming pools, free Wi-Fi and a Spa. From US85. 160edit Sapulidi Resort ( Sapulidi Resort amp Spa ), Jl. Raya Pengosekan, Br. Pengosekan Kelod-Mas, Ubud, Gianyar Bali. 134. Sapulidi just opened in May 2013, it has a private lake, lots of Villas with private pools overlooking lake and rice patties, huge bathrooms, it is a place that is for the rich and famous, and one of the most romantic places I have ever seen. There are only 18 Villas, 10 have private pools. Food is Gourmet, staff very professional and friendly. A 10-minute walk from Monkey Forest, Sapu Lidi Resort Spa and Gallery boasts an outdoor infinity pool with a sun deck overlooking the rice fields. Guests enjoy free scheduled shuttle service within Ubud area. The central Ubad can be reached in only a 10 minute walk or a 5 minute drive. Internet is Free, Parking, Breakfast, and more free. I like that they do not nickel and dime people, once you are there, you can relax. From US65. 160edit Ubud Hanging Gardens. Desa Buahan. 62 361 982700. 135. checkin: 2PM checkout: 11AM. On steep terraces overlooking the Ayung river and an ancient temple. 38 luxury villas, each with a heated private swimming pool. Villas with panoramic views of the valley, or riverside villas in the privacy of the gorge. Spa and innovative restaurant. gt From US400. 160edit The Viceroy Bali. Jl Lanyahan, Banjar Nagi, Laplapan ( In the Lembah valley between Ubud and Tampaksiring ), 62 361 971777 (enquirestheviceroybali ), 136. checkin: 1PM checkout: 11AM. Boutique hotel with four different grades of villa. Pristine valley setting, views from all the villas. In-house spa, good restaurant, shuttle buses into Ubud. A member of Small Leading Hotels of the World . From US450. 160edit Wapa di Ume Resort amp Spa. Jl Sueta, Br. Bentuyung. 62 361 973178 (reservationwakadiumeubud ), 137. checkin: 14:00 checkout: 12:00. Rural rice field setting 5 min north of Ubud town centre. Well maintained established resort. Good spa services and restaurant, and regular free shuttle buses into Ubud. From US225. 160edit Kanamya Resort and Spa. Penestanan, Ubud. 62 361 975719 (infowakanamya ), 138. checkin: 2PM checkout: 11AM. Resort in the painters village of Penestanan, built in traditional Balinese style. From US150. 160edit Villa Sabandari. Jl Pura Gunung Sari 4, Peliatan. 62 361 976586 (infosabandari ), 139. checkin: 2PM checkout: noon. 6 room boutique hotel in the rice fields. Walking distance from the centre of Ubud. US200-250. 160edit The Purist Villas amp SPA. J L. Tirta Tawar, Banjar Kutuh Kaja, Ubud. 62 361 974454 (infothepuristvillas ), 140. checkin: 2PM checkout: noon. The Purist Villas and Spa is a contemporary Bali Luxury villas resort, where each villa of two and three rooms has an indoor and outdoor bathroom with a free standing stone bath and separate shower, Some of them have wooden sundecks hanging over the Ubud lush tropical gardens of bamboo palm trees and other special plants. These decks have an outdoor dining area and comfortable sun loungers from where one can enjoy this little paradise. US300-550. 160edit Private villas edit The following are private, villas which only take a single group of customers at a time. Private Villas in Ubud. Gatot Subroto Street 103, Denpasar. Bali, Indonesia ( Gatot Subroto Street 103 ), 62 81 999 179 740 (salesbalivillacenter ), 141. checkin: 2PM checkout: 1200. Luxury, private pool villas for rent in Ubud, Bali. from 130 per night. 160edit Villa Ubud Listing. 35b Jalan Pagoda, Bali, Indonesia ( Jl. Pagoda 3rd Floor ), 62 81 239 957 142 (contactvilla-bali ), 142. checkin: 2PM checkout: 1200. A wide variety of choice for Villas in Ubud - from mid range to luxury. from USD125 per night. 160edit Harmony Villa. Lodtunduh ( 2 km S. of Ubud on the Pengosekan road. Turn right at Tanah Tho gallery. At end turn right at the corner Warung then 1st left. At the end on the rice fields ), 62(0)81558 571 544. 143. checkin: flexible checkout: flexible. 5 private villas (4 with full kitchens)located on a rise overlooking the rice fields with panoramic uninterrupted views. Infinity pool, yoga deck. Gorgeous, quiet and relaxing escape from Ubud yet only 10 minutes away. Choice of 1 bedroom or 2 bedroom villas. Long stays possible. From US85-145 including breakfast. 160edit Agung Khalia Villa. Banjar Sala, Pejeng. 62 812 3983940. 144. Private villas from studio to three bedroom and six bedroom. Panoramic rice field and Mount Agung views. Each villa has its own private pool, staff and full service. Only 10 min east from central Ubud in the same valley as the Maya Ubud resort, and close to Goa Gajah. From US185. 160edit De Ubud Villas amp Spa. Jl Monkey Forest No.8. 62 361 981492. 145. checkin: 2PM checkout: noon. 3 private pool villas located in central Ubud. Choice of 1 bedroom, 2 bedroom and 3 bedroom villas. From US260. 160edit Kajane Mua Private Villa and Mansion. Jl Monkey Forest, 80571. 62 361 972877. 146. Private villas, each with its own private pool. Breakfast and afternoon tea is included in room price and can be brought to the villa each morning or taken at the Kajane Resto. Kajane Resto provides a large selection for each meal and drinks, and room service is available until 11PM at no extra charge. A driver and clean van are provided for free transport around the Ubud area and at low cost to other areas of interest in Bali. For an extra charge, a spa is available on the premises, with panoramic views of private Kajane rice fields. Friendly staff, 15 min walk to Sacred Monkey Forest or Ubud Market and Water Palace. From US190. 160edit Kayumanis Ubud Private Villa amp Spa. Sayan Village. 62 361 972 777 (experiencekayumanis ), 147. 23 contemporary villas with private pool, fully-equipped gourmet kitchen and 24-hours butler service. 160edit Onje Villa Ubud Bali. Banjar Umahanyar Pejeng. 62-361-8987966 (infoonjevilla. fax. 62-361-8987969 ), 148. Provide One Bedroom, Two Bedroom Villa Family, Villa With Private Pool best for honeymoon 160edit Villa di Abing. Jl Jembawan. 62 813 38083508. 149. 3 storey, 3 bedroom, fully staffed villa, in central Ubud. Riverside pool, natural green views and within easy walking distance of Ubud town centre. From US175. 160edit Villa Lotus. 150. checkin: 3:00pm checkout: 12:00pm. Right in the middle of a sea of rice fields, with Mount Agung, the most revered peak in Bali, looming to the northeast and the Central Mountains to the west. Relax and enjoy the magical atmosphere that Ubud has to offer. Breakfast is included. US120. 160edit Villas in Ubub. Jln. Gn. Lempuyang I no:03, Monang-Maning, Denpasar, Bali. 62 81 933 001 007. 151. checkin: 2pm checkout: 12am. Large choice of villas for rent in Ubud and Bali. from 120 per night. 160edit Villa Shinta Dewi Ubud. Jln. Sri Wedari, Ubud. 62 361 900 0544 (reservationbalivillashintadewi ), 152. checkin: 14.00pm checkout: 11.00am. 4 bedrooms private villa with large private pool, just few minutes from the Ubud Royal Palace from USD430 per night. ( -8.485268. 115.266229 ) 160edit Villa Jendela di Bali. Ubud, Petak Kaja ( 25 minutes northeast of Ubud ), 620361 953 663. 153. checkin: 10am checkout: 2pm. Jendela di Bali is a unique private villa comprising a village of unique living spaces. Each handcrafted bale represents a Balinese or Indonesian Archipelago style with a lounge and dining bale, meditation and media bale, poolside lounge bale beside a stunning wet-edge infinity pool and two bedroom bales, The White Elephant and The Kingfisher. From US190 including breakfast. ( -8.4603. 115.3147 ) 160edit Stay safe edit Ubud is a safe town unless you happen to fall into a gutter. Ubud gutters usually go under sidewalks and covered with concrete plates which are randomly destroyed, so its quite easy to fall into gutter and get severely wounded. If you are unlucky with people, the police station is on Jl Raya Andong, just east of the town centre. Follow Jl Raya Ubud east to the end, turn north and the police station is on your right hand side. 62 361 975316. Stay healthy edit Ubud does not have a fully fledged hospital and the nearest is about 20 km to the south in Denpasar. There are a number of reasonable clinics though which are used to treating typical traveller ailments. Contact edit Internet edit Most dedicated internet cafes provide computers with fairly low speed access at a low price, Rp 6,000 per hour being the current standard. There is only one truly high speed location, Highway on Ubud Main Road, but be prepared to pay a lot more than in other places. In cafes and restaurants free wifi for customers is increasingly widespread. If you have your own laptop and dont need high speeds thats probably the best way to go, but beware of the hours internet is available can be fewer than the hours a restaurant is open. KAFE for example has excellent and uncommonly fast internet in a great environment but internet is only available from opening until noon and from 3-6PM. Highway. Jl Raya Ubud. 62 361 972107. Mostly open 24 hrs daily. Rp 30,000 per hour. 160edit Post edit There is a refreshingly old-fashioned main post office at the Jl Raya Ubud end of Jl Jembawan. If you are staying in Ubud for any length of time, you can use this as a poste-restante office. Make sure you have your passport with you when you want to collect any mail or parcels. Kantor Pos ( Post Office ), Jl Jembawan, Ubud 80571, Bali, Indonesia. M-Sa 8AM-4PM. 160edit Telephone edit The area code for Ubud is 0361. 62 361 XXXXXX for international callers. All of the major Indonesian mobile telephone networks have full coverage of the Ubud area. If you need to make an international landline call, there are many public phone shops ( wartels ) in the town. As with the rest of Bali, the few public telephones that exist are extremely unlikely to be in working order. Get out edit In Ubud, its easy to find alternate busminivan services to other destinations around Bali, you will not miss numerous travel agencies advertising these services (for example, on Jl Raya Ubud). Fares are similar or slightly higher than Perama (.g: Rp 50,000-60,000 to Kuta), the higher price may or may not be due to the nicer busminivan - enquire (and better check yourself if you have time) locally. Ubud is well located for moving on to other areas of Bali: If you are heading east, the road to Candidasa and beyond via Klungkung is often busy with trucks, but a nice one hour drive nonetheless. Bedugul has a traditional fruit market, a splendid botanical garden, and the Ulun Danu Bratan temple, about one hour north by car. The region around Tabanan has Mount Batukaru and the Batukaru Temple The rice fields around Jatiluwih. about one hour north by car. The waterfalls around Munduk. about one and a half hour north by car. Lovina is an easy-going black-sand beach, about two hours north by car.

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